Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

I like them all honestly. The rich purples, the hybrid colors. Onyx fading into a dark blue starcursed effect at the hands and feet would be lovely :purple_heart:


Is that really a quest reward Surprize Attack? I had thought it was a achievement reward all this time.

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2th and 4th are my faves, but all these skin colors are very cool!


Now I think on it, if that is how the encroaching skin tones worked I might just use one of those with the obsidian skin creeping on my current skin tone.

Best of both worlds.

I need to make sure I add that to my master list. I keep missing the Starcursed effect on skin.

The first one is oddly interesting to me too.

I have a high elf character and I’ve been considering having her story shift towards becoming an actual void elf and that skin tone would fit well…


It really fits. That skin color makes me want to roll a high elf :slightly_smiling_face:


What about as a tattoo option?

Or something like that.

Then you can match it to whatever skin you want.


I’m not super into high elves (after Blood Elves and later Void Elves) but my one that I have has been very fun.

But… uh… I really like void elves… hence the thinking bout taking her on the storyline of becoming a Void Elf proper.

I love those sorts of stories.

I say the options are here go play what you want to. Have fun enjoy.

I think this would be more interesting on its own plus you could then mix and match tattoos to it as well.

Not sure… I’ll think bout how I want to present it and maybe I’ll just offer up a few different ways. Let Blizzard see a few options. :stuck_out_tongue:


It could work well as either option IMO

I could defiantly see some tattoo concepts inspired by it. Especially with the glowing tattoo ideas floating around.

I would name the pattern “Entropic”

Something like the Nightborne Glowing Hands? Or perhaps as a “scar” option?


Scars that glow red, purple, black or blue would be awesome. Kind of portraying the void corruption that runs through their blood.


I was scrolling through the OP more thoroughly, and I would use the tentacle braids! They look pretty cool!


I dunno, Wizards is expanding them a fair bit and the Starlight Elves aren’t all that far off. I’m curious to learn more about the other new branch as well…Greenshadow Elves.

I actually got to see Fen one night on my death knight in the Necrolord base…I was all…

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Void Elves can go and eat sand, they take all our stuff like they’re a bunch of tusken raiders


I wasn’t paying attention but saw it and hunted you down to buff you after… Lol

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Haha, death knight’s name is Veszdril.
I think I do recall the buff too.

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I had it written down. I spent an hour trying to see if it was someone from the forums. T_T

(I’m a paranoid sort who needs to know. rofl)

Haha, I figured I’d mention it when I got around to catching up on the forums again.

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Always happy to see someone I know, even if I don’t know it. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve heard about this though I haven’t looked into it myself.

What are the Starlight Elves and Greenshadow Elves?

Basically Wizards decided they wanted to double down on the nature vs nurture thing…basically that no race is evil just because it’s a specific race. So with the drow, they’ve now introduced two additional drow cultures that are secretive. I thought originally they’d be smaller groups compared to the typical ones found in Menzoberranzan, but I think the Starlight Elves are at least twice their number. They’re from this city at one of the polar regions of the world, accepting of other races, into magic and wine and beating the crap out of each in sports instead of kilning each other in interhouse warfare like their kin…they band together since their environment is extremely hostile. They’ve even got dwarves, orcs, and humans living with them. Featured in the recent book “Starlight Enclave.”

The Greenshadow version seems to be from a more jungle region but they’re only mentioned in passing…so far.

I’m looking forward to learning more about both groups. There’s even change coming to the typical drow culture.


Very nice. My homebrew setting has several “species” of elf and I could certainly use these for that.

I had them arranged across the continent as “city states” and each one kinda changed vaugely over time into the various Elf varieties.

Cool =]
I felt like some of the names for the Aevendrow/Starlight elves had a bit of an Italian vibe to them, which made me chuckle since a lot of the Nightborne have a French vibe to them. There was one that was even a paladin of a nature (or similar) goddess. I don’t think it even specifically stated which one. Someone makes a comment about it being the same as another character and she says something to the effect “yes, or perhaps a sister goddess”.

Nightborne and night elven paladins would be cool. I’d give the nightborne arcane effects, but let people switch to whatever they wanted. Even one that followed Elune would be interesting.

For these two new varieties, hiding at the top of the world or in a dense jungle, would make them a bit hard to find. The wiki makes it sound like they’re more rare, but if there are more of the Starlight variety, they’re just harder to find…

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