Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Talking about it with some friends on Discord.

Star freckles.
That can be toggled ontop of all the skins, even the natural ones.

Both just a facial version, and one that goes across the whole body.
They could actually use the tech from the Nightborne/Lightforged tattoos to give it a holographic effect to save time, although having it be a sparkle instead would be huge.

Also, because I finally have my main back;
red eyes plz.


I would love this for night elves, but blizzard won’t allow them to look pretty, So i think void elves have more chance xD

Red eyes for void elves because why not? It would be cool!



Very nice.

Do you mind if i work some of this into the OP?

I think everyone needs his hair.

I regularly in my home brews switch things like that up and always give my players the option for a good or evil culture for each race.

Oh my.

Well ok fine. I’ll get one of them. Lol

I find myself conflicted on that.

On the one hand I’m fairly big into lore reasons.

On the other other hand… We’re atypical heroes. Let us be what we want.

Ah yeah. Some of those were great.

Very neat… I need to get this book.

Yes. I like that.

Need to see about adding it… Wonder if I can convince Lance to mock it up for me.

Sure why not?


This set recolor looks like it was made for void elves! It looks amazing with some pieces of their heritage armor!


I also have this armor on my list ! :purple_heart: :octopus:



Oh Old Gods Damnit!

Fine. Two of them.


Thank you!

Of course!

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Lance and Somand were extremely kind and made these on the Yogg’Saron and C’thun side.

Top Yogg was made by Somand, other two by Lance. :stuck_out_tongue:


I love these, but the eyeball teeth are freaky. It suits void elves though.


Lance and Somand have been mighty kind to me today.

Here are some Starcursed Eyes.

The first here was made by Somand some time back.

These two were made by Lance for me today.


I like Somand’s better, no offense to Lance of course. Continuing with the space theme, what about nebula colored eyes?


I think this one is the most likely option. It’s exactly what I think of when I think “Void Eyes.”

It goes with all the other stuff Void Elves have and fits with the “Cosmic” themes they have going.

The “Old God Eyes” are cool looking, but I don’t see them being added without answering a lot of questions, and they kind of diverge from the more cosmic/starcursed looks.

If there where like, starcursed eyes with a slit down the middle I think that would be a bit more in line but I can’t think of any advantage over just straight up starcursed/void.


I like both myself, that said I think of the two Somand’s is probably more likely to be adopted by Blizzard.

Lance’s though is very pretty and I know one of my velves would definitely use that one.

Kinda entertaining to me but the one Somand made reminds me of Tyrande’s version of the Night Warrior eyes.

Yeah thats kinda what I’m thinking.

While a lot of people really like the N’zoth and other Old God related eyes I think Blizzard is unlikely to go with them. I’m still gonna push for it and see what sticks though. :smiley:

They probably wouldn’t need to be super explanative. Just some folk take the void a little differently. (Which is also how I’d like them to explain our new more natural skin tones and such.)

Hmm…Now I want to see that design…


how pretty!


sheesh i finally get my new mog to show and it apparently took the snapshot when it was half done lol so in a week i can perhaps expect the other half. hehe

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I wonder if its captured Kyuu and Coaxial correctly… changed both their mogs and have been waiting to see them update here.

Omg, Mr. Mouthy Old God´s eyes are REALLY cool and scary AF!!. The other two options are a little more tame but VERY good too and the bonus is that they give you people a “yellow” and “green” to play with that isn´t straight up Belf hand-me-downs.

Just /poke Turokan for starcursed hair effects using the C´thun yellowish and saronite green, hehehe… for you they will do so.

The more themes they can explore with the use of “void” cosmological energy, the better.


I would use the sharp-teeth eyes along with an extra eye given for void elves. Sounds bloody epic.


i just gotta say this is one of my favorite threads in all of the wow forums and should be the standard when it comes to customization threads. minimal arguing and lots of ideas being bounced around and added to