Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

One can only hope that eventually people will stop asking for Blood Elf copy/paste for Void Elves so they can get their own stuff, key word being hope but I don’t know how much hope I have for that given the forums lately.


People will ask for what they want to see, not a whole lot that can be done about that.

I’ll keep up the requests for Void Options here, and with luck Blizzard will hear us.

Or if what Turokan suggests is true they already have plans, we just need to be patient.


That’s true but it will always sink requests for void stuff that would actually be new if all they have to do is copy/paste, it’s just logical.

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I like the bottom central and bottom right. Not a fan of that long one, and I’m a little bit conflicted about the 2 short ones.

Either case, the way Unian and some other void elf fans talk about the high elf fanbase has left a really sour taste in my mouth. All because they gave us high elfy stuff :slight_smile:, how dare they right?

Oh and I’ve seen how you talk about me Ariel so I have now permanently put you on ignore. Keep acting in the despicable way you do and I doubt your fav race will see any new stuff for a while.

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What’s this?

Eh. I doubt Blizzard is going to punish the entirety of the player base just because some errant posters are acting in bad faith.

I imagine it takes a bit of feed back to actually move the needle on anything rather than a few posts on the forums.

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i like all of them, especially the long one in top center and bottom right.


I feel like avoiding sharing hairstyles is kind of an easy win for Blizzard though.

Hair colors and skin colors are one thing. But the common refrain is complaints that they’re giving away Blood Elf identity. I don’t think it’s a particularly compelling argument, but hair styles is a pretty easy thing to avoid to keep those complaints from growing.

It is an amazing edit…

it’s existence makes it more unlikely to be added to avoid people claiming that Blizzard stole it from them.


Well then they could just give void elf hair styles to blood elves :woman_shrugging: Hair styles aren’t any different than either skin or hair colors. It’s not like over the course of turning into a void elf, they suddenly gained knowledge of doing a different/new type of hair style. The separation of hair styles is ridiculous, in my opinion.


I think some folk take it a bit far. Much like with the Belf vs. helf stuff it happens on both sides.

Don’t compromise your own beliefs for the behaviors of others.

I’m rather glad that high elf folk have what they want now. (more or less) Though I do feel a pang of sadness that I haven’t seen any void options yet, (Though I want to point out Black and White hair were on my list as well as a tentacle toggle.) I’m hopeful we’ll see them down the line. Probably 10.0 if not a little later. At this point I just have to wait. Which sucks, but thats what I was doing before anyways. So no change for me.

Ariel is often to the point, harsh and wont sugarcoat her views.

I advise anyone to put folk on ignore that they either don’t want to or cannot deal with, as it will make all parties have less contention that is unneeded.

I do secretly hope that most of us will come to a happy middle ground eventually though.

He just suggested that they are holding back a true Void Elf pass (only giving easy things like copy pastes) because they intend to update us with more void options when Void Elves once again become relevant. Like say during an expansion where we go to fight against the Light… or entering into the void realms.

I agree with this. All of em get me excited.

Lovely work. Fully approve myself. lol



I don’t disagree with you. Though I’ve certainly thought that the separation of far more than that was ridiculous.

I also feel like the counter point seems larger than it truly is. That being said, there is really no data, anecdotal or otherwise to prove that.


Troll beards


Yeah. Black and White hair are a win. Rather upsetting not having white hair options for my Void Elf crew. Used that dark blue a whole lot.

The tentacle toggle and the ear options kind of push them towards a real customization pass. But at this point it hasn’t really happened. Paint bucket stuff is easy and doesn’t take much manpower.

Maybe changing the underwear color on the skins did? But I can’t see how.


As a Void Elf customization? How do you suggest they wear them? On their belt or as a cape?

Doesn’t yet count as a void option.

Its half finished both for removal and it doesn’t add tentacles to the hairstyles without.

Till its fully a toggle its just an addendum to assist the high elf side of things.

Which is fine.

I just want the both sides of the fence one… where I can take away and add.


I think what most of you forget is that these aren’t Void Elf customization updates they have added so far (except for the black and white hair colorization) but rather breaking the glass features they have saved for crisis situations. There are some logical explanations why these happen now:

  • Releasing the High Elf options between other updates will reduce the hurt feelings of the Blood Elf community
  • Every time these options have been added were during emergency moments (Mechagnome instantly disliked by both factions, sex scandal and left players now)
  • Releasing all these options at once will hurt the feelings of the Horde faction as well

Blizzard did the right thing here, although I disagree with splitting the requests up. In hindsight they also announced years ago that the Alliance will get these customization in the future. Well slept on this announcement either because we forgot about this or did not take them seriously.

We will see actual Void Elf options when it’s their time for a content update.

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Blood elf don’t have void tentacle silly.

<----wants the void elf melancholy hair on her belf mage sooo badly ;…;


I suspect that they mean without the tentacles. (Probably with the odd holes left as a result fixed or touched up as well. Though I think we’re all hoping for that.)

I’d kill to have Unleashed for my belfs…


They can give blood elves the same hairstyles with braids instead of tentacles :grinning:. Or something like extensions.