… they are Blood elf color tints…
I am aware of where the textures originated, but they are hair colors in the normal human range (as in real life humans, not wow game humans, sorry if that wasn’t clear).
How about void-rift scarrings. Scars that can let the void seep through, like man’ari have with fel.
These could come in different colours.
I would like full beards and long hair for men.
Would love that. Even if it was simply giving them some Night Elf or Human Hair/Facial Hair options. Definitely a cool look.
We’re at a point with the lore where things once written in stone have ceased to be.
There was a time where the Undead would be harmed by the Light, and there was no arguing against that. The Forsaken couldn’t wield it without intense pain, to the point they developed the Cult of the Forgotten Shadow instead. That didn’t mean Light-wielding undead didn’t exist, but they were few and far between with special circumstances surrounding them.
Now we’ve got Calia Menethil as a Lightborne Undead, and Lightforged Draenei Death Knights.
There was a time when the Void was a taboo power that no one could wield without consequence, without dooming themselves. The Void had conquered and corrupted Dragons, Gods, and Titans alike because it was a power that could not be controlled.
Then Locus-Walker showed up, taught Alleria how to do it, and now we’ve got an entire race that mastered the Void in a weekend.
There was a time where Demons wielded Void and Fel magics all the time, interchangeably, with the two powers working together with a kind of synergy that made the Burning Legion all the more terrifying to face against.
Then we got that one boss in HFC who explodes cause apparently that happens when you mix Void and Fel.
There was a time where Life and Death were polar opposites that would not mix, to the point that any Scourge that wandered into the Emerald Dragonshrine in Dragonblight were instantly destroyed by the power of Life.
Now we’ve got an entire Life-based zone in the Shadowlands.
Blizzard has gone out of their way to tear down what once were the solid foundations of the lore, showing that even polar opposite forces can work together, and forces which once worked together seamlessly suddenly clash for no discernible reason other than, ‘cool boss fight mechanics.’ Void Elf Paladins, whether they’re Paladins who use the Void instead of the Light, or High Elf Paladins, are hardly the first or even worse case of the lore changing around. At least this one would let some players be happy.
I’ve suggested this before. Here’s a poor photoshop job I did retinting the demon hunter skin with fel scars:
I would definitely say the best way to handle the “Paladins” is just lorewise Alliance Thalassian Paladins would be High Elves rather than Void Elves. I think that’s simple enough a way to justify it really. Though a racial name tag/subrace system that opened “High Elf” under the Void Elf umbrella or “Wildhammer” Under the DWarf umbrella would be ideal.
I think the idea of expanding class options based on new subraces provided through customizations would be good for the game. As you said, being able to select one’s tooltip would be an important part of them. Perhaps even have it auto-selected for certain classes.
I’d like to see Wildhammer Druids, for example. That’s mean giving Dwarves the Druid class, even though there aren’t any Bronzebeard Druids.
Speaking of the Void Elves. Has their customization hud changed on the ptr compared to the the live version?
So basically you want it so you should get it, right?
Sure, let’s go with that, and ignore everything else I said.
Great, then this conversation is already over because I don’t want to waste my time with so called making players happy when that’s how you chose to finish.
Yes, there are the 8 new hair colors and the tentacle toggle option.
I think this will probably be the next “Big” system in terms of “new races” in the near future. A bonus would be if it came with the “Sub Races” getting their own sets of HA. But even if they don’t i’d still be happy with it.
No, I actually mean if the hud has changed. Are the options separated now, like with the core races’ beards?
Alright, I made a quick edit
How about these scars.