Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

We do. You don’t lose anything by having empathy for others.

And you know what isn’t healthy? Taking people who have a different opinon of gameplay priorities and treating them like they’re morally wrong and minorly abusive for not wanting what you do.

It is freaking pixel elves, it’s not freaking important if people have them or don’t. Stop acting like it actually freaking matters if people don’t think you should get them.

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Okay Roscharch. You have my cordial invitation to have a laugh when VE customizations never happen then.

Do you realize you can say that to yourself right? These are pixels, why are you so overprotective of them?

Now you are trying to make the argument that I don’t have empathy because I don’t support your posture of gatekeeping customization options? Are you for real?

Also like I said, for me, its a good thing HE customizations are low effort asset swaps.

Should I have used another phrasing instead of “low effort”? Maybe, because I don’t see it as a negative. It’s efficient.

Low Effort=Good to get the HE fantasy fast and quickly.

Because I do believe that by being simple asset sharing, it further warrants void specific development when the time is right.

Why do you keep pretending that there’s any difference between us?

I think it’s better for the story and such for each race to be its own thing, and that if you’re going to add a new race it should be an actual NEW race. This just doesn’t appeal to me, so I argue in favor of what I want.

What I don’t do, and why I keep up the whole pixel elf line is believe that the people who disagree with my tastes are anything more than that. I disagree with what you want, but what you want isn’t actually harming anything (other than maybe the story, but that’s a ship that’s sailed on many many other fronts) You aren’t bad, or mean, or gatekeeping, just because you don’t think I should be allowed to have what I want.

Yes. Because you keep treating me like I’m worse than you are because of an opinion on said stupid pixel elves. And because you keep refusing it seems to even try and think about why people may have valid reasons to have an opinion that differs from yours. You have shown no inclination to even entertain the idea that people aren’t just doing this to get in your way, but that they may actually just think that’s better. That’s why I say you don’t. Because you refuse to show any at all.

Jeeze, I’m just saying stop talking like what you got was of lesser quality than what others have received. You got what you want, no one likes an ungrateful winner. Celebrate what you got, don’t dismiss it as if it was an afterthought.


People, including Turo, have been celebrating it. What’s being done by you and others are somehow warping those prediction of the future customization to Void Elves, as somehow being disgruntled.

Like I don’t even understand what the aim is now to try to make it seem that way, some last ditch effort to be like ‘look Blizz, these people are ungrateful despite receiving more options they asked for, should give them no more in the future.’

It’s really strange at this point. Especially for people who say none of it actually matters due to this being a video game.


How is it not disgruntled sounding if people are going around pretending Void Elves haven’t already had multiple customization passes?

I mean, really, this feels like an attempt to distract from the fact that there’s been no void additions and no indication of any more to come.

Because after getting more and more and more of what you want, I keep seeing more and more requests for non-void stuff, and maybe for once, Blizzard will listen to someone else on this issue and show some respect to the other side.


Because little snippets like what’s coming for VEs, along with say the druid forms aren’t. Do you consider Blizzard thinking Druids are getting a customization pass due to some extra forms?

Blizzard themselves are treating it as, ‘oh we see a lot of people asking for this for VEs so the team says they can add it in’ , that clearly means it’s a relatively simple thing getting tacked on.

Unlike them straight up announcing for LFD/NB this is the customization pass for them since they were lacking in the first place. With their sights set on HMT next.

So there is an aim to make it seem that way, as I suspected lol.

Again, you and others who feel this way need to realize these additions Blizzard are doing after all the feedback they’ve been seeing.

You want to keep touting that they’re only listening to one side, but do you ever consider that they’ve heard both and decided to lean one way?

As I’ve said in the past, along with others, the reason the High Elf topic gets so much attention is because there’s been back and forth pushback from ‘anti-helfers’ as well, it’s the only reason those topics get huge.

You don’t see it for the other race customizations because less people care about being against them (which is respectful tbh, instead of spending so much fixation on preventing addl customization options).

People can keep trying to push their issues onto others, but the fact is some people gotta come to terms with themselves and their viewpoints and realize that isn’t aligned with how Blizzard wants to do things. Instead of trying (in a futile way) to keep holding onto those views.

Especially when those same individuals then make posts talking about how disappointed/let down they are over the extra options that are being added.

And to the rest of us we still feel ignored. So it’s kinda irking when the people who keep getting more and more attention even when other things are supposed to be in the spotlight keep talking as if they aren’t.

Oh, for a long long time, and they’re continuing on that path.

No argument there. We’ve been hoping maybe that would also indicate to Blizzard that it’s not anywhere near a universal want. All we get out of it is a core race that’s lesser than it’s AR on the other side. Hurray us!

Maybe if some people didn’t take so much joy in rubbing it in. I’ll admit, I’m still in the P.O.ed state of mind over this, I’ll get over it, but jesus some of you guys are acting insufferable towards us.


I think some miscommunication happened between the GM and the developer team. Nobody thinks of orange when it comes to natural hair colors.

And people that want/ed HE as their own AR are also ignored, no one gets exactly everything they want unless they’re one of the very few that doesn’t care in the first place what Blizzard adds/doesn’t add. Point is it isn’t like you are the only one having to put up with compromises.

Yet you continue on yours as well. Myself as an example, would’ve loved HE AR - not happening. You also won’t ever catch me supporting it anymore either because I accept the reality of how Blizz is handling it.

Biggest mistake here is thinking it has to be a universal want. I see many people who don’t give a crap about some of the customizations that came to many of the OG races at SL launch, it doesn’t mean there’s not also groups of people overjoyed by it.

Never has it been stated anywhere by Blizz that specific customizations have to be some universal want, you set yourself up for disappoint from the get-go on that front.

I think it’s really okay that people feel vindicated and are relishing in it. Besides, it’s not like they didn’t have to endure the insufferable comments made toward them back before skin tones came, and after Ion made that infamous ‘if you wanna play a tall/blonde-haired/blue-eyed elf roll Horde’ phrase.


To me, I consider it a quick tack-on. Hence why it’s mainly 3 blonde and 2 red shades, rather than individually different colors each. Either way, more to come in the future so it’s fine in the short term. Their main focus is still LFD/NB.

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I feel like the deep red is more wacky. Orange is a real, natural hair colour? There wasn’t a need for a deep red yet - that should have came after we got all the actual natural hair colours covered. We should have: white, black, brown, blonde and orange


Geee, whyever do I feel like you guys are acting like what you got isn’t good enough?


It was a real ask early after VE. You still never answered whether you think Druids are considered having a customization pass since they got thrown some new forms too.

But keep thinking Blizz/the world is against solely your wants/needs for some reason.


Yea. I mean all that is missing is Brown, Pure White, and Black for Void Elves.


What does that have to do with anything? I mean, it’s good for them.

But really? You’re going to act like you’ve been ignored because you didn’t get an explicit BE copy AR AFTER you got the mostly BE copy race? And compare that to the people who have been ignored at every single stage once VEs were introduced as if it was equal, or that there’s any sort of compromise situation here when it’s been one side taking more and more from the other with nothing in return?


I’m still very grateful for what we got - to the point of not feeling the need to ask for anything else, tbh. I just wish they gave us either a few more natural colours or changed a few of them around :upside_down_face:

Also: I wish we got the 8th blonde instead of the first one :sob:


You’re trying to say a few extra hair colors is equivalent to ‘an additional customization pass’ so I’m wondering if you consider it for Druids too who are getting some forms.

And the raging continues. It’s as if you are looking for reasons to continue some perpetual state of ‘being ignored’ for what reasons I do not know.

What my point was there is that it’s not like one group got every single thing ever asked for and the other got not an ounce of anything. Despite folks like you trying to talk as if it is so.

Yea I mean that’s like everything in terms of Ear Options, and of course even 5 new hair colors for Void Elves.

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Close enough in this case.

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