Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Found this on warcraft.wiki for blood elves:

Their hair and skin color reflect their affinity to fire and the sun.

This from the source you posted (the high elf one):

They have shorter ears and much smaller, lighter bodies than night elves. As well, their ears usually point upwards whereas those of the night elves do not.

Blood elves have glowing green eyes and their hair and skin are much paler or otherwise unnaturally colored, due to the absorption of fel energies during the period the Sunwell was lost. They are considered separate due to cultural differences more so than because of physical ones.

I love interesting and thought out backstories, its is why I love RP servers because people there appreciate lore-inspired customizations and backstories far more than they do in other servers.

My Elf originally left with the Alliance expedition into Outland to pursue the burning legion, and finally returned to Quel’thalas after the portals were reopened and the Sunwell was restored.

(sorry was in a dungeon)

Currently I use the mid-sized ear option. I’d be using the shortest one possible if we also had eyebrow size options like Night Elves do, but right now it just looks off to me (balance wise) to use the shortest ears and have those super long eyebrows. I don’t think I’ll use the round ear options, even if they add eyebrow options because I think the short pointy ears are one of the hallmarks of being a half-elf.

Void Elves (and Blood Elves) have them (sort of) on the wowhead alpha dressing room, in that there’s option for round ears if you enable NPC options, but there’s no model for them yet so if you select it you have no ears and holes in your head where the ears would be.

Enabling it does show some issues with certain hairstyles though.

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Oddly they keep neglecting the two races that need it most, Mechagnomes and Kul Tiran. What’s up with that? Ugh!

I think Kul Tirans are next up for the hair color additions.

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That voidy skin color is nice, that’s what I was talking about. It should have been this way since ever.

It’s been an option since day one… or are you just trying to say it should have been the only option?

Adding more hair colors is nice but they have like 5 faces and 6 hairstyles. Quite lacking overall.


Oh I agree they could use tons more options! Lots of races could use more. Personally I think Blizzard needs to do more retrofitting of hairstyles between races to give all races more variety in hairstyle options. Kul Tiran males still only have SIX! hairstyles (one of which is bald!).

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I mean skin color 25. That one does not exist in the game atm.

It actually does. It’s the texture used when Entropic Embrace procs. I do think it should be an option for those who want to look like that all the time though! I’d also like a glyph that makes entropic embrace look like Alleria’s version too.

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Ah, I thought they were going to add it as an option. I do think VE should be able to be only blue and purple though, as I already stated.

Now that i see they have to fix the hair to make them work, im leaning towards them being npc only.
Which is sad.

One thing i like to do is change my skin to white when im going back to old content where void elves didnt exist yet.
It feels more authentic to the characters story :stuck_out_tongue:


Or… and this may sound crazy… Blizzard could fix the hair to work with them.

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They could… but this is blizzard :stuck_out_tongue:

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sigh… that’s true

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BIPOC having options on Blood Elves is an issue for you??? That’s a really nasty stance btw.


Seriously, a skin tone is a skin tone. There is nothing “anti-lore” about skin tones.

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