Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Maybe not red eyes, but orangish? I like to think we could get Nightmare Druids some time, and those orange-reddish colors from the Nightmare are Void afterall.

True red eyes can always be locked to San’layn/Dark Rangers, but some sort of light red or orange tone for Void Elves’ eyes is also reasonable in my opinion.


N’zothy? Very distinct from dark ranger/undead red (and could come with the slit pupils). A dark purple N’zoth style eye would be awesome.


I personally think we should stick with the dark purples and blues. Leave the reds for the Blood elves.
If anything, the Sha colours could fit us, but eh.


Sure, orange/reddish tone like N’zoth’s eye(s).

Both with and without pupils.


@Fen !!!

I found it!!! Someone actually made the full-tentacle hairstyle!


Please put that in the OP as an example :smiley:


Here’s another example of what it might look like! Can’t seem to post the image so I’ll just link the tweet.

Helping with the link. The hair looks great!



Yeah, it needs proper tentacle rendering, and perhaps they could be placed a bit more chaotically, but that’s the idea :smiley:


If Blizzard will ever update Telogrus Rift like I want they’ll all be void elf options.

(though nothing wrong with playing a high elf)

A few different shades would be nice.

They also need tentacles for the hairstyles that don’t have them.

I basically agree with this but take a look at this…

Death knights should have red purple green and ember eyes.

All very nice. I’ll get that added to the OP.

This race always worked.

We need many more options in this bucket.

Aside from white and black hair, I’ve only been able to half mark off adding a toggle to remove tentacles and add them to the ones that don’t have them.

But yeah… We need many more options at this point.

Some of that will still be useful for high elves though. Tattoos and scars for example.


He’s valid just as much as anyone else.

This. There is no falsehood here.

It’s good for those who want their high elves but those of us who really want void options deserve to be heard too.

Oh very nice. It will go in.

Best rendition I’ve seen yet of the Medusa type.

Hopefully someone will do one for cornrows and dreadlocks too.

(Fenelon by the way. Lol)


that’s horrifying lmfao but I get your point. If they look more like N’zoth then yeah thats different I guess XD


Hopefully in the future we’ll see some spoopy voidy things. Even though BFA was a mess, I do miss Ny’alotha and regret getting rid of my eye.

I’m not sure if the updates counted for allied races since belves and velves got things that were initially unintended for them :thinking: but maybe/hopefully at least when all the allied race things are tackled, they’ll revisit the voidy side of void elves. A lot of the fan modifications are amazing.


!, 3, & 6 would look great on the guys also!


Can you still get it with a new character?

Yeah I think so. You just can’t get it again if you cleansed it. Ditched mine as we moved into Shadowlands since I could never tell if my helm was mogged, but I had it the entire xpac q_q

I have a duplicate of this character that stayed voidy that I might pick it up on :>

They should add an tenticle toggle for hairstykes that lacks tenticles.

They should also make that into a slider to change from differing void customization like void starry hair effects, starcursed effects etc.


Showing my support for more monstrous/void-related styles for void elves. Hopefully they’ll get some interesting customization in that vein sometimes for folks who want void themes.


Showing my support, more option is always great.


thats amazingly good.


woohoo, white and black haircolor!


Facial hair for trolls

Amani green skin for darkspear

Thick boi Amani/drakkari body types

Elf talk needs to stop it’s the age of trolls now

Awww, but elves evolved from trolls, so we too are trolls in a way!:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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