Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Not really. Gnomes fans have been requesting more gnome content for quite a while and they were kind of inevitable. Think about it. There was always going to be a gnome AR of some kind. Its just how the AR system was working. And we had already gone through several elf allied races.


I feel sorry for all the other people in the community having to put up with all this High Elf stuff the constant toxicity… between the two sides.


Sure, I won’t contest that. However, I don’t see why they could not have been incorporated as customization options for Gnomes or as a Gnome sub-race instead of a separate race.

If you look at the rig of the model you will notice it is somewhat different from the gnome rig in many ways and a lot of the customizations it has are a lot more extreme that anything we’ve seen for customization lately. Its possible they might have just considered it a bit too different to be a customization, but thats just speculation.


At the time one could say they lacked the tech nessicary to do that, and visual distinction on the factions was a bigger deal then now. Also I do not think the story of BE at the time would mesh well with alliance.

This would be nice along with a void toggle for all of the current hairstyles.

I found this video and I thought it was a pretty good summary of void elves :rofl:
Also, she has nice hair lol

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There is a difference between calling out hate, and becoming part of the problem.

I’ve seen many who, for years, have called one side this or that only to now fall into the same patterns they once claimed to despise. Sometimes its good to step back and take stock. Reconsider how you’re feeling about a topic or if you’re reacting rather than engaging.

I wont tell you how to act, but thats how I feel these days.

A noble goal.

In reality there have always been three sides as it were. And a multitude of sub-group sides within.

Void Elf players however (the void options ones) tended to keep away from the fighting between helf and belf folk. Their silence (mostly silence) has led to a situation where seeing, for a second time, only helf based options are being added has led to some… unhappiness on both velf and belf sides of things.

Black and White hair is good of course. Many Void Elf folk consider that a void based option. But many others do not. The tentacle toggle also isn’t a velf option as it is currently though I’m hopeful that will change. Because it is only designed to remove, its pretty clear to most that its fashioned towards the Helf side of things.

Is it the right move to feel that way? Maybe not, but it is how many feel. I do think that at this point being upset at the helf folk getting options is moot. They’re not going away. They’re going to be here.

Void Elf options will have to wait and honestly thats no different than where I was a month ago so. The request shall continue on. :stuck_out_tongue:

Aside from it being effectively moot right now I’m not convinced this is true.

If, for instance, they ever add in my requested lore update to the Telogrus Rift and show void elves being made and some of them come out entirely normal looking, then those sorts of requests wont affect void elves at all. They’re all void options at that point canon to the race. (What people RP as or not.)

Many on the Void Elf side of things actually didn’t really mind too much the idea that these options would be added.

I for one kinda assumed they would be (in 10.0 or so) and that it was just Blizzards stubborn refusal to add more customization in SLs that was holding it back.

That said I also thought they might actually have had some attachment to the distinction concept. Cause honestly it never made sense that they added skintones and not hair color… So I assumed they must have cared at some point about that visual distinction between helf and belf. Thats why several of my void options were meant to add natural hair colors with unnatural looks added to maybe give helf folk something while still expanding void elves.

Clearly visual distinction is not a prime concern any longer if it was at all. :stuck_out_tongue:

Point is, there are many ways for both to get what they want and still move along. (That said those who want to replace Void Elves entirely have gone way too far and should feel bad.)

I am grateful to Blizzard for seeing some… reason in the matter. Just randomly adding ear options with a ravenous group of very active users who wanted a thing was always going to end badly. lol

I do wish they’d toss something easy to the Blood Elf folk though. Would have made it easier for them to take. I don’t really think anyone would be any happier and I’m sure the same arguments would be going but at least Blood Elf fans wouldn’t feel so put out.

And I still hope they are actually listening to the Void Elf fans that do want more void options. Its just hard to see it right now.

I wouldn’t engage with him.

Hes one of the problem causers I was referring to. lol

You wound me!

Void Elves literally brought me back after 7 years away.

Vals making that odd claim?

Historically the Thalassians have very rarely been actually interested in being a part of the Alliance. Them joining the Horde makes fine sense.

You take that back!

I’ll send my army of 10 Mechagnomes to wreck your day!

(nevermind I haven’t got round to leveling them all)

Honestly though I think they are one of the best ARs we got. Damn good racials a fun concept for their race. They just need some more oomph from their customizations, and some more heritage armor colorations.

Once they have their pass ya’ll wont even recognize yourselves from before.

While they are an example of a very close to culture to their parent, Mechagnomes by their society are considerably different to regular Gnomes. They take things entirely too far. I think they were worth the new racials and the AR slot myself. Then again I’d have added a whole lot more AR’s and Wildhammer and High Elves would be their own thing if I’d been in charge. (I’d also probably had been working towards something akin to that one Sub-race/culture character creator design you see bouncing around from time to time.)

Actually thats probably fairly true.

Never liked that persons videos too much. I mean most of em are just jokes… they just rub me the wrong way. :frowning:

The hair is nice though.


—> ya gotta see this <----


Depends on what your looking at, as we spoke earlier, the high elf wayferers could just be studying and not joining the ranks, could be from any neutral high elf group that didn’t had to make the hard choice of sucking mana from living beings or from objects. The ones that came to alliance or SC did make that choice, and those are the stories that clashes with the void elves thematically.

Yeah, they have a couple of videos I really dislike, but this one I like lol

Wow, that is gorgeous!


i like how the tentacles are wrapped around the hairbuns . creative!


I mean its moot in that there is no going back at this time.

High Elf options are here in the form of Natural Skin Tones and Natural hair colors. Whether one wants them or not.

No use fighting that. Folk will be RPing high elves regardless with those options, and they will likely be the main use of those options. (Cause why wouldn’t they be?)

The story of Void Elves will still be what it is. The toon will still be a void elf whatever we RP.

Just like my Wildhammer is just a Bronzebeard Dwarf as far as the game is concerned and my Sand Troll is a Darkspear.

Despite my issues with both of those not being AR’s…

And not for nothing there is now the choice to play a “Void Elf” who has not yet undergone the ritual to become a full fledged Ren’dorei yet.

Still hoping they will update the Telogrus Rift with buildings and some NPC interactions that show new void elves being both trained actively from Wayfarers and Scholars and those Wayfareres and Scholars undergoing a ritual to infuse them with the void making them full void elves.

It just gives us a lot more options for how we interact with and use our characters.

Plus it answers some much needed lore issues.


Just remembered another cool thing I’d like to see - Entropic Embrace EYE COLOR. Not only new deep dark blue/purple EE eye colors, but also the possibility of choosing our own Entropic Embrace eye color (as well as skin/hair color).

You know those full Void eyes (the very last one, number 8)? I’d like to see how my warlock’s eyes change from, say, normal eyes to those dark Voidy eyes when EE procs.

EDIT: And the possibility of activating tentacles on my hair when EE procs! We REALLY NEED to be able to customize EE, just like Worgen can customize both their Human and Worgen forms separately.

This warrants a separate thread I think… but I don’t want to spam the forums. Guess I’ll wait a few days or weeks.


I like this concept, and I don’t think it needs another thread myself. I’ll be adding this to the list regardless.


Quick concept for the Starcursed hair effect. I think I would have a better result if I could find the name of this tentacle in game, anyone knows it?







That is so lovely. Also that dainty bracelet. Why isn’t jewelry in this game like that? We get these huge pieces that could fit on a car hood.


I love that. I also wanted that look for eyes at one point. Look in someone’s eyes and see the whole galaxy.


This is what VE’s should have gotten. Complements to the creator of this.


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