Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Yup. A monkey paw petition when one actually thought about it.

I mean, even the “best” racial customizations like Nelves or Humans were deployed with tons of issues, arbitrary limitations and an overall feeling of mediocrity. That alone spoke of the MARKS the devs used as their acceptable metric.

Common sense to expect NO further elaboration on a racial customization whose fans deliberately watered down upon. Or were you guys so arrogant to expect better treatment than all the races got combined?!?

Omg. You were arrogant to expect better for you guys alone. That or this is the first time you dealt with Blizz´s brand of “quality”.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Says the poster that wonders why Blizzard limited themselves with copy/pasting Belf stuff on Velves and ignored any new void customizations they could have created -and that would had actually demanded more extensive design resources- when the very players ASKED FOR THIS.

You guys deffinitely don´t know Blizzard after years of playing their game, lol.

We never assumed anything guys, you just believed the small notations were magically not gonna apply to you people. And it´s hilarious how you get all bent over Blizz delivering to you second rate reused stuff when the OP of the “most popular” Helfer thread literally asked for THE SAME -as in, using THIS WORDS- asets asthe ones put on Blood elves.

Exercise a little bit of common sense next time. Especially when you had the advantage of witnessing the sad excuse of “first customization pass”, ffs.

Wrong, we expected you to read the actual results of the customization pass that ran for the core races.

That objectively speaking, were MUCH less work than the model update alone was in WoD, 7 years ago. So i repeat, when all of you jumped to upvote Lore´s thread, then ytou have literally no business complaining you got nothing but cheap copy/pasted stuff, period.

Next time support a less lazy suggestion.

This is Blizzard people. The same company that created a Frankestein monster story wise to justify the Horde going back to Dalaran post MoP for reasons (actual reasons being that designing a single capitol is cheaper than designing two).

If you guys have NOT noticed, they thrive in “delivering less effort things”.

My condolences to YOU, after all you had the actual common sense to feel wary of Blizzard taking advantage of your petition.

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Atleast we got Orange, Red, and Blonde for Void Elves. Now we just need to have like Black, Brown, and White and we’ll be set unless we see other hair colors like Green, Light Blue, Pink, and etc.

It’s a Good Start so far.


Lol I don’t know how you’re seeing all the praising for the hair colors as complaining, but you do you.


That’s pretty much all you do. Assume other’s postures and then go on your crusades.

Good luck with that. Peace.

Omg, you want to get destroyed by your own posting eviddence?

I´ll deliver with pleasure:

My personal favorite next, cause omg, the lackof self awareness is abundant on that one:

Idk, all of these imply some level of disgruntlement over getting cheap copy/pasted things instead of newer stuff like LF and NB got (and as I said above: maybe because the fans of those races didn´t drown the forums literally asking to become clones of their parent races?).


They’re so in denial and hurt that they’re trying to find ANYTHING to try and downplay their loss and our win. This isn’t even our OFFICIAL PASS AND a tentacle toggle?


They don’t lol. You must be so upset with what’s being given you’re looking for anything to hold over the HE crowd’s heads.

Most are simply surprised by no black/white, but when Turo and Sol are ‘hoping for proper customization/new styles’ they’re talking about when VEs get their turn for receiving new hairstyles/accessories/features y’know, like the OG races received at SL launch, and how NB/LFD and soon HMT are getting actual new options rather than recolors from their existing parents.

But I guess you need a lot of cope with the recent news so interpret it how you wish. VEs are receiving great options, but these are simply to tide over the long-running Ally HE request. Not an actual proper customization pass with new categories of options.


Yeah, they think receiving only recolors is equivalent to whole new categories of options that all proper customization passes contain.


“No, no, we’re not griping that all we got are these lousy recolors that don’t even really count”


Did you literally forgot what I said about you assuming stuff, didn’t you? Honey.

As anyone that has, you know, read, my arguments would see, my point was that cheap HE aesthetics would be the best to have right now, quick an easy, before we get proper VE updates.

You really don’t get to accuse others of lack of self awareness when, as usual, you keep misinterpreting what others are saying.

Let me be clear so it gets through your head:

I believe it’s good that “HE customizations” are low effort and quick and efficient, because it means actual development time would go to proper VE revamping.

It’s remarkable how you missed the point so much. Hilarious, but not unexpected.

I mean you were the one that said that VE’s were never going to get high elf skin tones and then hair colors, so…

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Nah, I know never to bet against Blizzard screwing over the Horde to favor the Alliance, try again.

But seriously, stop pretending that this isn’t what you wanted, you have actual high elf customizations, you’ve won yet again. Stop pretending that it’s somehow not really all that great


No,. I was just surprised at you guys literally asking yourselves why the devs chose to go for cheap copouts instead of a “proper Void customization pass”.

The question is borderline silly, dudes. You already answered yourselves, the actual question is IF devs will consider to deliver “a proper VOID customization pass” when they achieve global acclaim for much less?

A 50/50 is the answer. They may or they may NOT, it all depends on how much actual revenue they get from those.

And until Fen took on the initiative, NONE of you even gave a thought for this.

Well dude, we only got jewerly as equivalent to “proper customization pass” and the less we talk about Pandaren, Gnomes, Trolls,Forsaken and Worgen, the better for you.

And you evidently lost mine point in your ire haze for me DARING to point the comical of your post, so keep your own hard earned lack of self awareness, yes?

This pretty much CAN be your “proper” customization pass as far as Blizzard record is concerned. You are the only people arrogant enough to believe you were gonna get everything delivered inmediately when most races got different versions of the monkey paw. Or worse, to expect with 100% sure ratio that hypothetical pass.

50/50 my man… if you don´t raise a shtstorm as big as this one you raised for Helf stuff, it may not even happen. If Blizzard only catters to “efficiency”, how efficient is to invest resources in customizations for a race that got mocked, rejected and neglected for most of it´s existence and as the literal first response when the race was announced?

Smaller than Helf I say… and that makes ME sad for people like Fen, cause HE deserved to get his Void RP experience and not lose it so you people could make a Legolas using HIS favorite race as the cheap vehicle to achieve this.

You guys are getting a SECOND turn already. i dond´t say it will NEVER happen, but it certainly has less chances to happen now when most races only got ONE chance.

Sorry, weren´t you the poster child on the Belf thread for “Belf customization pass is FiNe?” So, only is NOT proper when your pet race is involved?

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You’re seething so much it’s almost palpable. I need to insert a spongebob meme here.

You’re still stuck on the stance of “ok they gave you the model but you can’t guarantee anymore!!!?”

Then it went to “ok they gave you skin tones and eye colors, but that’s it, no hair colors, no more!!!”

Now it’s “ok they gave you hair colors, but now it’s 50/50 you’ll get anything else!!!”

Like, I don’t know how many ways it has to be shown to get through to that dense stance:

Customizations are an ongoing process that’s never going to end.

You might as well be saying you’re already prepping yourself for more disappoint.

For the record, I’ve never been the one to tell others to stop asking for options for their favorite pet races.


Come on, I haven’t forgotten how vehemently you used to say that it would never happen. So yeah, I do believe that an actual VE pass is yet to come.

Nah, maybe just stop assuming what I want. Or do you really think I just draw VE concepts out of duplicitous-ness? lol

So wipe those tears, because now that the HE customizations are finished IMO, it’s time to continue pushing for the VE specific ones.

Sure Ariel, this is the proper VE pass and VE’s are neeeever going to get expanded Void options. Of course you are right and we are wrong and you have sure shown us with your foolproof prescience that we were FOOLS! by asking for low effort HE options, cause we have rewarded Blizzards LAZYNESS! And it means VE’s will neeeveeeer get expanded void options.



The irony and hilarious lack of self awareness is so abundant on that one i literally chocked on my cocoa, ffs.

I frankly just feel bad for Fen, he´s one of the actual losers. We Belves will get more stuff few people asked for but that are cheap to implement (Velf hairstyles, anyone) ot that people asked as a cheap consolation price. He may not get anything unique until years from now.

Well dude, cheap jewerly nobody uses WERE the Belf custromization pass as far as Blizzard are concerned as of… right now (I mean they have said NOTHING related to expanding on core racial customizations, so?)

Yup,a 50/50. Funny how probability works.

Iwasn´t the one calling for “suspicious treatment done on the Velf race in comparison to the other 2 AR races touched”, you were. So yes, you were, areand will be fools if you REFUSE to consider the possibility this may be the “last” customization pass in years to come.

That is perfectly possible, that´s all I´m saying.

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Well I have, and my constant pessimism has long figured since they gave void elves that they’ll keep caving without any sort of return. Woooo, cynicism shows the way!

Did you not want high elves? Because damn you do a good job of hiding it if you don’t.

I’m not saying that you don’t also want the actual void elf stuff. I’m just getting tired of the way people who have been part of the 15 or so years of whining now that yet again they’ve been given what they want, at other’s detriment, are once again pretending that you haven’t really gotten anything good.

You won again, be happy, celebrate it!


See, this is were you are being literally dense. Because in the context of the conversation I was having with Fenelon, I was calling it suspicious, in the sense I think there’s an actual reason why we aren’t seeing VE customizations yet and thus I took it to mean VE specific customizations will come in the future. My suspicion, is that it’s lore related.

And I get why you could have misinterpreted by just reading that post. But the fact that you misinterpreted, ran away with it, and spent post after post raving about your misread… is just SO you, you know?

Come on. If you think something needs clarification, ASK, all you do is have an interpretation of what you THINK it means and then RUN with it.

Well it’s not my fault you are tired “of the way people keep whining”. One I just speak for myself, and two you do not get to police what other people want or ask for, all because you feel it’s in detriment to you.

And you are always going to feel that way if you keep pretending other people getting what they want takes away stuff from you. That’s not my problem, nor from other people that keep asking stuff. That’s on you. If you believe every thing HE’s fans get is something you lose, you will continue to feel like this.

And I can’t do anything about that. I can’t make other people not ask for the stuff they want.

So I will continue asking for what I want, cause that’s all we can do. And that’s tentacles, starcursed hair, naaru markings, black hair and new hairstyles.

No. You are the one pretending it doesn’t. You may not think it is important, but others do, and they’ve lost more and more.

And in case you’re tempted. Yes, I am well aware that if I got what I wanted that it would in fact be denying you stuff you want. That is what happens when people want mutually exclusive things.

Will you stop this lie. People have been asking for what they want, it’s not invalid because you don’t like it.

And I like how you go on an unrelated rant to avoid the fact that you’ve been pretty much whining that getting what you want wasn’t really all that great.

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You KNOW what I mean. And you know I can’t agree that gatekeeping options because you believe they belong to you is fair or healthy. You don’t loose anything by sharing. You really don’t.

And that’s the CORE issue why you will always feel dissatisfied, why you will keep feeling like you are loosing when we get a hair color.

Does believing that makes you feel better?

Like I said, I will move my focus now to VE customization options, because besides braids and true white, I am happy where High Elves customization options are.

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Don´t you know, it only counts when it affects them.

Believe me, if the devs tomorrow come out some weird “we decided to give the Velf blue skin tones to Belves cause idk nu-nuLocus Walker idiotic lore excuse”, I´d pretty much consider that and ADDITIONAL customization pass… useless, but objectively speaking, a customization pass even if this only brings cheap reused stuff with it.

It is, as i mentioned and they hated me for pointing it out, common sense. Cause if the premise is that customizations are an infinite job, then ALL are just as valid as “proper” passes, and the only difference (or question more exactly) is when will Blizz decide to launch their newest “iteration”?

The answer may be a month from now OR 10 years from now. Worgen and Goblin players after all had to wait for entire YEARS before being deemed “worthy” of getting their models updated ffs, and that only because it would had been a very bad PR move from Blizz to ignore them after they devoted a bunch of resoruces to make lame skin versions of already exsiting races sans KT Humans, Zanda Trolls and Vulpera (who are the only legitimately speaking, actual “hard effort” races implemented).

IF they aren´t infinite but more a tool to get lowest common denominator players resubbed well… things become worse way quicker. Cause this means they will deffinitley avoid working on this issue unless subs reach an overall lowest point… like right now.

Heck, go check the “9.1.5 stuff we gonna implement thread!!”… as expected, more and more posts are about GAMEPLAY stuff, very few post about customizations per se.

And the other 4 post after that sure. But Iam the “dense” one 2imagining stuff you commented 4 consecutive times" lul.

Own to your own behaviour ffs, you fool nobody here with an actual working braincell.

Sure man, we Hordies all believed Blizzard couldn´t be as supremely idiotic as to spoil Sylvanas burning Teldrassil in their own Blizzcon pre-expac launch.

Guess what happened?!? :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face:

Friendly advice: the story is in the WORST state it has ever been, so don´t hold your breath expecting “special snowflake” treatment unless this treatment can be replicated in the other faction. Cause Blizzard only delivers in borderline hard -to the point of breaking the acceptable margin- “efficiency”.

Color me surprised NOT. As I said: I called it, why is people making /pikachu faces? This was but an obvious result.

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