Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

I thought Void Elves were Drow also?

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I think both could still follow Elune perfectly well. Though for funsies and variability I’d have the Paladins of the Nightborne follow some connection with the arcane.

Night Elves should definitely make their own order based off of Elune though.

Aye. Always the issue with adding new races to such things. >.> Where were they before?

Technically Night Elves were supposed to be WoW’s Drow.

Blizzard took Wood Elves and Drow and mixed them together and then twisted it a bit, as they do with most things, so they weren’t the same old thing we see in other genres.

Nightborne fit the easiest though as they’re based around magic still seemingly bent towards matriarchy (though clearly not hard bent.) Their general politicking also seems reminiscent.

Void Elves only real drow like aspect is that they’re kinda… dark in nature? Honestly their skin tones aren’t right and their hair doesn’t fit. They have almost no culture that isn’t slightly slanted Blood Elf in nature.

I wish we were but we’re really not. :stuck_out_tongue:

i’m not a huge fan of spiders. i dont have hard core arachnaphobia, but spiders do creep me out. we once had an infestation of black widows in our garage. we tried everything to get rid of them short of bug bombs. i even considered buying praying mantis’ to let loose in the garage and then a miracle happened - a fleet of mud dauber wasps flew in, set up temporary bases, cleared the infestation and then disappeared.

anyway, i couldnt handle seeing creepy half spider drow all the time. i’d end up dreaming about it lol

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Yeah I have a light fear of em too.

I try to suck it up long enough to get them outside so I don’t have to kill them (I’m also quaker so killing when I don’t have to is kinda against the rules… more or less.)


Though I don’t know if Mantid would actually go after Black Widows…

Handy that the wasps showed up and made your lives easier. :stuck_out_tongue:


That actually reminded me. Nightborne are also most likely more Drow Like cause of the Fal’dorei…

When a Void Elf shows up at the door of the Lions Pride Inn on Hallows End asking Trick or Treat?

They don’t receive a treat cause they must do a trick! What would that trick be?

Normally I get turned into a banshee which seems a little bit threatening all things considered… o-O

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Came up with a Void Elf Tattoo Concept WiP.

Alleria/Celtic style with waving lines/abstract shapes.

Left/Right Eyes, Arms, and Legs are all separately customizable so you can mix and match.

Colors are Blue, Purple, White, Red, Black, Green, and maybe a pale Yellow.

You also have Plane(Like Alleria in Normal Form), Glowing (Like a Backlight/Alleria’s In Void Form) and Corrupted which is the Tentacle Effect on the Tattoo for waving patterns.

Patterns are-

  • Scarred, Streaks across the face/limbs.
  • Abyss/Beyond, Curling Patterns in random places. (Think triskelion)
  • Entropic, A Waving Tentacle like pattern that covers the majority of the Eye/Forelimb.
  • Consumed, Covering an entire Arm/Leg/Side of Face.
  • Allerian, Literally based off of Alleria’s waving/tendril pattern.
  • Silver Covenant. WC2/Silver Covenant Homage.
  • The Eye, Dalaran/N’zoth symbol mash up.
  • Seeker, Bands over Eyes/Arms/Legs.

btw, this needs to be a velf hairstyle, for either gender
want his hair



Seriously though, what products is Wrathion using??


Honey and sweet herbs.

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This makes me ridiculously happy. I’ve always hated the whole 'this race is always 100% chaotic evil" trope.

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I really need this Armor Set (Legion Timewalking Mage Tower) ! :eyes: :purple_heart: :heart_eyes:



One of these designs MUST look like a triskelion or yout homework was not well done, Drede.


Abyss/Beyond are a bunch of modified ones to look more void-ish.

Also thank you, I can never remember that things name.

I keep wanting to say trivet lol


I live to serve, ask whenever you have doubts.


I’m sorry jealous of his hair. It’s gorgeous.


Lucky you, the rogue recolor is awful.

Deffinitely won´t bother with nu-mage tower on my main.

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I like the idea or concept of the Void Elves being a link to a more anti-hero vibe to the Alliance. That’s kind of what I expected from the Worgen but it didn’t work out like I had envisioned. My favorite direction to go would be something involving Queen Azshara and the Naga turning to a more anti-hero path and opening up a connection with the Void Elf and that being the bridge to this concept where the Void Elves give the Alliance more of that type of connection than being seen as “the good guys” so to speak. Queen Azshara being a part of the original highborne but then twisted into something else could maybe relate to Alleria and that relation to the void. I feel like this would provide them with more cultural depth going forward and it could open up new ways for Alliance depth. I don’t really have a fleshed out vision for it all more of just brainstorming thoughts not sure if that would be a popular concept but I’d be I know I’d be happy with it if it’s something that was explored.


Agreed. I think ideally, they’d start out with a certain default that’s fitting for the race but then allow you to switch to another if it’s something you’d rather be or that’d fit your specific character better.
Elune worshipping worgen paladins would be fun as well.

Those mock ups Simaia did were great, and covered pretty much all the variations I’ve been suggesting as well, except the Nightborne with arcane styled spells.

Well with the way the Starlight elves are introduced, they’ve basically been living in the same place since the drow retreated, some went underground, some apparently went into the jungle, and these went north. Since it’s so remote, they don’t get discovered very often, and when they are, they welcome the people into their community where they are welcome to live, but if they’re wanting to leave, they do the old mind wipe to protect their culture from being found by others. They’re fairly isolationist in the book they are introduced in. That could change.

I know in the various Drizzt books, they’ve been leaning that way a bit already, it’s caused some interesting arguements/discussions between characters. Seeing them embracing it and taking it further is pretty neat.
With the Starlight elves, they’ve got orcs, dwarves (I don’t recall the specific name they were given), and humans (kinda inuit style), all living amongst them peacefully.


Mentioned to Fen in the Belf thread, but maybe it´s good to mentioning here too:

C´Thun eye designs. And the color scheme of good ´ol Yoggie (aka Saronite green) while at it for both eyes AND starcursed effects (maybe?).