Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

You better preach King!! <3 I love everything you said! I would be so hyped for Velf paladins!


Hey Fliare, just linking the images since you cannot (all credit to Fliare, everyone).

I’m loving these. It’s got an asymmetric aesthetic that perfectly envisions the chaos of Void that permeates the otherwise ‘pristine standard’ of the Elven form. Makes one wonder what’s taking place internally if this is their ‘normal state’.

If this could be taken, along with a more subdued facial version as well, I’d swap out a number of characters pretty quickly. Super bonus if these glowed while in Entropic Embrace is underway.

And especially with the hairstyles @Lilock shared earlier today; take the hairstyle with the Lotus in the hair, with these scars? I…may have to play a girl. Got to find a way to break it to the parents and guildies.


Those look good! Like Lichtenberg figures.

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Indeed, I think the “lightning bolt” aesthetics work in their favor.

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The rank thing is annoying.

True, asymmetry wonderfully for velves.

I would LOVE tattoos and scars that glow while they enter void form. Though too bad it lasts so little.

Haha yeah I used my lightning brushes to make them. But I think they fit well as scars.


to fast track your rank, post more art/posts for people to heart, also you give hearts to others and read entire threads. still takes at least a month, i think

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Love to see some of the ‘lightening scars’ on the face too, for when you need to wear heavy armor.


Another thing i would love to see added for void elves (blood elves too) is new faces. Female especially have teenager faces, i would like them to have more expressive and adult faces. Their faces were so good before WoD update, now they look all the same.


Honestly this is something all races need in general.


Think this one is a big want for belves, velves and helves…and trolls. Lol

That’s a terrible way to handle it.

This only works if they actually add a subrace/culture system

Also this is outside this threads scope. This is only for void based customization options.


They have not.

They added some colors but we did end up with a tentacle toggle slot.

Definitely this…

All races need a lot more face options. (some much more than others…)


Sorry to double post but I’m hearing on the PTR right now void elf NPCs are bugged and have their tentacles toggled off.

Can anyone verify for me?

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I’ve seen this picture floating around a few discords. So, I think it’s bugged? I’m pretty sure that Hairstyle usually has tentacles.



I did get a rank here a few mins ago haha, but I think that was rank two. I have gotten 3 in the past bu got banned like a day later for making a simp joke. Guess back then blizz considered simp super offensive.

Yeah, there could be different paterns and placements, on the hands too to cast spells!

Yeah , ALL races need this seriously. It sucks how there’s always only one pretty-happy face for females, the rest are pretty-angry or ugly and blizz knows this because 80% of the NPCs use that face anyway. And for males there’s only one young face…

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I actually support this. Blizzard has said void elves are blood elves (who are high elves) so if blood elves and high elves have always been paladins then void elves should too. Sure their version of Paladin will change due to the void stuff but we have blood knights, sun walkers, prelates, etc. No reason void elves shouldn’t be paladins. Paladins are just highly committed individuals to their cause. I would think the defense and survival of the void elf race would be a sufficient cause. I would see the paladin class as a void elf knight of some kind. Also, with the high elf options void elf have Blizzard can add high elf Paladins (on the alliance side since horde have had high elf Paladins for years) in one easy move.


Yea the default seems to be “off” and all NPC’s are affected. I’ve bug reported it on the PTR. Hopefully Blizz fixes it before 9.1.5 goes live.


If they can’t, then they’re better off removing the tentacle toggle altogether. Either wait for a later patch or ignore it entirely and just add the hairstyles High Elf NPCs use instead. Granted either way I’d like those as a low-effort addition since I’d like some cleaner hairstyles, but either way, I don’t like the idea of removing the tentacles from NPCs.

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I would not want them to hold back the toggle just because of the NPC’s. It’s not like it’s a mechanical bug or issue with how it works. They just need to go through the NPC’s and toggle it on for them in the settings. They can probably run a script to do it in one big batch.

The reason the NPC’s lost their tentacles is because the toggle is checked to turn the tentacles ON rather than turn them OFF. Thus the NPC’s just have the box unchecked. It’s something that could be done with a hotfix if necessary, but we don’t even know when 9.1.5 is going live so they probably have plenty of time to tick those boxes and turn the tentacles back on for them.


Old gods, can I complain about that?

Driving me nuts that they made the default off. A toggle is one thing but having off be the default feels like an insult from blizzard for void elves to me.



I mean I can understand why it’s “check the box for on, uncheck the box for off” from a logical standpoint. That the box isn’t checked (on) by default seems to be the issue. Hopefully they will fix that in the next build.


Awww, I seem to always give you hugs lately for one reason or another but here’s more hugs since I know you are super into the tentacle options. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Also hopefully they will get it fixed before the patch goes live. :wink: :wink: :wink: