Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

She really does though. At least as a void elf and leader.
She doesnt refer to herself as rendorei. She says how she doesnt spend time with the void elves. She hardly even remembers the name of a void elf who admired her.
And the whole questline was just about her being all emo about being a void elf.
And i seriously do not care about her relationship with Turalyon.

As far as void elf representation goes, shes awful at it.

But hey, maybe down the line she will redeem herself

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That very well could be part of it.
I wish they were here already so i could put it to the test.

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I agree with you, it felt awkward reading these parts, ngl.

To me, it feels like devs don’t want us to think Alleria is the main leader of the void elves (that would be Umbric, I guess). But then again, maybe they should have written her differently from the beginning.

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You know, it’s funny that you mention this because wasn’t she exactly the opposite in her short story? Throughout the entire story she’s reminiscing about Silvermoon, and recalls a bunch of different elves names, and her life as a High elf, and then she comes to the rift and essentially goes

“Oh, right you guys, what’re names again?” just feels like a weird direction to write a race leader, and it feels like they’re intentionally trying to distance her from the Ren’dorei for some reason.

I imagine it’s like an arc where she at first questions and doubts her path into the void, but after Locust-Walkers warning she fully embraces her unique nature and that’s when we see her in her new outfit and look. Her old appearance represented her holding on to her past, and weaknesses, and her new appearance represents her letting go of it, and embracing the void with the Ren’dorei.

I wonder if that’s meant to be symbolism for the void elves overall. lol


i was watching a video of pyromancer playing thru the dark heart questline and when the harbinger is mentioned, pyro said, but who will end up being the actual harbinger and then mentioned alleria posing like xalathath does with the dark heart in hand. he thinks maybe alleria becomes the harbingers vessel, and unless xal is actually gonna be a good gal, we may be witnessing the last time anyone sees alleria herself

I honestly hope not. I’m hoping for a beautiful sparkling void touched ethereal, magical new void elf capital ( even if it is small. If I was interested in Silvermoon, I’d play a Blood elf.

Love love love the void touched skin for the dragon!!


As a means of showing that they’re indeed learning control, I humbly propose replacing the (imo) fugly AND random Entropic Embrace with the super gorgeous Void Blast spell that several of the npc’s were using :comet:

Or, even better if it’s literally the big gravity pull star spell from plunderstorm :star_struck:


definitely disagree with your opinion on that

As cool as those are (i loved that spell in plunderstorm), the only comparison we have for the moment is the Lightforged tactical kill sat, which while I love, it doesn’t do a whole lot because of how it’s tuned, so these would be similar tuned down.

We do have the Earthen Empowered racial coming up but we have no idea how that’s gonna end up tuning wise.

Regardless I love going void mode and don’t want it gone.

(now if ya wanna talk about making transmog free and then replacing the transmog discount with it then we ball)

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There’s definitely room for haggling :rofl:
I would much prefer a controlled racial, but I definitely speak only for myself. However, I have started to really really like that kind of astral effects those spells use, especially the casting aura on the hands


Wish granted, you can now summon a smithing anvil on cooldown

This is just speculation based on the clues that can be found at Telogrus rift.

:thinking: can i…can i materialize it over people’s heads?


I agree, but it really looks like they are going the Neutral Silvermoon route instead.

There are really making a point to show that some Blood Elves still want to be in the Alliance and that Silvermoon is very tolerant of Alliance centric personal there already.

They are also kinda making the Blood Elves look like idiots for not trusting the Void Elves with Umbric being right all along about learning Void Stuff to defend Quel’Thalas. Blizzard often makes one side look bad to prop up there other. So I’m a bit worried.

I would rather each group shines in their own right and reaches a mutual understanding than both groups being crammed together.

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Hello everyone, catching up here after a long hiatus, but yay for void elf paladins becoming canon now!


Draenei priest in plate armor mog? :eyes: wish it were real


Shadow Paladins confirmed /s

I wonder what this means for Midnight as I see the Lightforged trying to protect the Sunwell and the Draenei/Velen since they/he helped make it AND they have their own group of Void Experts reestablished.

So a Draenei Presence is not out of the question.



Retconning lore just so people can RP in nonsensical ways. I’ll never accept it.

God i wish blizzard would lose the asinine class restrictions for VE. If void elf and undead can be priests they can be pallies.

Theres no real logic there. In wc3 holy light would kill all undead, which means in lore a undead priest is an impossibility. Yet they did it. They can do it with VE, or does lore retcon only make sense when they want it to?

Makes sense why wow has bar none the worst story of any mmo. Sometimes i wonder why i love this game so much… probably cus of my guildies tbh lol.

Besides its 2024 why do we have this archaic restriction on classes/races? What is this mmo perpetually stuck in 2006?

Then don’t play one when they are added later on in TWW.

I and many others have been waiting for it, although quite a few of us do want void colored spell effects via a quest or something like how locks get the felfire look from a quest.


If only flying were allowed. Also, it’s too bad Horde can’t use the rift to SW.