Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Its so strange…

I have to ask, why? Was there a problem with using the Kul Tiran hair colors? Well, new hair colors are new hair colors. Here’s hoping for some new styles that’ll look clean and more High Elven, although now I’m not sure if they won’t just copy/paste them from Blood Elves as well.


I think it kinda confirms this is a low effort approach, just copying BE assets, because the intention is to give that HE fantasy as close as they want to. So this is the most HE thing we will get. It’s meant to be as close as the present HE aesthetic as possible.

But I think that also means Void specific customizations will come later -overall I think AR customizations were meant for 10.0, and I think because in universe reasons we can’t get VE ones before that-

It’s just suspicious that AR are getting actually new stuff and VE’s just reused stuff. I think there’s a reason for that.


Called it.

And that´s what you get for praising Blizzard for literal least effort in your threads.

Dear, the CORE races customization pass was an ode to mediocrity, and you STILL think the devs will care for more than fulfilling the proverbial lowest hanging fruit a.k.a. the Helfers?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

The reason is called “fans from the other AR actually asked for newer stuff, not to get the chance to become clones of another existing race”.

If you guys didn´t get the memo back in 8.0… yup, you will. Cause the feedback towards the “unique” hairstyles wasn´t praise, and the demands to “get to look like Veeresa” were waaay louder at the time.

Personally, i just think these will be the last customization passes in years… I have zero faith in Blizz and they never dissapoint.


Yeah if you look at the Alliance HE NPCs (including Silver Covenant which only Alliance can gain rep with), then you see they sport the 5 hair colors we’re receiving I believe. All that’s missing at this point is brown from any existing HE NPCs.

But all in due time imo, just as the other additions have been. Ely Cannon didn’t give any platitude at all it seems, it’s just as he stated:

We did have a lot of discussion about it, ultimately we might do more in the future, but for now we’re providing the option to have a few High Elf customizations available.


This is fair, and to be honest… I suppose I can live with it speaking for myself.

I don’t want to see things taken from Blood Elves anymore, but if Blizzard has decided to simply copy/paste existing customization options High Elves used, to Void Elves, well, I suppose its better than nothing. I say this, because I do want High Elf NPCs to use the same options available to player characters. Unless Blizzard would be willing to update all the High Elf NPCs across the game (maybe that’d make them realize how over-used they are in Alliance content), I suppose copy/pasting hair colors and hair styles is about the best that can be done.

Hopefully it means additions to Void Elves for the void aesthetic will be new and unique, although I really hope Blood Elves get some new options entirely exclusive to them. Dark Rangers/San’layn should have been made available to them in the first customization pass. We’re in the Shadowlands where it’d be more immersive to play as one, and they were updated out of necessity anyways, so the assets already exist.


It was literally what I was expecting because I thought it was the most sensible choice?

Like for real? It must suck being you.


Then you are complaining over getting second half options why exactly, if the devs delivered exactly as you asked for, hmm?

Makes no sense.

Sorry some of us have actual standards and don´t praise the devs of a multi million company for lazy copouts while a tthe same time we wonder why did we get lazy copouts instead of newer stuff?!? :thinking:

I at least keep a coherent stance, you guys don´t even seem to even have this running for you.

Exactly. With how it’s stated it’s “we are managing to thrown in for VE’s right now” which still leaves their actual pass for somewhere down the line.

Cause yeah, every race is getting a deeper look into their aesthetics with these, except Void Elves. I do think there’s a reason beyond “Lol we don’t care about Void Elf lore” why we aren’t getting VE specific customizations right now.


The reason was “lazy copout will make them happy and we can devote that time instead for the creation of actual artistic features for the other races” (who never asked to become a copy/pasted job of their parent race).

May you get an additional customization pass at some point in the future? Maybe. It´s a 50/50. Like the rest of us cause as far as Blizzard historical record goes, this “customization pass” can come in 9.2 or in 20.0, who knows.

Because getting reused Blood Elven assets was never going to be the same than specifically tailored customization options, like every other race is getting?

Where did I say “Oh we shouldn’t get anything else ever on Void Elves, reused BE assets will be enough!”

Come on. Don’t act the fool.

You really remind me of that dril tweet about the corncob.

But yeah, your incessant ranting is just so exhausting. You are always on 11 and I’m like, tired of you.

Enjoy your superior morality of not wanting reused assets. I guess I’ll just enjoy myself giving my High Elves blonde hair when it comes out.

But you do you! XOXO

Idk man, all of you seemed pretty excited to support Lore´s thread.

In which he especifically asked to get REUSED BELF ASETS.

You didn´t say so, explicitly, sure. But by proxy of supporting that particular petition, you indirectly gave Blizzard devs an easy way out to deliver the least effort stuff a.k.a. more copy/pasting issues.

Next time, you guys should probably take this into account. Cause as long as you praise them for “reproducing the classical Helf look a.k.a. things seen in the Belfg model”, the longer they will troll you with this. I mean, it´s a solid business choice, why would they inconvenience themselves with designing actual unique stuff when loud posters massively asked to get reused asets and promised to “feel happy and don´t ask for anything else?” (maybe this stance didn´t apply to you as an individual, but it did apply to several of your buddies, so… don´t act surprised when the devs took advantage of this as any good businessman would).

Dude, not my fault you don´t see the irony in your own saltyness, period. The color you put on your toon could not be less relevant for my actual day-today gameplay, after all I pretty much ignore orange players.

And FYI, not “moral highground”, more like common sense.

Because the easiest and most efficient way to get High Elven aesthetics was… simply to use assets ALREADY used to represent High Elves.

That way, any NEW assets developed would be Void Themed. You put the actual development time in those when it makes sense, and just reuse stuff for HE’s.

You can’t be this dense.

Nah, this is yet ANOTHER case of you reading whatever you wanted to read instead of even trying to comprehend what is actually being said.

You do this all the time, assume what other people want based on a knee jerk reaction to a cursory read instead of engaging with the arguments in any sort of deeper level.

What saltiness? Oh right, because you are assuming I am saying “low effort” on a bad way, rather than the efficient way I meant it?

I mean…they keep trying to tell us to ‘read the room’ with the whole ‘Blood Elves are High Elves’ shtick, but for some reason can’t ‘read the room’ concerning the most efficient way Blizzard can give High Elven customization to Void Elves. Which y’know, already exist on the Alliance HE NPCs.

The fact that VE received not 1 but 3 different blondes, and 2 reds, kinda shows how much of the ‘as long as they never get blonde/red hair colors so they’re not true High Elves like us Blood Elves’ crowd they listen to.

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This is what I expected.

I figured it would either be:


Depending on if they were going to use Blood Elf textures or not. Never did I imagine three shades of blonde and two shades of red!


Yeah… Like I expected more or less the bottom one. lol

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Was my expectation too minus the red. Kinda feels like they did what they did to shut down the gatekeeping imo. Cuz there wasn’t a lot of contention over black/white/brown.


It’s like they are just angry that we said “This would be the easiest and most efficient way of getting High Elf fantasy” and then it happened.

The fact that these are low effort and practical asset swaps IMO means that when the time comes, we will be getting specific VE aesthetics.

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Mmm… maybe little contention for black and white, but brown was probably slightly more contentious for more people since it falls under “natural” while black and white fits the void theme. Blonde and red seem like the most contentious colors, but I’m happy the blonde I wanted was one of the three. I would have grumbled internally if the only blonde we got was the bright sunny yellow one on the top right of the preview.


There’s some people that honestly do not like hearing the truth or accepting reality for what it is. The tools to ignore/sit in an echo chamber and not engage with different viewpoints are what they use to further stay away from it. That’s just how some people are.

That’s how I see it yeah.

True about the black/white vs brown. But again, all are colors on existing HE NPCs Alliance aligned. Shouldn’t be contention in the first place tbh.

That’s what I mean, they gave the most contentious colors now to nip the contention in the bud.

I agree on the blondes, I like the middle most. Wouldn’t have been as great having only the bright sunny one.


The middle is my favorite too! But the first on the top left would have been acceptable as the only option as well. I thought for sure the bright sunny yellow one would have remained exclusive to Blood Elves.

I do wish they had gone with the Kul Tiran textures instead, but I’ll be satisfied with this.