Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Doubt it. Paladins is a big image WoW has, changing it will cause a ton of damage to the ip just to make a few high elfers happy.


We have already seen surprising race / class combos, we have recovered from them.

Yes, but this would be more then a Pikachu face change. You’d literally have to re-write the entire class lore, both magic schools lore, as well as the thought process in order to be a paladin (it has a strong self image portion to use the powers) on top of that you would have to redefine what the void and light does which would harm long-standing lore of each even in game. And much more. It would be very much easier to create a brand new class instead.

It took a cataclysm for this kind of change.:wink:

Well, it would take a fan-fict reboot after the game is shut down for this one.

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What’s so funny is the new classes that were added to each race in Cataclysm actually made sense where Void Elf Paladin doesn’t and never will without ruining Paladin lore.


Or a restructuring of the races with their sub-race / class to allow combos like:

  • dwarf wildhammer druid
  • high elf paladin

For example.


Even with a sub race selection, you would still need to select void elves for your high elf. Meaning they are still related or is in fact void elves. This is without the debate on whether high elves had enough paladins to warrant them as playable.

Maybe a new class… some people asked for a “Void Knight” or whatever they called it (is the antithesis of the Paladin, same mechanics gameplay wise but using void instead of light).

The issue is that I don´t see any Horde race that could access this combo (even the poor Forsaken got their shadow themes hijacked by Calia the abominable undead), ergo making the implementation of this hypothetical class very difficult overall.

Maybe in a future expac in which each race get “unique” class skins or class specs, idk?


We are not immune to a scenario where Turalyon and Alleria succeed in linking light and void in order to use these two magics together.


Could call it Riftblade.

Though that might be too much pigeon holing towards void elves.

As long as there’s lore they can apply to several races why not?


TBF troll paladins already ruined that.

“mY lIgTh cOmEs fRoM a dInoSaUr” lol.

They do it to torture hordes in the book.


There are enough Void Elves to warrant being playable. I think High Elf Paladins are fine number wise.


No it didn’t, I don’t like Zandalari Paladins but they aren’t lore breaking like Void Elf Paladins would be and that’s what makes all the difference.


Ergo why I used the “racial unique skin” concept (though I suppose these “racial” skins would be only available for some classes in some races. Belves for example could get Blood magi -for warlocks and/or mages-, Spellbreakers -for warriors- and Rangers -for hunters and rogues-. Trolls could get Witch Doctors -for priests and/or warlocks- and Shadow Hunters -for hunters and/or shamans-, etc).

Frankly, I´m not proficiently enough in WoW´s lore to see if EVERY race can get something “culturally unique” (I´m a blank regarding Alliance races).

As long as the dInOsAuR is NOT made from Void, no lore has been broken to the point of stupidity tbqh.


I mean it threw away whatever it meant to be a paladin in order to make it random loa light infused warrior. So it did ruin their lore.

Not in favor of velf palas either though.

This would be cool but would’ve needed to be implemented from the star tbh.

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Good motivation to learn how to be a Void Paladin faster !

Excuse me, but this can very well be sold as the “hot” new feature of an expac and people would run to buy this.

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I’m never gonna understand how they don’t get that the whole void and light thing doesn’t mix and that technically Void Elves shouldn’t even be allowed to have holy or disc Priests.

Blame Blizzard, they are the ones that happily send contradictory messages by proxy of delivering incomplete info.

The Night Warrior was basically this weird void/light esque thing (remember when in Wolfheart Velen told Tyrande that Elune sounded like a Naa´ru? nowadays we know she´s a Lifelands Titanesque “thing”, ergo the Night Warrior was a mix of Life / Void (very unstable too btw). People assumed the “moonfire” to be a LIGHT based spell, but nope, it´s Life-based apparently.

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