Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 2)

Maybe, but my point is that, VE were created with the intention to look distinct from BE’s despite sharing a model, most likely because BfA made them want to draw more defined lines; yet just an expansion later, VE already had regular skins.

IDK, I just think if they had focused on the ideological difference between BE and HE, introducing the Void for the later through Alleria to add another layer of separation, the story would have evolved much more organically and just not come from the left field.

Exactly, at the end of the day, their origin isn’t what’s most relevant about them, but a better thought of one would have made their introduction much more stronger; they could have still added the element of BE’s that left QT due to political/ideological differences as a side element rather than their focus.

HE that followed Alleria’s path, and adding some BE deserters would have been a far better origin for the VE, one that actually made use of the elves history with the alliance, and I think nothing (even the VE being well developed going forward) will make me change my mind about that.

It really boils down to the idea that, while “Void Elves” are very appealing conceptually and aesthetically, their implementation in terms of context was maybe the worst possible choice lmao.

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It looks like the Void Elf Part 1 was capped. Where did the Times go after that?

I should hope people will still use this one…

I put a lot of effort into this to see it abandoned now. Lol


We’ll just have to make sure that doesn’t happen!

Also I’m sure as more things are datamined people will post here hoping for different thing.

I’m tempted to make a velf warrior but I like fury and we didn’t get a two handed weapon. I could just use the void weapon illusion to make whatever weapon look voidy, or wait until TWW comes out. But I also don’t have any character slots left so I’d have to delete a character.

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Pretend it’s an axe :3

We got 5 more when Pandamonium launched.


Yeah… I already made 5 remix characters… Yes I have a problem, no I can’t stop at any time haha

But I could use that staff, I’ll have to think about it and mess around.

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I feel it’s going to be more like Valdrakken where there will probably sections within each Elf Capital that house the different elves so you end up seeing a nice mix all around.

I agree, but that’s sort of Blizzard’s M.O. when it comes to what they add into WoW, has to be visually distinct first whenever it comes to anything related to appearances and you’re right that they were trying to bring up the BfA angle, but regardless of how they were conceived I think we’re seeing a good direction for their development.

I believe since some of the newer NPC’s in Telogrus reference “blood elves should’ve never joined the Horde” is that sort of ideological difference. Imo I like it better that they’re showing nuance of individuals within each racial group - not every blood elf thinks the same way for example.

The story still has a way to evolve organically, but the WoW dev team hasn’t been that great at that - I’m hoping with what I’ve seen in Dragonflight that going forward with their new content drop cadence and “Saga” they are able to better develop stories going forward.

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Dang I missed some cool stuff from the Trading posts.

Btw anyone know what class those Riftwalkers are? I thought Mages but then I saw that Alleria’s NPC when shown to others is a Riftwalker so that would make em Hunters?

Or maybe Riftwalker just happens to be an organization and not a specific case of class?

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From my understanding, Riftwalkers are a group of valves who investigate and keep track of void activity, so I’m sure some hunters would be in there and mages, probably warlocks, really any velf who is interested in keeping track of void activities on Azeroth.


That makes sense, thank you for that!


Does anyone know if the void elves are seen at all in tww
Keep seeing pics of high elves but nothing of us

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Currently there are no void elf NPCs in the alliance hub.

It seems that there is only Alleria.

If we get sidelined i swear to god… XD


I’ll be so pissed if we do… They just started to give us some existence, they’d better not drop us immediately…


Huh, I’ve gotten so excited in the helf stuff I didn’t realize velves aren’t in TWW that we’ve seen. I’m guessing we’ll be in it in some way, just not seen yet. Still hoping for some Xala’tath customizations! I can dream!


I’m just hoping they don’t try to reveal the Void Elves have some kind of infiltrator faction within the alliance like they tried with the Forsaken… some sad attempt to rebalance the crime that was villain batting the Horde and ruining my found family.


I’m expecting instead of a split faction they’re gonna have a bunch of them turn to the void to play up the “Void Elves are really dangerous and playing with fire” angle.

I’m not happy, but not surprised given the set up 10.2.7 gave us regarding Alleria and the Void Elves. So far, it’s a solo mission for her, but I’m confident the VE will be playing a role by Midnight, and hopefully sooner (in one of the TWW patches)


Maybe Void Elf NPCs haven’t been put in Alpha yet because they are getting cool new customization options… right? Hahaha…right?

Seriously tho where are the VOID elves in the VOID vs Light Worldsoul Saga… I know they have a bunch of Alliance High Elves in WW but we need Velves too!


She realises she’s been trying to do too much on her own and finally realises she needs to go and get her people for help.

And goes to Allerian Stronghold >_>

Here’s hoping.