Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Male Thalassian elves look good, specially with the beard options, specially the velves.

Nightborne and Nelves…yikes.

Absolutely disgusting.

Something about bald Void Elves…it looks so good.

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Better than the ugly male spacegoats XD

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Have to agree there. I wish I could like male draenei looks but to me, personally, I just… do not find them aesthetically pleasing. Zandalari though, I do find that way ^^ And male thalassians of course.


You’re just jealous that they can lift us and carry us around with ease.


GIRLLLL, that mog is chefs kiss absolutely astounding!


Awww thanks so much! I will admit I worked pretty hard on her mog and I don’t think it’ll ever truly deviate from where it is now ^^ I really appreciate the compliment! Your look is also fantastic!


So I was looking through pictures again trying to figure out how to get them into the right damned places for the third section of OP and its getting super frustrating and why WoNT THEY GOWHERE I PASTE THEM!

Erm… anyways.

I was looking at this one…

And I honestly think if these skin tones became available I might actually switch Fenelon’s skin tone to the 4th one.


These are really good, I really like the halfway void- effect.

One like that but with an already fully void skin, and the advancing effect being like a starry or sha one would be cool.


Fen I NEEEEEEEED that fourth one. That is so good hng


Yeah, on the topic of the encroaching skin tones… I think that should be a toggle. Might actually go to the effort to talk about it in OP a bit actually.

That way you could have whatever skin tone you wanted select the “encroaching” option and then tie it either into a blueberry skin tone or a non blueberry one depending on the skin tone you originally chose.

So like…

Natural skin tone + Encroaching = Like in the picture above where the Blue skin is growing across your natural skintone.

Blue skin tone + Encroaching = The opposite. You have a natural tone encroaching as though you’re almost completely consumed by the void.

Just gives more options there and blizzard doesn’t have to make one for every skin tone color.


Obsidian for Void elves is great… also for LFD I think. >.>


drow? yeah?


I think the closest to the Drow WoW gets is Nightborne. They’re a far cry from them though.

But yeah looks drowish for sure. lol

I’d just see it as the void taking Fenelon a little further. The Blue skin tones just don’t feel right for him.


If you must know I did change both transmog and my haircolor to support the Void!

The void can do so much more for you sister.

Come! Join us in the Rift. The doors could be open to you as well…


Yeah nah I will support the Void just not them elves!

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But the whispers tells me I’m prettier than everyone else. They never lie! The Void is our friend :slight_smile:

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We are all Jealious of the person staring back at us in the mirror at times.

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I’d use the black one too! I love the skin tones with void creeping into them as well.


Yeah, that’s a good idea.

They do look interesting, like gloves.