Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

I am eternally thankful that this thread has not fallen into the same constant arguments that many other void/high elf threads have.

Mostly I think its cause this one focus’ on the void aspects for void elves and has less contention between the groups involved.

It is nice to be able to talk about what we all want to see with the respect for each viewpoint. Even if we don’t always agree.


I mean, I’m glad Void Elves are a bit of a break away from Void = Old gods and are more Void = Cosmic Power/Force.

We got plenty to explore with the Voided Naru/Void Walkers/Starcursed side of things that hasn’t been shown as well.

Plus Alliance has 3 Elemental/Cosmic Force infused races and Void Elves are the only ones that don’t have their Basic Element/Force as an Eye Color and it’s kind of irksome.

Unless you count the “Blank” Blue/Purple eyes?

Again, It’s not that I dislike the old god eyes, it’s that when I think Void Eyes I think Eyes mad of Void first and foremost.

Massive improvement IMO.


I mean, Yogg Saron wasn´t the best Old God merely for Northrend nostalgia… his fight was legendary AND his looks scary AF.

That´s because this thread has legitimately focused in exploring the Velves very own core theme. And the OP is one of the nicests persons in the forums.

Well sure, but that forcibly push them towards blue to purple color scheme and that kinda sucks.

I mean, I´m on the opinion that if colors aren´t a core aspect of the visual identity of the playable races -and after 9.1.5, they certainly aren´t-, then all races deserve some way to have access to the most color combinations possible.

100% this.

I concocted some crazy scheme in the Belf thread regarding the err… phoenix eye idea from Fallyn. When you have the time could you please ask Lance or Somand to check it and maybe -if they feel like it- make some mockup for us in there?


It is my favorite too! I love all the ideas! I don’t interact much (my english isn’t that good xD) but i like the general positivity here ^^ Fenelon really did an amazing job, this thread deserves a blue post!


That’s more to do with Blizzards lack of imagination.

We’ve seen Void do everything from white to red to green in some form or another.

(Hence why I listed those colors in the tattoo suggestion <,<)


I just really think the Starcursed stuff screams “Void Elf” and would like to see more of it.

(Heritage Weapons when Blizzard?)


Speaking of other spiders and driders, I’ve been dying to have a spider mount in WoW, but they’ve made them too exclusive for someone like myself (I’m not grinding two million gold, and I’m not the best PvP player). If Void Elves got another spider mount, I’d vote for a mount sized version of the Rosetipped Spiderling (I won’t link it, don’t want to freak you out).

Love Wrathion’s look! I think they’ll restrict access to it though, so that he can stay unique looking, so that sucks. A close cropped version would be nice though.


Its not enough of a squick for me that I can’t see them but I appreciate your concern and the concern for other posters. :smiley:

And yeah. I would get the spider mounts (and probably not use them.) but they are much too hard for a casual like me to get.

I kinda think this is how it would go too.

I want that hairstyles for literally everyone, and for personal rp reasons I want the red eyes for humans (Cause I have a Black dragon character and it would amuse me.), as well as wanting them for Blood Elves so I can have a Dark Ranger.

I’m less interested in red eyes for Void Elves but I suspect if they’re going to add red eyes to us they will just do those sorts.

I’d rather see the Voidy ones posted above with the “Old God” affects for the red eyes. Also they’re just cool.

But the hair. Ah I can dream.

Though for Fenelon I want tentacles styled into cornrows or dreadlocks. That would be the dream.


that would look amazing, honestly.

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lol doh, i googled it. black widow style. yucky. lol


Possibly something like this for Star freckles?


At this point, I think the posters in this thread like yourself just need to invade the Blizzard art team, you guys have some awesome ideas I’d love to see in the game :slight_smile: (all credit to the original artists)


Jolly Paraphernalia — Void elves get glowing freckles now. thats my new… (tumblr.com)

Lohari on Twitter: “trying to figure out my void elf babe hmmmhm https://t.co/cs0EebfWXG” / Twitter

Star freckles

Void scars



Love those, plus the ones that Hypheria and Allerio posted! Void elves could look so cool and astral!


Thats what I hope, though I’ve not yet gotten up the will to ask someone to model it for me…

If they were to give me the reigns…



Please someone say it isn’t true about 9.5.1

/the game is ruined
wow.zamimg . com/uploads/screenshots/normal/1032794.jpg

What, the blond hair for Void Elves?

It’s a topic that’s reserved (mostly) for High Elf forum threads, but yes: Void Elves will have a blond addition. There will be other modifications for them as well, so that High Elf fans can make a Void Elf look as close to a High Elf as possible.

Personally, I despise the fact that they’ve used Void Elves as a vehicle in all of this, but it is what it is. I choose to focus more on Void Elves, they’re far more interesting and have more potential, IMHO.

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Yes this will be available come 9.1.5.

If it’s not in your wheelhouse just don’t use those options.

Though a blueberry with natural hair could easily just have gotten lucky during the trap/ritual if it helps?


The Void knows how to make anything happen, you just have to parse it. Blonde hair dye or ‘eat wheat until your hair turns blonde’ are both probably things it whispers.


:smiling_imp: also the game is ruined anyways 5 more months till 9.2 enjoy


blue haze hahaha!