I’d generally prefer full classes though even I admit some are either too light on options or that adding every class type someone could come up with would quickly overload wow.
Night Elf priestess of the moon would work.
Void elf classes could all arguably get a class skin… Cause they’re all voidy.
I’d like it more if they had the void elf version of that crest… Feels more like this was an excuse for high elf paladins tossing a “oh yeah void elves too”.
Still. I don’t hate the general concept and I’m glad someone put it into a visual example. Always helpful. I’m still out of town but I’m going to bookmark this post to add at least the talking point to the OP.
Still not a fan of class skins in general. Just feels like more of the same cheapening of things like they did with Wildhammer.
I support class skins, but I’d require that they weren’t all forced.
For example, I’d love to have one Night Elf Paladin follow the Light like a traditional Paladin, but I’d love to have the option for a different Night Elf Paladin to instead choose to use an “Arcane Skin” to be an Astral based Paladin.
I would absolutely love Void based Paladin for Void Elves, and that would be one of the cases were they’d be forced into the Void theme from the beginning.
I suppose my suggestion would be this: Make the Paladin theme Light as default for all other races, and Void as default for Void Elves. Then, add in several Glyphs that modify the skin. This would allow Void Elves that are following the High Elf fantasy to utilize Light in a headcanon way, and even allow Blood Elves to utilize Void if they wanted to.
I’d personal play an Arcane Paladin Night Elf and Void Paladin Void Elf.
Looking at the chart, someone should tell that person to ditch the Tinker concept for Belves and put druids -I personally would NOT use a Belf druid (my heart breaks everytime I imagine them getting relegated to the usual Malfurion´s weebs job), but from this forums alone that seems a more robust petition. Literally nobody has asked for “Blood Elf Tinkers”.
I personally would prefer Shamans (it´s the iconic Horde class, with the collateral thanks to the incoming customizations the more the Belves can take distance from the Velves / Helves, the better).
I do want to state that my only issue with void elf paladins is that there is no lore for void paladins. I cannot agree with adding paladin for a subrace.
(another reason I’m so annoyed at blizzard for Wildhammer but that’s a whole other thing.)
If they did give us paladins with lore and the void being our power source I’d widely be happy with that.
But this is my concern.
Also things like Tinkerer, Necromancer and bard should be full classes of their own. I fear blizzard would use such a system to destroy them.
Bard is one of my biggest wishes for a future class. I haven’t done roleplay in quite a while since I had some really bad experiences happening and a lot of drama that ultimately led me to quite playing for a short while. Before I did though, I leveled a Void Elf that I created to be a bard. Sadly there aren’t many instrument items, but I was able to find a neat weapon from TBC that looks similar to a guitar.
I’m definitely one for Blood Elf Druids, as I canvased for them for years, all the way back to the old school suggestion forums, as well as the Story Forums for a time. So I definitely favor that as their next class
Blood Elf Shamans would also be a respectable choice, for the reasons you listed.
That’s a fair point. I could see it being more viable if the subrace and others were a more pronounced concept.
Indeed. Especially if they were to have a darkened Naaru as the source of not only a Paladin class potentially, but also to help create new Void Elves, only the new ones only get a small infusion and not hogging a whole one like Alleria
But that’s nothing more than an idea or concept at this juncture.
Yeah, it’s definitely a concern, especially at this stage of the game.