Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

On the one hand meh, on the other hand mad respect for Ennas for knowing the best way to deal with Void abominations.

A quick boot to the head.

Maybe Silvermoon will be the neutral capital of Midnight. :crossed_fingers:


how ya get the weapons? i already did the quests and no weapons

Apparently theyre in the middle of your collection.
Probably because they were made in legion.

I don’t know if its a bug, but anyone notice that Voidlight Everdawn’s eyes look different?


The bow is granted with all the other weapons. You should only need to be on a character that can mog bows. It may be mixed with legion items and not the newest.

i had to a search by name to find bow. dont see the 1h weapons though. gonna try name search

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aww how cool but no velf fx

Hell yes! Thats awesome. All of this is awesome! Its nice to see most if not all of the communities wants for void elves to come through. Haven’t had a chance to see yet but have they explained new Void Elves being made specifically for the how yet?

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now they just need a glyph that turns all pally spells pink, and woot

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One of the first things I did when I went into Telogrus Rift was set my hearth there simply to assert dominance. :blush:


omg. lol

I actually really like having my hearth there though… its very relaxing.

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The great joy of being able to check things off your list.

Seems to be they just study and are considered one.


Pity they didn’t show how they actually go through the transformations, if they do, to become blue… we know from that newer ones story that she at least did.


We also see new hair colors so it’s probably a bit random how voided you get?

Not really answering a lot of questions tbh.

At least we now know it’s more of a philosophy/school of study than any hard set state and it’s kinda open to everyone.

We also know some do in fact live there despite it being rough to do so.


where? in rift? who?

I think he meant “new” as in some of the new named and generic npc’s are using the high elf hair colors. Some have void skin and blonde or red hair for example. Others use high elf skin tones and void elf hair colors, and at least one has both high elf skin and hair. No actually new hair colors have been added.


This, sorry, bad phrasing. Was cooking/cleaning all day lol


As someone who partipated a lot in the 2018 void/high elf forum wars, I must say it’s good to have:

  • Some Void Elf lore and a few named NPCs
  • Ennas and Lyria returning as void elves (something we suggested way back then)
  • Canonical Void elf Dark Ranger and paladin (now make paladins available for all races, Blizz!)

It’s little, and it took a lot of time (it’s been 6 years and 3 expansions!), but at least it’s something.


I’m just glad that they finally addressed two things I made a post about back in the day. Heritage weapons and the mounts.