Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

It is!

There’s a couple of them I’ve seen with varying amounts of “corruption”. I’m going to get each list option paired with pictures and under spoiler tags. Should all be easier to read when I’m done, but I’ve been waylayed the last few days off the forums.

I actually agree in the entirety of this and it’s mostly why I’m trying to update the OP.

Making it easier to read, see and understand what’s being asked for is my goal.

Not at all.

I’m happy for people to let me know any criticism that can assist in clarity.

It’s clear to me that blizzard cannot read minds, despite all attempts to send them my desires that way, so we must make sure we’re as clear as possible.


I realize this is totally subjective here, but also to keep this thread relevant:

One of my turn offs for some of the OP suggestions involved the asymmetrical skin. Mostly because it makes void elves look like they’re almost suffering from corruption. My own interpretation of it is that they embrace the void, and thus their aesthetics should reflect the more elegant side of the void rather than looking like they’re irradiated and trying to keep themselves from falling apart. Thus I’m a little more preferential towards the obsidian skin as one of the more extremes, but that’s just me! Ultimately, Blizzard will decide just how far they intend to carry the void’s effect on the body.

Also Telogrus really needs to become shadow Silvermoon. It’s only fair considering Suramar.


I like to see that one as a step towards the void infusion. For whatever reason some void elves take it easier than others. The nature of the void is possibility and I think that variability in what void elves can look like would be helpful to show that.

Thats a fine way to see it for sure.

As I kinda said just above, the void is inherently variable and I think several options wouldn’t hurt. Perhaps the void affects each elf differently as they go through the process leading to a multitude of differences.

But all things are valid in the void. :stuck_out_tongue:

Nothing wrong with that. The darker skin tones folk want would be really nice to see.

And yeah Blizz will decide in the end as they always do. All we can do is request.

I don’t know if I’d go so far as to say Shadow Silvermoon, but I do want to see them built it up significantly.

I said this about it earlier. >.>


That description evokes some impressive imagery to be sure! And yeah, I just meant something grandiose, it feels like a waste to just have a couple of tents and barrels and call it a day. I feel like the entire void elf “capital” is one strong breeze away from being swept up into the void. :crazy_face:

And I hear ya on the void’s possibilities. While I definitely have my preferences, even IF it was added, it’s not like it hurts anything, I’d just not use it while others who do want to can. I feel like if we can all adopt that mentality, we’ll find more common ground and elevate our voices so that our favorite race has more options across the board.

I also really want the mount in the OP. I was tired towards the end of BFA and never got the void-corrupted drake.


This. It annoys me to no end. Why was our home nothing more than a few tents and portals hanging in the air. Whats even stabilizing them!?

I could go on and on about what I want to see with our home. In fact there will be a section dedicated to just that when I get the time to revamp the thread.

I agree with this. There are many options above that I do not think I will ever use, but so long as they are a void based option that I can justify I’m willing to put them forward. After all that is what this thread is about. Not just my own views and wants, but encompassing so that Blizzard can know what we want to see as far as the Void Theme to Void Elves.

I had several opportunities to get the void drake but… sadly I had to pass them up.

Mostly though I think heritage flying mounts is an entertaining idea… though as Ariel has pointed out… that will have to be done with great care.

The Dragonhawk above is amazing, but honestly I think a Starcursed Hippogryph would work better for Void Elves.


Hey Fen,

Have you also added Void-glowy hands?

Something like the right hand of this guy here:



Not specifically.

That armor is in the new OP draft but I didn’t notice the hand.



Just figured I’d share this here as a reference for anyone who wants to know how traversable Telogrus is. This is a pic of the in-game minimap but for the whole of Telogrus:

The isle in the center south is where players arrive during the unlock scenario, and while it is a walkable space, after the unlock scenario there is no way to get back to this island that i am aware of. It might be possible if you have an item or toy that can throw you way up into the air and glider to it, assuming that said item/toy is usable in Telogrus.

The isle that newly created Void Elves begin on is the island where the finale of the unlock scenario was. There is a portal leading to a smaller island to the south. This island has some NPC’s a little event that happens if you stick around the NPC’s long enough. Sadly, this island has a few graphical bugs such as missing textures and holes in the geometry that have remained unfixed since Allied Races were added to the game.

From the smaller island, anyone with a glider or slow fall effect can reach the next big isle further south. I should warn that there is no easy way back besides hearthing/teleporting/etc. The Ethereal Shadreen can be encountered on this island at times, though she is not always there and is not able to be interacted with when she is, as far as I know.

In case anyone doesn’t recognize her, Shadreen can be heard talking backstage to other NPC’s during the Trial of Style holiday. Here’s the dialogue:

Shadreen says: Have you gathered the information I require?
Nastasia Flairwatcher says: Yes, here are the results.
Shadreen says: …you have done well. My master shall be pleased to see this.

There is also another reference to her in the Brawler’s guild. When you kill the fake Bizmo in the Brawler’s guild questline added in 8.1.5, you get a bag containing a Shadowscrawled Tome. The tome reads the following:

You are my eyes when my eyes are elsewhere. See everything. Remember, record, report. The way they move, the way they fight, their choice of armor, their taste in weapons. Let no detail elude you.

Pay special attention to the heroes, the champions, the movers of fate. Watch from afar. Watch when up close. Interfere, if you deem it necessary.

Do not fail me, Xan-Sallish. Know that I have eyes on you, too.


I’ve used Eagle Eye to check out all of the other islands, and none of them seem designed to be walked upon by players.


So it’s been a minute since I posted in this thread and it doesn’t get nearly as much traffic as it should, but I wanted to post this picture of an Elf with a tattoo style and color I’d love to see for Void Elves, it’s even got sparkles in it :sparkles: :hugs:


Those are the tattoos I’m looking forward to, indeed. With that “starcursed” design, like the Velf heritage armor.

If we could have facial tattoos as well, that’d be great.

Some other tattoo examples I’ve found that I’d like for Velves:



https://i.imgur.com/P46MfdB.png This one’s been posted by Fen already.



Some of them are “High Elfy”, but we can imagine them with Void effects. It’d be cool to have Void energies emanating from them.


All great designs. :+1:

I really like the first and last ones the best, but that’s likely because I’m not a fan of the asymmetrical stuff, but then again the effect can be applied to both arms and sides of the body. Perhaps they could toggle both arms as well as either arm for tattoos.

For glows we could do starcursed, Violet and blue in addition to other basic colors.


Thinking on it, one thing I’d love to see added to velves would be actual void wings. Similar in color theme to the wings on their heritage armor, but larger and uncoupled from armor just as a customization option maybe in black/deep blue/purple color variations with glowing void effects.

h ttps://i.imgur.com/gf0XWDu.png (example of actual wings but apply the above ideas to it)

If I could get void wings, void talons and fangs (and black hair darn it), I’d be a happy girl.


Eh Idk I have red hair, so yea it is a natural hair color and I do think of it when I think of natural hair colors.

I do not think of red hair when I think of void elves or high elves though, so I agree they should’ve given you black and white or something instead. Especially cause black fits both the void theme and the natural theme and because I haven’t really seen anyone, neither helfers nor void elf fans request red hair. Did see requests for blonde hair but never really saw a “give us red hair” post.


Honestly when I think red hair (especially the deep red hair) I think Blood elf/Horde, so I’m surprised they gave us that instead of black. The more ginger orange I could see for the high elf players but I saw more people wanting blonde, white or brown more than red.

Further tattoo ideas a lot of tribal-style tattoos that look like spirals or tendrils I found and compiled together (along with a black rose and bleeding moon designs).

h ttps://i.imgur.com/b8gGL1b.png


I’ve spoken to other Velf fans who argue red is actually a Void color. Remember the Nightmare? That’s Void as well.

I never realized, but they might be right.

Void Elf Nightmare Druids would be AWESOME :heart_eyes:

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Maybe they did that cause they realized natural looking red hair doesn’t look good with the blue-ish skin tones or something?

I don’t know, it’s all pretty weird :joy:

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Well let’s be honest, players RP’ing their void elf as a high elf aren’t going to be using the blue/purple skins with the ginger hair anyway.

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I’ve just seen Rama’s theory that Blizzard specifically chose those 5 colors based on the hair colors of Silvermoon Scholars and High Elf Wayfarers in Telogrus Rift:

I LOVE this theory, it’s yet another hint at new Blood/High Elves turning into Void Elves :smiley:


Or some of Dark Versions of Warcraft 3 High Elf Units with set Warcraft 2 Units of Rangers as well for the Void Elves.

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I think that’s the intention; adding those 2 red hair colors solidly cement the fact that Void Elves come from Blood Elves. We can speculate that they will be inducting the Telogrus initiates, but those 2 red hair colors (+ the shared blonde one) to me are to represent that Blood Elves became the Void Elves.

(In the same manner, I do think that the two lightest hair colors are meant to represent High Elves, as they are their more recurring NPC hair colors)

Still I find it a very limiting hue choice, but I can see some logic behind it.