Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 2)

awesome ty!


If the two of your don’t mind, I’d be appreciative!

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Awesome post. You have a lot of time on your hands lol

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If I stick to MOP remix, I’m going to have my first max level void elf since Legion, so I have a personal stake in matters for a change.

And I want more options for my wee little death knight. I would kick an unsuspecting kitten (not hard) for the skin tones with the void enroaching tint for her, for example. And she’s frost, so she’s already just a mess of glows in combat. Some sparkles would be great to add in there.


Blizzy missed the mark with void elves, there’s so many things they could’ve done. id play one if they looked less like a belf

New threads where unexpected.

Now even more of my links are outdated.

Anyway, with Void Elves taking the spotlight in TWW and potentially midnight, now is the perfect time to give them more customizations if only to make the NPCs look more interesting.

Copied from the Grand List of Customization Suggestions

Requested Void Elves Customizations

Void Elves are currently in a unique spot with recent High Elf/Dark Ranger themed additions, but they did not receive anything new related to the Void theme yet.

The best path going forward would be to add more Void Themed options, as well as adding things to differentiate them more from Blood Elves.

Void Elf Suggestions


  • Tattoos/Markings like Alleria. (Both her Void and Non Void forms.)
  • Darker Void Infused Skin/Eye Colors.
  • Entropic Embrace customizations.
  • Scars/Void Marks.


  • Add Tentacles for all haircuts that don’t have the option to toggle them on.
  • More Void Inspired hair colors/effects.
  • The ability to change Tentacle Colors.
  • More hair styles, preferably some that are more managed/styled and less messy looking, and made with the Tentacle Toggle in mind.

Artwork and pictures

Alleria’s Tattoos


Alleria Tattoo Concept for Void Elves by Keyboardturn

Hair Styles (by Lu0ren)

Note, I plan to change it up for TWW but I am busy for the immediate foreseeable future.


Thank you!

Have a lot less time these days but I try to keep up.


I love all the new and old characters added there! They flesh out the void elves really well!


I also love the stories of these void elf NPCs.


It’s good to see all these images again! It rekindles my desire for all these options.


I’m so happy with how much they’ve expanded on Void Elves here, it’s a small start but as one of the devs who worked on Aeonara Dawnshade said; they need room for growth.

It is going to be exciting to look forward what Void Elves will grow out to be and I also like that Sochron explains there is no binary identification between the elven NPC’s as to whether they’re a “Void Elf” or “Blood Elf” and the Ren’dorei as a whole are a faction of misfits.



Moar tentacles.


I hadnt seen that tweet before.
Im unsure how i feel about it to be honest.
Feels like they might be moving the void elves away from the void and just being a faction of elves.

But time will tell.
Im pretty sure whatever theyre doing in midnight is going to be the final say on the thalassian elves and their identity.
So just a couple more years and we will know.


I’m so bored with Elves… :neutral_face:

I just took it to mean Thalassics that deal with the void, which has multiple ways.

For non-Horde non-Void there’s the Silver Covenant still, which I don’t think is being dismantled/absorbed… until Midnight, which will probably just make that distinction even more defined.

I think that guy is just speaking from his own perspective, and really shouldn’t be used as any solid evidence. He even states as much in his tweet, and then even goes on to state that he isn’t sure if Void elves have even drawn the lines in their own identity yet, which can easily be argued as untrue.


In some ways it feels like just adding High Elves that had no issues with the Void back in Legion would have been the most sensible choice. As much as I like the VE potential, I still think that at their inception they are just a flawed concept, forced to maintain faction exclusivity, which as we are all aware, has been walked back with time.

It feels like they are retrofitting the VE to make more sense as a political/ideological faction, which has always made the more sense, but it will remain just a shoddy execution that VE have struggled so hard to actually have an identity besides the superficial way they were implemented.


I really think the faction exclusivity in going to softly die out, there’s still some hardcore fans that want it but at this point with how your own characters can say transfer items/gold to the opposite faction is pretty much a giveaway that the faction divide is dead, also with how TWW pre quests are shaping up they’re already having NPCs saying the Horde and Alliance will have to get through this together.

Remember Midnight is about “uniting the elves” so the fact we’re seeing seeds of that now with the amount of variation of elves in Telogrus is hinting toward that conclusion as well.

I will always be critical about their implementation.

Followers of Alleria learning from her just made a LOT more sense and what everyone thought they where until the Blood Elf defectors story was datamined and started the High Elf debate.

And it’s not like we are ever going to see the details of their past in Silvermoon, since they where made to fill a niche instead of a niche that expanded into a Playable Race.

It was the most logical step since they are basically just Scholars of a magic school. Doesn’t even make entirely a lot of sense that they are just elves, no reason some Gnomes wouldn’t want in on the knowledge.

And with High Elves and Blood Elves popping up in the starting area right away it was kinda already established they would expand to other groups.

And the bafilling choice to make them “An elite crack squad” necessitated that.

I just wish they did that in BFA or seeded it in Legion when they needed it most.

Neutral Silvermoon is looking to be more and more likely. With all the Elf Capitals next to each other the writing is on the wall.

As much as I dislike the concept I have to accept it. And I hope they don’t water down all the Elf groups to the point they don’t feel separate.

They are definitely going to have no no factions post The Last Titan. So a Realm Reborn style world revamp with that in mind is likely given the timing.