Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

The great thing about race customization is more will always come. Despite some negative nancy’s thinking it won’t after being proven wrong so many times already.


And the hateful cycle never ends.


‘Negative nancy’ is too nice of a term for these gaslighting folks.


Careful remember who had the last laugh in the Watchmen continuity.

Also for someone who QQs ao loud and so viciously over “people taking your words and misinterpreting them”, you are quite fine doing the same. Cause I never said the void customization may never happen, I said those can happen a month from now or 20 years from now as far as we are concerned, period.

Belf players considered their “customization pass” underwhelming, this doesn´t mean we can go and tell Ion that “Belf customziation pass never happened”. Same principle with you people, you can say getting reused Belf asets is underwhelming (well, duh!! called it), but what you CANNOT do is to say “this isn´t a real customization pass”. Sorry, it IS a real customization pass, and you guys can´t claim it isn´t following arbitrary non arguments, period.

Excuse me Mr., but phrases like:

Don´t exactly translate in normal english language to “I´m SO happy about what devs did customization wise with this race!!”, quite the opossite as a matter of fact, the verbs used imply some level of discomfort.

And you people pretending the words “low effort” can be used in ANY context as a simile to “efficiency” only tells me you have ZERO clues about any Quality Control connotations ever made (cause you will never see in any quality control scenario an audit that interchangeably uses “low effort” with “efficiency”. As a matter of fact, the first description is almost universally used to relate events in which quality control was lost, the second describes the ideal situation any quality control system aspires to be).

Said no one ever dude, I don´t remember no “anti” going into the Customization thread to say this. Heck, the most finger pointing related to people denouncing ungrateful chronic complainers is literally focused in gameplay aspects like the whole ripcord deal.

Easy. Ask them.

I´m quite sure they WILL consider this a nice bonus customization pass, hopefully they won´t go as far as to answer with “but we gave x, y and z features to your druids” if fans of core races ask for additional customization passes. I wouldn´t discard this possibility, though.

It takes two to keep it going. That doesn’t excuse the behavior that’s currently going on, and I am ashamed of how many people in favor of High Elves are taking the opportunity to snub others, but this cycle has been on-going for a while now, and neither side has demonstrated an impossible group-maturity to be the bigger side and let it die. Granted that’s also just the internet in general.


That’s true, when someone says “redhead” this is simply another name for orange to ginger hair, actual RED like scarlet or blood red are not natural, these are achieved with dyes. Much to my disappointment, blood red is actually my favorite color… you can imagine my infinite disappointment when I found out a Blood moon is actually pink…

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The internet amplifies your true character to a bigger degree. Of course the younger people will not stop fighting with each other and continue to put their emotions into the keyboard.

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Again, if you need to interpret that way to cope that’s on you. Dude is simply hypothesizing about the future additions. Not everyone has to express their happiness by your view. Besides, you don’t really know where else they could be celebrating. :wink:

Man… using your TV remote to turn off/on the TV is both low effort/efficient. That’s the point of the comparison. Idk how else to simplify it for you. It was never a commentary on Quality.

Oh so you’re saying I can’t be interpreting phrases now, but you’re green lit to do so? Interesting :thinking:

Question was aimed toward the person who thinks a few VE add-ons to a patch formally presented by Blizzard to be about LFD/NB are also a VE customization pass. I haven’t seen any Druids in the first place herald their add-ons as a customization pass so no need to ask em.

You are super ridiculous with your effort to find more things to cope with, I’m sorry for your loss.

Yeah with comments like these it never will.

Be the change you want to see Star.


If you’re going to keep up the cycle of hatred with your posts, and you are, I’m going to point it out.
I’m not adding to the hate by pointing a finger.


And I’m going to point out your contribution to the cycle with the passive-aggressive posts you consider ‘pointing a finger’.

Change begins with yourself Star.

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I’m not going away, Muir. If you want to keep posting hateful antagonizing posts, I’m going to point them out.
Deal with it.

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No one said to leave, only don’t think you’re exempt from this cycle you go on about so much.


I mean, if you are willing to set on apologizing to each other for being mean to one another for 3 years and put the aggressive behaviors away - then we can start slowly working on it. At least that is coming from me, I can’t speak for Muir or others, since they had it way longer of argument with everyone else for this customization/high elf look for so long.

Whether or not it’s passive aggressive as Muir claims, or if it’s pretending to be friendly to each other - that’s your choice. I am just getting what I wanted, and I hope to ask for more hairstyles and hair colors from here on. Blizzard’s slowly listening, and my next focus is to see Azeroth restoration in the expansion.

But obviously, I still believe that the healthier option is to look forward and asking for more customization than say not wanting creates more animosity. And this applies to my opinion about Blood Elf customization too, because I would like to see BElfs get something for themselves in their own way.


“For every finger pointed, there are three pointed back at oneself.”

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And that’s the best thing, it does not matter what petty forum squabbles happen on here, Blizzard has been slowly listening and the things people are asking to be added are getting added.

I just make it no secret I have some schadenfreude :sunglasses:


Honestly, some of the hairs and tattoos suggested here are gorgeous. Hope Blizzard takes some ideas from here as well to further enrich void elves.

Riftwardens, umbral rangers and ghostblades could all use some distinguishing tweaks to flesh them out.


Hey Fen,

Could you please add the “full-tendril hairstyle” option under the “Hair” list? :slight_smile:

I’d really like that option, and would name my Warlock “Medusa” XD

I envision it something like this:



Ohh never mind, I just found out you have it under the “Tentacle” list. :stuck_out_tongue:


I’ll give it a new name when I finally get this new OP ready.

I think it could be clearer anyhow.



Also, what is “Asymmetrical skin”? Does it refer to those skins that are half-regular half-Void?

As a constructive suggestion, I’d try to give a bit more details for each option in your list - I get it that it’s nice to have a simple, succinct list for the sake of brevity, but I feel that’s actually a double-edged sword. Imagine some devs or GMs come here and read the list - they may not actually be used to certain terms employed in our community, or maybe they’d have a difficult time understanding/imagining certain concepts. Why not explaining each list item a bit or, even better, linking them to a separate example image so that devs clearly understand what we’re looking forward to?

I don’t want to sound like a naysayer or a nagger, I just fear we might actually miss cool customizations if we aren’t 300% clear. Just look at the new hair color mess, for instance. x)