Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Not sure that astral isn’t more of a Night Elf, Nightborne thing.

I like the art a lot. Just not sure that’s what the void is about.

Maybe it’s like Shadowlands though and they’ve got ugly undead and pretty satyr people.

To be honest, I was perfectly content with purely dark (and stark) aesthetics for Void Elves. My first customization ideas for them, was to have a porcelain mask option, straight out of Asian horror.

HOWEVER…other changes were suggested and green lit for them, so now I focus on their Entropic Embrace aesthetic, as it really pins them down as creatures bound to the Void (as Blizzard defines it).

When Entropic Embrace kicks in, I feel that Void Elves should have the star patterned tattoos and auras, or different little twists to their Entropy. The star-cursed look is a fave around here, it would look wicked when EE kicks in, and the patterns in this case could reference Void as either depths of space OR eldritch horror realms.


This sounds awesome, but if this were a thing, I’d really prefer a toggle on out of combat! It would be a shame to have all that really cool stuff but only for like, the brief time it’s tossed on in combat.


Speaking of Entropic Embrace, I had a few more ideas to share (all credit to the OG artists).

I believe I read on Reddit someone wanted a glyph to make EE look like a temporary patronus or shadow pet (both purely cosmetic). That would be kind of dope if Blizzard could pull it off:

I believe someone in this thread was talking about a green hue for Void Elves. Personally I think it’d look too much like a DK effect, but here’s one all the same:

And here’s a Drow Eyes design as well. I’m pretty sure the ladies can do something similar already (especially once the white hair is available), but the entirety of Void Elf eyes glow, right?


Very nice.


I always appreciate excellent art and ideas, yes. Really love the smoky, wispy feel here.


Oooh, a transformation button like the Worgen have, but specifically for us to walk around with the EE look constantly? THAT would be awesome, good call!


Oh yes, exactly like this as a matter of fact! Yeah I like this a lot. And when you put it like that, honestly it seems pretty possible :smiley:


The skin tone itself is a common request.

Also a two forms setup.


look at this. wow

that is taylor swift.

btw she is the leader of the void elves.


Goodness, I’d have more ARs/Subraces with lots of love and care put into them as well as unique class skins and such, amongst other things of course :hugs:

Both Void Elves and Night Elves share a Dark Elf aesthetic, which leads to some visual crossover. The Void is typically depicted with darker violets and blues, which on occasion includes stars within the dark colorations.

While Night Elves are literally the children of the stars, their cosmic motifs tend to be on the more silvery side, more in line with the moon while the Void seems more mysterious and distant, like outer space.

Green is interesting. I like the more pale green I believe Lance did for the Void Elf eyes too.

And yas to an EE form toggle!

I’d definitely like to enjoy EE for more than a few seconds, and it would be great to be able to customize said form too, with different Entropic skin and hair tones as well as tattoos.

Racial glyphs and toggles would be awesome to take these things to another level with.

For example, having starcursed assets all set to a certain color(hair ombre, hands/feet, eyes, tattoos, etc) and having a flash/aura go off as an alternate animation for EE, while using the original EE skin/toggle would be perfection as far as the Void aesthetic goes, for me personally.

Any of this would further both the Void aesthetic and player agency by leaps and bounds.


It needs more Crawler Features from the Descent and other horrible lovecraftian works.

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Looks like that’s all for 9.1.5.

I was hoping they would plug the holes in our hairstyles sans tentacles and add tentacles to the hairstyles without them before they stopped this run but that’s where we’re at.

Hope they review more customizations in 9.2/9.2.5/9.3/9.3.5/10.0.

:octopus: :purple_heart:


:crossed_fingers: :pray: :purple_heart: :octopus:


I’ll be honest I’m betting void elves will be closer to 10.0 then to 9.2.

I’m thinking DID KT Ztrolls and Mag’har will be in 9.2.5.


Maybe, we’ll see. :cry:

I hope we will have a surprise at the next Blizzcon …


Keep the hope alive.

I’m intending to continue to tweak my thread in the meantime and add in more requests over time.

Whenever they come back to us we’ll have plenty for them to pull from.


They need to do some serious customization work to even get me to raise a brow at this point, given I’ve moved onto FFXIV. And most people I know. This thread has so many great suggestions as do tons of other threads. I really wish they put more effort into this stuff. I’m tired of screaming into the void (elf).


The lack of communication is what makes me sad.


Oh yeah.

Just a “hey we see you” blue post would be nice.