Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Yes I meant without the tentacles, or the hair styles already absent of tentacles!


i’d like some hair decorations for velfs, and metal color options for belf hair decorations… like the tiara and male wreath needs some metal color options.


They could also toggle the tiara off of the new Blood Elf hairstyle, just as they did for LFD and Nightborne


Take Silvermoon.

This, you beat me to it but this, also having the option to pick the metal colors and the gem colors would be nice.


That would be divine :hugs:

I wouldn’t mind seeing them add the same level of customization to jewelry for Blood Elves and expand it, including use for male Blood Elves and the body jewelry.

All in due time of course, after the Blood Elves get more meaningful additions.


Nah that would be stupid.

I wish more people would think in this way :grinning:

But you know the saying, hate breeds hate. I can be quite vengeful when treated badly or when I see others treated unfairly.

I want the high elf and void elf fanbase to unite and support each other, they’re both in the exact same race as we speak on the Alliance side. Because atm it seems like void elf fans are separating themselves from the ‘‘helfers’’ and the antis, and are creating some short of their own special gang. Division is bad, I’ve always said that. The two fronts of pro-helf and anti-helf groups are intense enough as they are, we don’t need a 3rd front as well :frowning_face:


yeah, so far we have one page of customizations. hehe same hairstyles we started with, no necklaces or hair decorations or tats or tiaras/wreaths/headdresses, but we do have alot of skin color options, new haircolors and ear size!

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Both races uses different stories that cannot work together. There would most likely always be tension between us now.

Also this is the high elves own doing, void elves never wanted natural looks, but you guys forced it on us even though some of us tried asking you guys not to.

Yea that’s why so many were asking for white and black.

You do realize they were initially not gonna give us anything right? Just ear options? Had it not been for some people’s faith in Blizzard requesting more hair colours and stuff when they made the announcement, nothing of these would’ve been added.

And so both void themed fans and high elf fans would’ve been left with nothing other than ear size options. We should be thankful honestly.

These were just hair colours and a toggle, more will come later on when it’s more appropriate and some other races have got the time of day.


But there would be no Ren’dorei in the game if the people that wanted Alliance High Elves didn’t keep asking for them for over a decade, and the Ds tried to satisfy them with the Ren’dorei. Such a vicious cycle, :laughing:


I don’t beleive that actually, blood elves happened to have the coincidental personality trait to seek power no matter what it was, and etherals would had been extremely difficult to make as an AR, so in a sense even without HE’s thinking they did us a favor, we still would have void elves, specially since the devs like the idea of a race turning void.


And nothing of value would of been lost, imo.
Could of had something more unique to fill that slot.


But we wouldn’t have people asking for High Elves in the Alliance if the Ds didn’t put the Sin’dorei in the Horde, So thus the vicious cycle continues.

This was a fate that was going to happen regardless of what any of you want. At the time the alliance was supposed to be the good guy do no wrong faction and the horde was the anti-hero faction.

Why not just keep the High Elves Neutral for both factions then?

All 3 of which are just ports of the parent race, it’s like saying Worgen gained scores of customization because their human form gained a ton of customization, not that it isn’t greatly welcome, but it’s not “new”.

Hoping for some unique hairstyles as a start.


High elf requests were very popular.

I mean, maybe they should’ve thought it through before adding Mechagnomes :stuck_out_tongue: those are a much more serious crime!

Not trying to argue, or be confrontational just explaining my opinion, but this is what happens when the Ds make biased decisions based on what they wanted not what the game needed or the community asks for.

They could have just added the rest of the Queldorei elves that didn’t join the horde when the problem first surfaced but their egos and attitude towards the Alliance at the time, kept this crap going on all these years and now the clean up is messy still to this day because they keep dragging their feet on the clean up. The changes we see now is still a slow walk to the fix but at least its starting to get fixed. (imho)