Yes yes yes! I agree with you so much! Our base could be void spells and they could give us a glpyh that would replace our spells with a light version
Edit: Nevermind, just checked something out on the regular character customization feature. I was wrong.
Umbric and the VE NPCs of Stormwind without their tentacles.
Bugs me so much.
Hope they remember to fix it before patch day. -_-
No offense to you all, but if High Elf support and their Paladin conversation could be moved to one of the three active threads dedicated to that specific topic, I’d appreciate it.
Again, there are multiple threads on that topic. This is the one and only thread for Void Elves as they are now, requesting additional Void options.
Please see the multiple (and awesome) requests made on that front; there are several creators here who have been kind enough to add their contributions, and a myriad of suggestions. You are more than welcome to contribute to conversations on this topic, but respectfully, try not to go off-topic.
I dig those quite a bit. And it is obvious that some of the hair options DO need a bit of patching without the tendrils
Honestly, I think Umbric would prefer to keep his tendrils. He’s acclimated wholly to his identity now, and I feel that he wouldn’t shy away from it. Void Elven behavior in general has always stricken me as more bold, immediate and adventurous than other Elven attitudes.
It may be too early in their stories, but that’s the vibe I’ve always gotten from them. That vibe is why I made the customization suggestions that I have. They’d add some much needed ‘ooomph’ to the Alliance if left to breathe and develop a little more (IMHO).
Would be cool if velves did have a racial that gave their spells and attacks a voidy visual effect. Buuut that might be too much to ask to Blizz…
Sorry about that. I think more faces and options that further differentiates physical features of each character would be great. Height and weight sliders would be great! I guess that one is for all races. Hair styles and colors as well. I had no love for the void elves when they first came out but they are growing on me. I think it was when I made my first one (warlock) and watched the intro. They actually have alot of potential.
Have you ever played City of Heroes? It was an MMORPG that released in the same year as WoW (I think a bit earlier in the year).
Anyway, City of Heroes was, and remains, God Tier in terms of character customization. Even back then, players could change the colorization of their spell effects and abilities. You had the literal rainbow spectrum to choose from, and some effects could have a secondary color, but otherwise your entire power suit matched the same color scheme (it was your Super Hero signature).
I said that to illustrate that the tech is there, but virtually no MMORPG has dived that deeply into character customization since City of Heroes, and it’s a shame (ESO comes the closest, IMHO). Even if Blizzard didn’t want to give players THAT much control, I sincerely doubt there’s anything preventing them from adding void effects to spells.
They themselves used that control once upon a time, when different races HAD different priest spell effects. However, spell effect coloration may be a greater discussion overall, as the option to do this would open up a huge world of possibility (and headache) that Blizzard may not want to dip into immediately.
No worries friend, we all tend to go off-page when we’re passionate about the game, myself included
Also, you’re absolutely right. I’ve been contributing to this thread, the Kul Tiran thread and the Worgen thread. I really, REALLY want changes for these three races, I think they’re the ones with the most potential, customization-wise.
For example, I think that Worgen, in addition to tails, should have access to three or four Night Elf body options for each sex; this would allow Worgen players to play the Curse itself as it stands in the lore, and not just a human variant. There should be some adjustments to their individual forms as well.
I also think Blizzard should have Kul Tirans lean way more into their Elemental and Drust backgrounds, and give them more mystical features, so that they are the ‘magic human’ variants (if you play D&D at all, Kul Tirans should have Genasi character options, I’ve shared tons of pics). As they are now, Kul Tirans are humans without body slider control: I want the sliders, as you’ve mentioned, but I also want more ‘oomph’ to the variants as well.
And as for our beloved Void Elves, I’ll say this: I was never more interested in playing any type of Elf, in ANY GAME, than I have been for Void Elves. I’ve been table top gaming since I was thirteen, I’ll be forty five way too soon Other than NPCs, I’ve literally only ever made one Elven character, and he was a half elf. In WoW, I have two Void Elves and a NE now (the burning of Tel’drassil got me worked up).
Sorry for being so chatty! I’ll be adding some more visual ideas here in a bit.
I realize, once all the customization demands are met. What will happen? What is the hunter without the hunt?
Or is there some new crusade you will move on to, demanding a more fulfilling game fantasy feature. It’s almost Plankton-esque ‘I don’t know , I never thought we’d get this far’
Troll customization is more important IMO
I’m sure new requests will pop up as new types of NPCs are added and players desire to emulate them, but I imagine that once everyone is fairly robust on the character creation front, then requests may shift to transmog options.
There’s quite a few I’d like, such as a “skirt toggle” for robes so I can use them as shirts. I’d also like a resize option for weapons, shoulders, shields and offhands. While sliders are probably out of the question, I don’t see why we couldn’t get a “smaller” “standard” “larger” option in the UI to plus or minus the size by say 20%. It would allow us to adjust for the weird size differences that certain weapons/shields/offhands/shoulderpads have on some races and/or sexes.
Another place to ask for options are things like spell customization. Like making all your spells have a void theme for example.
Kyrian got the option for booty shorts or skirt, so I’m happy they give both out when you get the transmog pants these days.
I get that you want these things, but just because you want them doesn’t make them “more important” to everyone else. What one finds important is subjective after all.
If you really care about these things, you should make a topic dedicated to it instead of popping into any and every non-troll customization thread asking for it.
I’ve "liked"many of your requests for the Troll beards throughout several threads, and I agree that it should happen, but it’s getting a bit overbearing to constantly see such out of place requests in topics that aren’t dedicated to Trolls.
Do I think Trolls should have these options? Absolutely! But this isn’t really the topic to ask for them. Why not create a comprehensive Troll customization topic where everyone that wants more Troll customization can contribute ideas and where the devs can see a consolidated collection of Troll requests?
I can sympathize. However, as this is the Void Elf Customization thread, we’re staying on the topic of Void Elves. Other than this post, you’ll not find any Troll talk here.
However, I want to help you find some support, so here are some threads that would be much better, and way more open to your suggestions, as the people there will agree and discuss it with you further:
No offense meant to you, but we’d like to stay focused on the main thread topic here.
When you think about it, aren’t elves just trolls? Why the discrimination, blizzard. Come on, mon.
Epic level stuff Nico! Damn, I want to play some City of Heroes now But, this is exactly what I mean, the amount of customization they gave their players was downright obscene.
I’m not sure what may be preventing Blizzard from going this route, other than the possibility of players ‘overstepping’ racial or class themes.
If that is the case, they should design a set number of colored aura suites per class and race, that are specific to those alone. Say, five color suites per race and class (with an option for defaults). Let the racial color be the primary hue, and the class determine the secondary. We’d see some funky, but awesome combinations.
There HAVE to be some digital artists who play WoW, if they made a thread on this, I bet it’d be the most popular thing on the forum.
No, but my GF did a lot. Yeah I’ve seen a lot of customization there, very intricate.
That being said, I even played a random argentinian MMO back in they day, not the biggest budget or best engine and still had sliders and things that wow doesn’t.
My idea wasn’t so much spell coloration but rather extra effects on top of he spells and attacks. But yeah, doubt Blizzard would want to bother.
Go away, trolls don’t have rights.
That looks pretty good!