Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 2)

Nah this is good. Stave is still epic.

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I think TWW will mainly focus on the Alleria/Xal’atath rivalry.

I doubt they’ll make the Void elves evil, at least in any coordinated fashion. We might see some defectors like the one in the Dark Heart patch, but I imagine that will be the extent of it.

I feel like the new starry void spell effects were designed to give them a less evil appearance and a more cosmicish magical theme.


Interesting word choice. I was describing void elves to a friend at work (trying to convince him to play lol) and cosmic elves is what he decided they sound like :thinking:

Sure but it still seems odd to place a bunch of the SC and Sunreavers without also including void elves at least tertiarily given the enemy we’re facing.

They’re pretty close to that I think


That cosmis aspect is why my most wanted things for void elves are the starcursed hair and skin, and a racial that lets them use the new starry, void-y casting aura for on the hands as well as the spell animations and sound effect that go with them (those spells from plunderstorm and now remix look and sound so good!!). Short of that, I wouldnt mind a new class that uses them. At worst, perhaps a fourth mage or warlock spec? Shadow priest is of course an option, but they still use a lot of older shadow and some slightly newer void spell effects, but they don’t quite scratch the same itch :man_shrugging:

Having said that, given that we have very little options to customize our classes visuals in terms of our spells and abilities I don’t really expect much of any player usage of the new void visuals, but a man can dream :star_and_crescent: :comet:

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New Trailer.

Going to take this opportunity to say that either Alliera’s or Xalitath’s eyes would be nice to have since Void Elves are still lacking Void Eyes.


All of this would be wonderful.

I’d love more cosmic effects to be available for player use. Really wish they’d get on making class skins a thing.

Starcursed hair and all sorts of effects they could do to our tattoos
 so many things we could use.

We have several unique eyes that only Void Elves can have that are allegedly void eyes. All of our no sclera eyes are unique to us.


knife-fu just seems to actually get us

Then again though I do prefer villains that are more intellectual and display functional levels of emotional awareness.

On a more on topic level
 we need better, and more varied, eyes for elves in general.

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I don’t really consider those Void Eyes perse. Void Altered maybe, but they don’t scream “Void Empowered” when I see them compared to Fel or Light Eyes from Blood Elves.

It only makes sense they would have an actual Void colored or Starcursed option of some type.

I don’t see Class Skins happening with the way Hero Talents are being done sadly.

She only pretends before stabbing you in the back
 because she’s a knife.

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Or both. Both would be fine too :eyes:


Friendly reminder that these eyes exist in-game and already applied to a blood elf model. (One of Sabellian’s black dragons). These are edits of the color (I think the default is the purple?) to help with more void/void elf themed.

They may be intended as dragon eyes, but they 1000% look like void eyes.

These literally exist in game and would take very little effort to recolor them to a few shades for Void Elves.


So many races have lackluster character customization. If twere up to me, I would have a small team whose sole job was customization. Every patch, regardless of how minor would include customization updates. They would work on easier things like new color options for hair, eyes, etc and also slightly more intensive items like jewelry, new faces, beards. The things that are more than just recolors. Their initial goal would be to bring the most lacking races up to par with the most robust, standardizing the options that should be somewhat universal, and then, or maybe simultaneously, work on items that require more intensive modelling and coding work. Things like, you pick a face and then can add scars, wrinkles and age lines, tattoos, makeup. Everybody should have options like those. That standardization would greatly expand every races options while also allowing them to start focusing on the little extra embellishments that really help to set each race apart. That’s my 2 cents on the matter at least.


No intention of trashing the new races, but this is a problem that will only get worse the more races that come into game, as well as the problem of screen time when it comes to telling stories and showing representation.

I agree with you but they essentially have learned to monetize huge customization updates (ie, not just giving new hair colors), they’re strategic with their releases to keep players coming back, it’s why heritage armors haven taken so long and only been introduced 2 at a time.

Speaking of eyes

I didn’t want to make a whole topic on this subject, so I thought posting here might be more fitting.

Has anyone else had the impression that those aren’t Xal’atath’s actual eyes? I mean, that’s a possessed High Elf, Inanis. Xal’s an eldritch entity.

The impression that I got is that those void spheres are her actual eyes, like windows from which something that has no body can peer into the world by puppeteering a corpse, which serves as an anchor.

Similar to how some moths have the face of a predator imprinted on its wings. Except with Xal it’s the other way around.


Fun fact.

Pretty much every eye can be used on every other race. And the Dragon Mount Eyes where made like player model ones so they can be loaded on NPCs/players.

Too dragon coded in my mind.

They could just port over Alleria’s or Xal’s eyes for that matter.


once she’s had enough dialogue, it will likely be reVealed that shes a n’zoth vessel, thusly why he lets her port out after she is freed from knife-fu

Yea, people have been theorizing for quite some time.

She might be what’s left of a deceased old god or something else entirely.

I suspect she’s a Void Naaru

Her comment on [light] Naaru being “their wayward siblings”.

Her emphasis on power transfer/absorption.

Her association with Void Lords rather than Old Gods.

Her name, when you remove the weapon suffix of -tath like on other Old God themed weapons, is eerily sinilar to other Naaru naming conventions.
