Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

NB, HMT, LFD All had signifigant less than VE, KT Also had less, HELL some of the core races had less at one point and there is a very fancy spreadsheet around somewhere showing the maximum list of possibilities.

NB, HMT, LFD and KT all should of come LONG BEFORE VE’s got extra things and yet we got repeated instances of VE’s getting more and more things, The only reason why LFD and NB NOW get something that should of happend ages ago but everyone was still too busy sating the excessively loud demands that was the Velfer/helfer crowd

Is because the velfer/helfer crowd got more stuff at the same time.

There is a thing called waiting your turn and the VE/HE crowd very much doesn’t do that, Given a foot, Taken an AU

I agree that they could use some unique things, and I’m disappointed that they got copy+paste models, copy+paste faces and hair colors, copy+paste skin tones, and mostly copy+paste hairstyles with some questionable changes. Instead of giving VE BE customizations, I would have loved to see void themes for them.

But I do disagree with them being in the worst shape compared to other AR. I do think Mechagnomes are far worse, and potentially even Vulpera or Nightborne, though the new Nightborne customizations are a lot better than what existed before.


Exactly. You said it better than I because I couldn’t even believe it was in question but yeah. Even Kul’Tiran who I mentioned has a theme around them and identity. The equivolent to all of this would be the Void Elf having more customization built around that identity like the other races.


NB, HMT and Lightforged HAD less.

Now they have significantly more, and more unique assets.

I don’t expect people to be any more thrilled with this state of affairs than they were with the Nightborn on release. Or the fact that female tauren still have 4 faces. It’s not great.


Female Tauren are by far one of the most neglected races in the game, and HMT are not far behind. Plus I would like to advocate to texturize female Blood Elf hairstyles since they look like cardboard cutouts on our heads.


This is the FIRST TIME Velves have been worse off and they still aren’t the bottom of the list.

Female Tauren are still shafted, HMT are still shafted, There is a lot of other things that need to be rectified before the velf crowd gets more attention.

So you’re saying it took all of Blizzard’s power so much that it halted everything just to give VE a couple hair colors that were already there and a toggle.

Yeah. I agree most of this stuff should’ve been happening. All of the Allied Races should’ve got many improvements and caught up more to the established races, on that we agree but I can’t imagine how you came to the conclusion that what Void Elf got stopped this. Bruh. We got like 2 things one of them isn’t even new.

So, what I’m getting is Void Elf should just go in the corner with our tentacle toggled off blonde and red hair and live with that and that alone because it was the biggest event in WoW for the last year and a half.


I have to admit, I was pleasantly surprised by how much my HMT did get. There were a lot of fun decorations tucked in.

Not a lot of, if you’ll pardon the pun, beefy options. But a lot of cool additions.


You can go into the corner until every other race has actually gotten something substantial, You were the best of the allied races and had more than some core races, You are still better off compared to some allied races and some core races

Instead you lot keep demanding attention instead of waiting your turn, Nightborne waited ~YEARS~ for anything new.

I think mrchagnomes, worgen, Vulpera, and Tauren are in for another sweep. For sure. HMT can arguably look better than regular Tauren. I don’t want a precedent being set up with Blizzard where AR are getting more unique options than their core counterparts.

Edit: I have to go to bed. Night all!


At least Blizzard is improving.

…it’s taken a lot less time to put some fun details into Nightborn than it did for female worgen.

And that model still has some -ahem- issues.

But my point is that A) every race could use a bit more and B) Void elves are currently the outlier in the Legion Allied races and it’s pretty dramatic.


I will pull off my mechagnome’s leg and beat someone with it to get a few extra eye colors and tattoos for my Dark Irons. And fire color for the hair… soot options… some more braids… better jewelry… and maybe some fused plate decorations…


Female Tauren isn’t as shafted as VE. They’re an original race with extensive lore and identity, the last time I checked one out they actually had some cool new additions. 14 skin colors/20 horn styles/15 hair styles/facepaint/headdress/earrings/necklace/nose ring and body paint. Are you kidding me? Female Tauren are rocking out with three full pages.

And guess what. VE has 13 hair styles. Thirteen! An elf, a high elf has less hair styles than a cow. Shafted! Shafted!? We’re talking about shafted, Shafted! We.talking.about.shafted.

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High elf options came. Not void options.

Wasn’t complaining. Was asking. Requesting.

When ARs came up folk offered up the suggestions they wanted to see.

Which means nothing as to whether the options and categories actually offered anything.

They said they were working on ARs. So people requested.

Appreciate that.

Old God’s they are.

There are no turns and no one is demanding.

I do expect we won’t see anything for void elves until 10.0 at the earliest, and I do hope our parent race gets plenty first.

I’d bet we’ll see DID, KT, Ztrolls and Mag’har get a run next. Then mechagnomes and Vulpera.

Thinking of remaking or resurrecting my Mechagnome customization thread honestly…


… I, for one, would love kitsune… Okay I’ll go sit in my corner now.


Don’t know what you’re talking about, HMT and NB have way more options. I even struggle to reduce the options for the Tauren because it’s overloaded with details. Void Elves look like getting bare bones in comparison.


There are no truly, irredeemably bad things about more customization options, except that we don’t have some yet.

Oh, and the short tails for male draenei.


Haha yeah I’m joking though given there is no WoW lore for kitsune!


I’d want to give them to worgen anyway.

Just for irony.


Why ISN’T there a fox form in druidism, or a fox wild god? I think one would be pretty neat, personally ^^