Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Also, sorry Fen for sort of taking off topic with your thread for the one post.


Velfs are belfs. some belfs were dark rangers. why would a dark ranger not want to tinker with void powers? is there a lore reason other than their loyalty to syl?

plus i dont think the color change was isolated to fair human skin colors, just that the blue and purple undertones were turned to yellow or pink undertones instead, and nearly all human skin colors from pale to darkest brown, are warm shades of pink or yellow. the moment you add blue/purple undertones on irl humans, they look ill such as oxygen deprivation or a heart condition. unless he has ptoof there were no dark blue or dark purple highborne, our poc belfs are simply undertone changed from blue/purple to yellow/pink, resulting in many shades of brown and tan, from dark to light.

presumably the sunwell is not as strong with arcane as the well of eternity, suggesting arcane strength determines cool or warm undertones

hope that made sense


What about being less irrational and more logical? I never suggested the skin tones should be removed, I said it’s not accurate with WoW lore, and it isn’t. It’s a direct contradiction, just like if orcs gained pink skin color, it’s literally the same thing, for orcs are brown/gray, and the ones corrupted by the fel are green.

About blood elves and high elves (from warcraft.wiki):

Their hair and skin color reflect their affinity to fire and the sun.

They have shorter ears and much smaller, lighter bodies than night elves. As well, their ears usually point upwards whereas those of the night elves do not.

Blood elves have glowing green eyes and their hair and skin are much paler or otherwise unnaturally colored, due to the absorption of fel energies during the period the Sunwell was lost. They are considered separate due to cultural differences more so than because of physical ones.

The new options are an adaptation, and if there is an adaptation, there should also be a lore explanation for why it happened, since it is clearly stated that high elves/blood elves have a light skin tone, which differs from the night elves, which is dark, and also matches their affinity with the fire and the sun.

This isn’t Twitter. Accusing me of hate speech for stating an opinion with a source about lore accuracy just shows how much hatred you have, and how sensitive you are about it. You are not saving or protecting anyone with your mistaken militancy, you are just proving yourself to be dishonest.

You are making a straw man, and if you don’t know what it is, it’s this:

A straw man fallacy occurs when someone distorts or exaggerates another person’s argument, and then attacks the distorted version of the argument instead of refuting the original point. By using a straw man, someone can give the appearance of refuting an argument when they have not actually engaged with the original ideas.

Keep your fallacy for yourself, anyone can read the full conversation here and see that the only thing I said is that there should be a lore explanation for it.

Dark Rangers are Darkfallen dark rangers participating the War of the Thorns. They were first seen when Sylvanas Windrunner led her forces into Darkshore through the wisp wall in the Twilight Vale. Afterwards, they participated in the attack on the Grove of the Ancients shooting at druids of the claw. Others remained behind the wisp wall when the Horde took the Blackwood Den on the other side. They also joined the battle near the Wildbend River.

During the stalemate phase, they were seen at Nazj'vel alongside Orgrimmar Raiders fighting against Darkshore Sentinels and Darnassian Archers. Ultimately, they were seen gathered with the rest of the Horde army at Mist's Edge witnessing the Burning of Teldrassil.

Dark Rangers existed way before VEs were even considered a thing, and they are literally… Dead. No, there were no Dark Rangers among Umbric’s group.

Void elves can’t be dark rangers, and Blizzard just added it because of fan service, as they have done many times recently, breaking the lore to the abyss, especially when it comes to void elf.

And no, they aren’t, they were. The void altered their core and biology, void elves are void elves.

Wowpedia says this:

During this time, they created the [Sunwell], and switched to a diurnal waking cycle. Their purple skin eventually shifted to skintones like that of some [humans] and. Some sources imply this was a near-instantaneous transformation that occurred during the Sunwell's creation

Though someone showed me this source is not canon, so I read the actual canon stuff, and that’s what is written (warcraft.wiki):

Their hair and skin color reflect their affinity to fire and the sun.

They have shorter ears and much smaller, lighter bodies than night elves. As well, their ears usually point upwards whereas those of the night elves do not.

Blood elves have glowing green eyes and their hair and skin are much paler or otherwise unnaturally colored, due to the absorption of fel energies during the period the Sunwell was lost. They are considered separate due to cultural differences more so than because of physical ones.

I would have zero issues with dark skinned HEs and BEs as long as we have an official lore explanation for it. Because it’s obvious that they couldn’t before, and this is a recent addition to the game, as I quoted above, HEs and BEs have light skin tone and their skin matches fire and sun, we’ve never had any dark skinned HE/BE in the game before it was added as a customization option.

I get it is a new thing and it’s obviously there for inclusion, no problem with that, but it should have a decent lore explanation, Blizzard could at least write something official about that, even if shortly.

Bending over backwards to discredit BIPOC options is what you’re doing. In addition to being wrong you let us know where you stand when black and brown people get options on human skin toned races in game.


Are you quoting non-canon sources from the RPG section?

“This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.”

You do know the difference between canon lore and non-canon lore, do you?

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No, the ones I quoted aren’t from the RPG books as far as I read it. The one about human/dwarf is from the RPG though.

If anything, you can show me an official quote supporting dark skinned Thalassian, or a character or old NPC. All I care about is lore accuracy.

A straw man fallacy occurs when someone distorts or exaggerates another person’s argument, and then attacks the distorted version of the argument instead of refuting the original point. By using a straw man, someone can give the appearance of refuting an argument when they have not actually engaged with the original ideas.

I won’t say anything else to you. Dishonest debater.

WoW. This is sad. Sorry you guys have to be dealing with this madness everyday with some people who doesn’t really respect others and have to be racist towards the idea of Brown/Black Skin Tune Races in WoW and then trying to do their own head canon.

I’ll be back on here when it real news and peaceful discussions for Void Elves take place. For right now this is kind of sad and ridiculous from the user disturbing the chats.


In other words, you’re quoting non-canon sources. Look at where you’re quoting. Nothing Anti-Lore about any of the skin tones for Blood Elves.


Quote me where I was racist, this is a serious accusation and I am not seeing any proof.

It’s all here in the chat. From point A to B.


As I said, they aren’t, and you haven’t proved otherwise.

And I also asked for proof supporting dark skin for HEs and BEs, and you didn’t bother providing it.

Prove it.

So quote it and quit pretending you care about it.

A tip: you can’t.

Void elves too bitter when roasted. Prefer night elves.

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Look, and read.


Even the canon sources doesn’t exactly say of what skin tones Blood Elves have, which means, they can have any skin tones. Once again, nothing Anti-Lore about it.


This is not what I quoted.

That’s what I quoted:

Their hair and skin color reflect their affinity to fire and the sun.

They have shorter ears and much smaller, lighter bodies than night elves. As well, their ears usually point upwards whereas those of the night elves do not.

Blood elves have glowing green eyes and their hair and skin are much paler or otherwise unnaturally colored, due to the absorption of fel energies during the period the Sunwell was lost. They are considered separate due to cultural differences more so than because of physical ones.

And this screenshot isn’t a proof that they could have dark skin, I asked you (three times now) to show me anything supporting their dark skin, and you haven’t.

And you didn’t prove it. Try again, because you didn’t even counter anything yet.


WHO is excited for that new Lore on Tuesday!!!