Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

The fact that these are still going on is ridiculous.


People fear losing their inGame identity, which they see as their RL-identity, never realizing that they live in a shadow of an artificial gaming figure.

Why else would people get so mad about shared pixel graphics? WoW is just a game and Blizzard does all in their power to open up the races one by one.

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Random idle thoughts about Xal.

Given her name style, that she was sealed and used as a battery more or less (and could likewise drain) rather than slain, and that she refers to the Light versions as “wayward kin” or something to that effect, i don’t think she’s an Old God at all as a lot speculate.

I think she’s a Dark Naaru.


This void elf still has his blood elf green eyes. :eyes:


When you drank of the Void but that Shivarra at the bakery got you acting up

Can confirm. I can re-visit Telogrus via the portal Alleria made after the questline.

It’s fun that Horde can basically take it over in War Mode. :sunglasses:

Also can confirm, went there on my horde after the quest. I don’t go in WM sooo you can’t get me!

But don’t worry, I’ll see you in SMC in Midnight! …Still unflagged tho lol


Interesting that he’s no longer a priest.

Wow… Void Elf weapons, Void Elf Paladin and Dark Ranger, Void Elves with normal skin and hair colors, new mogs and Telogrus updates…

Already off to a great start and Midnight is still years away! :heart_eyes:


I cannot wait to see more things happen and be confirmed.

Oh how I still long for buildings in the Rift!


Now we just need new customization options.

And hopefully not recolored Blood Elf ones.


Perhaps at Midnight the void elves and blood elves will share other customizations between them (green/gold eyes, hairstyles…).

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I’d prefer we get our own. Void Elves are still one of the only races left in the game who never got new unique hairstyle options during or after Shadowlands. Even other Allied Races got multiple new hairstyles and even stuff like jewelry or more tattoos. :frowning:

Void Elves deserve their own hairstyles/tattoos/jewelry that fit their racial fantasy just like every other race, and I don’t think Belf players want to see their race specific options given away tbh


I would also like them to get some new customizations but we probably have confirmation that void elves are only blood elves.


I would like Void Elves to get Voidy Eyes like Xal’atath, Void Markings like Alleria, and they own less glitzy haircuts.

With Blood Elves getting their Arcane Runes from the Box Art, extremally Fancy and BIG haircuts/beards, and more jewelry colors/options.

I want each race to shine in their own way, not get smashed into one undefined thing.


From all weve seen… yeah theyre totally getting smashed in to one thing XD

Than we really need to start pushing against it.

Tbh the path theyve set is already a done deal.
The storyline of midnight is set in stone and the expansion is being developed.
I dont think there will be any changes to whatever it is theyve planned.

I’d love to see them really lean into the multiple aspects for the void. It seems we are moving away from the Old God aesthetic but I still think offering that as a customization for Void Elves would be very cool.

And if Umbric is to be belived, they might just return to Quel’thelas. At this point a neutral Silvermoon is even more likely in the cards.

Also, I am just glad any Alliance can go to Telargus Rift now.

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