Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

I think the void paladins should use a more white bluish light to reflect the stars in the void… and keeping the light theme

But also so night elves can become paladins too

And instead of hammers swords!!!


Not the troll ‘paladin’ complaining about class/race combos. Don’t give me the prelate excuse, class skins need to be a thing before tauren and troll ‘paladins’ were ever introduced.


They could always use the Light. Just like Lightforged could always use the Void. We see it in Legion.

At best it just hurts to use. No different then Alonsus Foal, honestly probably easier on them then it is on him.

Why don’t you instead take it up with Orc Priests. Who cannonically now work with spirits and the song of thier ancestors, but it produces light spells in the game as of the patch when Orc Priests were added.

That seems more like an actual change to the lore here.

YES!! Give us a glyph to change judgement into a magical sword, lmao.

Tauren Sunwalkers actually do kinda fit on thier own merit.

But yeah, a Troll Paladin complaining about it is WHACK. Considering thier power comes from Rezan the Loa of Kings specifically. Who is a Light Aligned Nature God.

Arguably with his death, no Ztroll Paladins should have been made makeable until Vol’jin returns.

I feel like it’s going to be neutral in gameplay, but it’s not going to be a alliance/horde city, it will remain a Horde city just the night elf area is still technically an alliance one.

I feel like if anything, they’re building animosity between the Blood elves and Void elves. The ones in the void have already been exiled, with some Void elves straight out insulting the Blood elves.

I mean, was it dumb? Clearly they were right that being infused with the Void and being close to the Sunwell does endanger it, so if they were just letting every Void elf that wanted to visit the Sunwell in, they could easily have sabotaged it. We already saw how easy it was for a void elf to turn on us, and join Xal, and all it takes is one elf to open a portal.

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This is glossing over that dealing with Void magic and teachings was only part of the issue, the BIG one was that all void elves are potential gateways for agents of the Void to get through, as shown in The Nightborne recruitment questline where Alleria just being near the Sunwell was the signal flare for a Nether Prince to throw waves of attackers through Alleria as a conduit and she didn’t have much say over the matter in an attempt to corrupt it.

It’s not a question of trust when the VE has no say or defense over being a walking Random Encounter generator.

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Honestly let’s be completely REAL here for a moment people.

  • Gilneas is Neutral Now after it was taken back, a Capital City Mind You

  • Amirdrassil, which Blizz initially called a Capital City until they got Backlash, is neutral

  • Telogrus Rift, which is the Void Elf Town, and current Capital Area, is now Neutral with the new Quest Line

Then Throw in Oribos, Dornogal, and Valdrakken…ALL Neutral.

The only NEW CITY that has a faction lock is Under City.

If you play an Alliance and go back to the Ruins of Lorderon Area, after having done the Eyes of the Wolf Quest Chain that gets the city back. The guards will kill you, and so will EVERY SINGLE NPC.

I just tested this with my Void Elf Hunter.

Add that in with the fact that they’re working on mulitple expansions with multiple teams at once, I just don’t know if they’ll have the resources to make 2 HD cities.

So like, unless we’re about to go into another faction war. I don’t see the current team making Silvermoon Horde only. Except maybe because the other Horde city is Horde only they might do it? It’s hard to tell.

Becasue the Void Elf/High Elf NPCs talk about how much they dislike having joined the Horde. So it’s setting up the groundwork for same faction tensions again, which is NEEDED imo. Like we don’t need all at war, but we at least need faction tensions and mini-fights.

But at the same time, Midnight is all about the Unification of the Elves…so…it also kinda adds up to us sharing Silvermoon.


She was a beacon.

The conduit was the well itself.

The thing was rebuilt with a void naaru’s core.


Despite what Velen said when he put M’uru’s heart in the well, I can’t help but wonder if there’s still some void lingering or growing in it, in a way echoing the hallowfall crystal. Regardless of that, I also wonder if it’s just Alleria’s unique circumstances that posed the danger to the well, but perhaps regular void elves aren’t void powerful enough to have the same effect :thinking: Probably not though

Or perhaps what happened with her has maybe awakened some void in the heart.

  1. PC Void Elves won’t be as strong as Alleria or Umbric, because we never are.
  2. All Thalassian Elves can connect to the Sunwell from Anywhere on Azeroth just naturally as part of thier biology. They said even High Elves automatically could re-connect to it, once it was fixed.
  3. No where in the lore does it say Void Elves are cut off from the Sunwell or connected to it’s Arcane power. Infact it might be touched on with the Void Elf Paladin Girl.
  4. So really what MOST likely happened is that Alleria being connected to the well, acted as a magical Anchor that the Void could use, when she was NEAR the well.

Because so far all we know is that Void Elves are just a danger if near the sunwell, but not inside of Silvermoon it’self.


I didn’t make my point well. What I was getting at is, have they shown or mentioned any other circumstances of void power having an effect on the well? I know they said Rommath banished them because they considered the power dangerous, but they didn’t mention any instances of void power causing a problem that would support that claim. My point being, maybe in reality it’s just Alleria herself who has too much void power and puts the well at risk while other void elves don’t possess enough power to do so? Or perhaps it’s due to a link easily being formed between the 2 naaru hearts? It’s unfortunately not clear just how much different she is than the others. Maybe none of that is plausible, but interesting to consider nonetheless.

No, not yet anyways. At least not directly.

Yeah, the whole reasoning is because Rommath and the magisters like to control the people. With the Void being what Dar’khan was into, and he’s the one that led to thier city being sacked because of the void. So it was paranoia of it happening again that led to him pushing it.

Lor’themar didn’t fully agree UNTIL the thing with Alleria.

I could see it being JUST Alleria, that’s a path they may walk down in Midnight.

And if that’s the case, then I bet it’s like you mentioned. Because she has the heart of the Dark Na’aru inside her that she drained.


I will add that techncially all Void Elves can snap and go crazy at any minute…so I guess in that aspect they’re a potential threat to the Sunwell, but that didn’t happen until after they were exiled.

Not yet, and the Emberthal Quest Chain that mentions it, doesn’t go further on it, in the PTR.

There’s nothing saying there’s darkness within the well, there’s a bunch of cryptic prophetic words that could be interpreted in literally any way.

What happened to Alleria was touched upon in the short story where she states that the Void used her as means to open a portal which allowed them to attack the Sunwell. This could happen to literally any Void elf, if it could happen to Alleria.


They shouldn’t have spells which are blatantly aligned with human paladin aesthetic. Class skins to rename them from Paladin to Sunwalker and Prelate respectively should have been implemented, then followed by race-specific class spell effects beyond just the mount.

I’d say the spells are just Paladin Aesthetic honestly.

The Hammers are more Dwarf like. The Golden Light is rather neutral, and it’s the same thematic approach that Blood Elves, Dwarves, Humans, and Draenei have. With Draenei and Blood Elves using more crystals.

Tauren is hard to know what it’d be animation wise. Because the only Sun magic we see, is the Nature Spell Wrath, and some other Balance Spells. Which is like a red-orange. But yellow is also evocative of the Sun.

As for the Prelates, I think they’re mainly fine in thier animations too, Rezan’s magic was just pure yellow Light, and canonically he gifted them thier power.

I’m not opposed to class skins, animation overhauls, or more things like the Fel Fire Book. Personally I want Shadowflame for Evokers, Warlocks, or Mages. As well as maybe Blue Fire?

I just don’t see any issue with Zandalari and Tauren using the spell animations they currently do from a Lore perspective.

I and many others have been waiting for all races to be replaced with default Unreal capsules. It fits the lore just as much as your Lighted void elves.

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The one I will say about the Void elves, is man the rift has some really nice lighting and ambiance to it lol


Good. Then I hope to see self-damage added to spells that use the light when performed by void elves.

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Just don’t play them if you don’t like them. Also, not sure why you’re picking fights on a customization thread. Just mute this one and move on to the other 1000 threads about velves, helves, belves, and all classes for all races.

Or just don’t play wow if you’re that unhappy about the changes. Many players are thrilled about these changes.