Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

I’ll never understand those who want to fight in a customization thread… Its clear this isn’t the place for that kind of discourse.

Very excited to see what comes next for us!


Just don’t play the game if you don’t get them.

What is before you is the game and its lore. Void elves have the ability to have Paladins.

Its ridiculous that you fight the devs and Blizzard over such paltry things as the fulfillment of a request they long ago said they were preparing for.

Its even more ridiculous that you waste your time here, among those who have been requesting for Void Elves for years, and think your opinion will sway them.

I will be putting you on ignore from here, as this thread is not for the type of discussion you’re trying to push, so don’t worry about responding to me. I only hope you realize this isn’t the place for that type of discussion going forwards. This is for requests and talking about Void Elf lore not about the removal of such.


I’ll keep playing the game regardless, but Blizz has said they are working on race/class combos so the ones that are left are the ones that require assets.

That does make me wonder what the void elf totems would looks like. They could just go with a purple/voidy version of whatever they decide the Thalassian totems are going to be.

For druids I’d love some voidy bear, lynx, and dragon hawk models for velf druid forms. They’d look super cool!

For pallies, like I’ve said, it would be cool to have a void color glyph like warlocks have felfire glyph. It’s also not that far out their to have someone wield the void as one does with the light as a pally. They’d just be a void pally instead of the eclipse that was shown.

I doubt they’ll do DH but would be cool if they did. I think DH are going to stay Nelf and Belf only.


check rowoar

God you’re so high and mighty when you get to chastise people on your keyboard.

fen is actually a nice person. hes started customization threads for nearly every race


Thank you, thats mighty kind of you to say.

Well not every race… that would take so much time. lol

But for Blood Elves, Void Elves, High Elves, Kul’tirans and Mechagnomes I sure have. Would love to open a few more but time is scant these days.


So you’re looking forward to:

  • Everything by LF and Regular Orcs taking damage when casting Fel

  • Everything by Void Elf taking damage from casting Shadow/Void

  • Demon Hunters taking extra damage from Light

  • Undead taking extra damage from Light

  • Undead and Regular Orcs taking damage from casting Light

  • Death Knights having thier health drain every second they aren’t in combat

  • Zandalari Paladins no longer able to cast spells (without Rezan they don’t have power in the BfA lore).

Like if you want to try to have this obscure rigidity with things, you’ll find that MOST things in WoW take pain or intense effort to work out. Go figure.

That’s what you’re trying to do, by acting as if the lore for the game doesn’t allow for Void Elves + Light, because it does now, and nothing has technically said otherwise anywhere in all of WoW’s lore.

You’re just salty that you’re wrong, and people are calling you out for being toxic for no reason.


I think a Void Knight, or at least one that uses Light and Shadow might be a unique class we get later on, based on Arator, or a specific spec for Paladins.

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Very well said. A total deconstruction of that person’s argument.

The reality is they are just salty because they adopted an ‘us vs them’ mind set for this sort of topic.

I am going to play what I want, and it is now a part of the lore!
:transgender_flag: :rainbow_flag:


Something ive long wondered about, are there any ornaments or symbols associated with VE?

Its true they might just get a void version of BE shamans though, which raises the followup of what their’s would be? Lynxes or Dragonhawks or phoenixes?

Edit: omg what if we get smol color coded Voidwalkers? XD


For me, a few tents is just not a ‘town’.

You certainly have a great point- that Blizzard probably will not spend the recourses to make a new Void Elf town- but that is what I’d wish to happen.

It’s kind of funny, when you think about it. they spend lots of time and resources on beautiful dungeon assets that people run through as fast as they can… clone a few of those and make us a little Void town that is more than a campsite!!

All I can say is that I hope Blood elves get druids. lol


Well everyone should get Druids eventually. It’s just likely to be the last class proliferated due to art/models needed.


Yeah everyone’s going to get druids, it’s just going to be the last class they open up to all because of all the Druid forms. I wouldn’t expect them to be added until Midnight at the earliest unfortunately.

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I fear Blizzard won’t even do that much, they will likely come out with some standard universal models that all the other races will use, which is why I hope it gets teased at some point before they open up all the classes.

At least then they might put some effort into Blood elven themed forms and just toss them some generic model.

I doubt they will just make “one size fits all” models for the other races. Blizzard likes their shortcuts but they do tend to try and maintain certain standards. What I do expect is a) making use of existing models as basis for the new racial forms, and b) where possible, using the same models (with different colors and bling) for multiple races where they feel they can get away with it.

For example, I’d expect Blood Elves and Void Elves to have similar druid form models but their coloring and accessories to be different.

This example uses the current (and quite old now) lynx model from TBC, but the newer lynx models coming in TWW would probably be more likely:


We’d probably see similar reuse/recolor for Draenei and Lightforged Draenei. Blizzard did this previously with the Highmountain Druid forms which are just Tauren forms with moose antlers:


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The abstract jewelry would be the closest thing to any general concept we could have.

So something like a caged earing with w/e element inside.

Which would be lame as heck. And Mag’har/Highmountain/Darkiron/Zandalari got different totems from their counterparts, so it would not make sense to give one race un-unique totems.

As for what BE totems would be, they would likely look like the WC3 Arcane Tower.

Phoenixes would not work for Water/Wind. Lynxes have potential.

Also, this should have been the Xpac EVERYONE gets Shaman. The Primalist are right there!

I still say the rift would be a good place for a school/research facility.

A Void Hogwarts if you will.



So the new Dalaran…
