Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)


Floating hair like this. :black_heart: heart:



This was also pretty sick :blue_heart:


Everything you said was spot on but especially this :raised_hands:t5:



You´re welcome, Fen. And don´t worry, I´m just a lore nerd freak (one of many in this game).

If anything thanks to you for not feeling I´m a weird individual.

Hopefully my comment WILL entice them to actually come here and participate constructively (I repeat: let them meet their words with their actions for once. Cause this will ultimately benefit not only themselves but the actual VOID elf fans too).

Quoted for truth. There´s SO much information in the lore of all the old races, and so little of it well executed (basically the only race that got some semi decently “complete” customization were the Nelves and even they have some stuff pending).

People that hate elf fans and/or people that hate the void thematic for void elves, who else?

To the Twisting Nether indeed.

DO notice how the “runic” tattos Somand made and Fen posted in this thread are waay different to the Old School clasic runic tattos we see on the TBC gamebox (I can´t provide links but feel free to correct it to see: h^ttps://worldofwarcraft.com/es-es/story/timeline/chapter-11); theirs are closer to what Alleria´s tattoos look. I have literally zero issues with Velves getting these type of tattoos. Also I haven´`t noticed in the art on the top of that page, look how many SCARS on the male Belf!! where are my censored word scars, Blizzard, WTF!!

For me, the Belves need primarily the “runic tattoo” art from the TBC gamebox (someone at the start of the year called them “scarifications”… and in retrospective, they were right. Scarifications with clear runic design and that can look brightly colored -like Nightborne current tattos are- IS one of the types of tattoos I think the Belves should get), and maybe some old WC2 esque Warpaint variant for the Farstrider fans (however in regards to this second type of tattoo, I think the devs should get away from Alleria´s aesthetics and take the inspiration from the Orcs and the Trolls: I wouldn´t want “cute” artistic lines of color, I´d prefer the coloration taking half of the face or even almost the whole face… something more “tribal”, more “Hordish”).

Ty for your kind words, Lann. I do try to act coherently with my words. Nothing in this thread is inflicting appropiation from the Horde Belves, so I don´t see any issues with it.

This is what some “pros” haven´t understood: we don´t have any issue with them proposing new things to make their race more widely customized, but we do get annoyed when some of them not so subtly try to copy the Belf stuff to a T. There are ways to get tattoos and scars and any other thing they may like without coming here to say: replicate them and just limit in color!! (cute how they basically limit the BELF side regarding color scale but NOT their Helf side, suddenly even Fel green is good for them too but Arcane blue isn´t for Belves /eyeroll).


That star cursed dragonhawk though o:


I don’t expect everyone to love Voidberg as much as I do.

I do like those immensely. They’re lighter while still very definitely being within reason for the void. Also I like pink.

All good though I’d call the tattoos up in the OP more N’zoth runes to differentiate them from the common Blood Elf request for their runic box art tattoos.

Just so no one gets confused.

I think its high time I added that to the main post for this.

I’m not as much a fan but as this thread is more meant to incorporate others ideas not just my own primary likes it really should be up there.

That Starcursed Dragonhawk is amazing.

I would hope most people consider the QoL improvements as givens. I expect similar options for almost all races if Blizzard ever seriously gives us customization…

Thank you my friend.

I was so happy when you put up that Blood Elf thread the other day. Been awhile and we needed one again.

That would be swell.

Personally, I’m against removing something once its given. But I definitely think those should be added.

Ah this makes finding it for my list easier.

Thank you.

Its been a long time coming.

My list worked well enough in its infancy in those threads, but now its grown and I think it deserves to stand on its own.

Plus I felt like I’d be buried in the regular threads for it. Which I felt was a shame.

Now that the post has been restored I’ll be adding more to it as well. :smiley:

I am glad to see you here my friend.

Amazing. May I add these to the main post?

At the very least its a neat new void based option. :smiley:

I’ll keep that in mind.

I can see that. Perhaps blizzard would also give us that NPC event in the Rift I keep mentioning that shows specifically new recruits going through a ritual to become void elves, stitching this all together.

Let the ones who go through it show a random selection of the options available at character creation.

At least we’d have answers.

I RP Fenelon as a Void Elf Priest who assists those who feel their grip and control are waning. :stuck_out_tongue:

That is adorable.

On the contrary.

I respect and admire you and your dedication to the lore and Blood Elves in general.

You may be harsh, but it truly comes from a love for this game and its lore.

I will always be happy to engage with you on these forums.

You have taught me much.

After your post and my own they did show up some. Whether it was because of you or not I’ll let them choose to say or not.

I like to give the benefit of the doubt for most things where its reasonable.

Either way I’m happy to have members of all sides here to discuss.

Yes, I do want to make a distinction with “runic” and N’zoth rune" tattoos.

If only to ensure no one gets confused and thinks I’m asking for something very much on the Blood Elf plate.

The Blood Elf boxart is so iconic to Blood Elves that I hope they get those somewhere along the line, while the N’zoth Runes are just amazingly beautiful.
(thanks for Somand for making a mockup)

Both have great merit. But for the sake of keeping things appropriate I hope we can avoid confusion.

An amazing beauty to behold.

Thank you to Lore for finding that. I find myself gazing upon it very often.


Of course my dear!


updated the main post…

Not sure why the pictures aren’t loading properly… Odd.

I’ll circle back around later tonight and fiddle.

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There it goes working now…

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I mentioned this a long time ago but I’d like to see void-scarred skin options similar to the fel-scarred options that Demon Hunters have. Here’s a poor mockup of what I mean:


Very nice. Do you mind if I add it to the main?

I know I have the void scarring on the list but it would be nice to add a picture.

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By all means feel free! Also here’s a hairstyle/color mockup I did:


Hot damn that is a lot customization choices.

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There can always be more customizations…


Sort of wanna see a rendition of Void claws honestly…

Oh neat, I just noticed those, love how they resemble DH/Vorkai claws… I could finally wear fingerless gloves if this was a thing…


The Voidberg model actually includes them. (Squid faced model in the OP)


Those are okay, but I would prefer the traditional type of runic tattoos for Void Elves, myself. The Void Elves are canonically former Blood Elves and Magisters/Mages, so it stands to reason that Void Elves could have them as well. I also did offer up Blood and Gold color exclusives for Blood Elves while Void Elves could have Starcursed as theirs.

Blood Elves still have plenty of other color assets and themes to draw off of. I’d consider Runic tattoos fair game as LFD and Nightborne both have them.


Ohhh the purple version of the N’zoth eyes look awesome <3 (just doesn’t like the color orange so ‘traditional’ N’zoth eyes aren’t her cup of tea. Black and purple are my favorite colors and they’re what I picture when I think ‘void’).

Also admittedly squid-face and mouths in weird places aren’t my personal preference either because hey, I’m a lady and I like my characters to look pretty. but one can be creepy, a little scary and pretty at the same time. So I’m a big fan of void talons, fangs, creepy/voidy eyes, hair tentacles, etc.


Aw voidberg isn’t a bad guy.

He’s an amalgamation of several of the first items that were on the list.

The individual parts themselves are the main point.

I don’t expect everyone will want more mouths where they normally have stomachs or tentacle faces, but I bet if most look at voidberg long enough they’ll find something that they could or would use.

I wont try to convince you otherwise, but I will share my viewpoint on it.

As anyone can see I have Farstrider tattoos still up on my list in the OP but I used to advocate for arcane tattoos for Void Elves as well as Blood Elves on the same reasoning as the Farstrider ones.

Its not terribly far off from what you said here.

Effectively Void elves came from Blood elves and only very recently so one would expect their cultures to have tattoos similarly.

However I have more recently changed my stance on that. Mostly because of, as you know, a group of Pro-belf fans who feel like they’re losing out on such additions to Void Elves. Ultimately Void Elves follow a void theme and aesthetic and Blood Elves have always had a strong arcane bent. So I decided to leave the arcane for them, despite Umbric and his peoples origins as mostly mages.

Void Elves can get a more void based tattoo design such as the N’zoth runes and through the available colors still utilize those for arcane character concepts without having to take something that is effectively iconic for Blood Elves, such as the runic/scarification tattoos from the boxart.

As for why I kept the Farstrider tattoos up there, well… Alleria mostly. It makes sense to me that other Void Elves would either choose to take up her design there or that the few of them that were rangers beforehand might already have them.

IF it were to come down to it though and Blizzard specifically said “only one gets farstrider tattoos” I’d probably drop it for Void Elves. Blood Elves have the actual organization and I’d rather see it there… (it also wont bother me much cause I play both sides. Even have a Belf Farstrider.)

Thats how I view it at this time.

I also want to say that I see a distinction between the Runic tattoos I refer to and the LFD and Nightborne ones.

Again though, I’m not trying to convince you to change your stance. I once held it myself. I just wanted to comment on my view of it.


I’m not unsympathetic to Blood Elf Players getting short changed for customizations and valuing distinction, I just disagree with some of they ways they choose to go about it, which includes runic tattoos, I’m afraid.

Void Elves are already super boxed into a specific theme as it is, so visually and even class wise they don’t have as many places to go with said theme.

Blood Elves thematically have much more freedom and potential, they can go Felblood, they can go Undead/San’layn, they can go Light/Sunwell, all things Void Elves can never touch.

So lorewise Blood Elves have the potential for four different themes if their customizations came to full fruition. Void Elves only have two, one of which is being chipped away at as it is.

So this is why I don’t agree with Blood Elf players holding generic options hostage, even less so here as runic tattoos actually fit into the Void aesthetic.

As Void Elf players, other players are already holding us to a handicap on our secondary visual theme, I support the same for the main theme even less.

This specifically I also oppose as there’s not really any reason Void Elves would suddenly have a lesser profiency in the Arcane nor value less culturally.

But alas, my main point for this post to present opposition for gatekeeping generic options, and offer an alternative and perhaps more fruitful way to offer distinction.

Though I by no means expect everyone to agree with or adhere to these standards, but possibly achieve some commonality somewhere along the way, wherever possible.