Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

I am hoping that with the new expansion seeming to break RP addons, and the public outcry over it that Blizzard might implement a system themselves. I did see that they had a poll on youtube recently that asked “How many of you RP?” that was made recently that felt sort of random.

I personally would love a tag to change my character’s title from Blood elf to High elf as well.

I’m not sure, I just remember being surprised by it and looked her up in the wiki and she had that silhouette with a question mark so she clearly doesn’t have an in-game model, but I do remember the article stating that she had notably dark skin. I’m typing while playing so if I’m feeling up to I will try to find it later.

Honestly not that invested in the argument lol


Where can I read that the RPG books were decanonized?

Agreed. Every race should have the option if it’s ever added. I actually like Void Elves and have incorporated joining the Ren’dorei in my RP. Even if a racial tag system was added, I wouldn’t use it for Nico. Maybe for an alt, but not Nico. I like him as he is now. A half-elf that joined the Ren’dorei with Alleria’s return.


What is even this thread about? High Elves or Void Elves?

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It’s supposed to be about Void Elf customization, but goes off on tangents from time to time.


Yeah the RPG books are decanonized. There’s a lot of WILD stuff in there that is no longer relevant. Which trust me is a good thing, some Alliance bias in there big time.

You can see it in the wowpedia and other wikis where there’s a big spoiler that says
“This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.”


In the second Ask CDev Q&A, Blizzard stated that the RPG books are not considered canon:

Ask Creative Development – Round II Answers | 2011-06-24 18:42 | Blizzard Entertainment Bashiok

Q: Are the Warcraft and World of Warcraft RPG books considered canon?
A: No. The RPG books were created to provide an engaging table-top role-playing experience, which sometimes required diverging from the established video game canon. Blizzard helped generate a great deal of the content within the RPG books, so there will be times when ideas from the RPG will make their way into the game and official lore, but you are much better off considering the RPG books non-canonical unless otherwise stated.


Omg yes, all races could benefit from this. Dwarves, trolls, orcs, humans, even night elves could choose “Shendralar” as a racial tag for instance


The warcraft RPG books are awful. BLOOD ELF BAD, HIGH ELF GOODIE TWO SHOES. I honestly think the RPG books are a big reason why people originally looked at Blood elves like they were so evil, because the way they describe them was clearly written by someone who favors the Alliance.


put the void back in void elf! id love these options!!!


Thank you, I will read the other source you mentioned.

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Are you gonna use the half-elf customization? o:

What? Blood Elves, High Elves, and Void Elves having Black/Dark Skin is Anti Lore? If that’s the case you can say the same thing with Orcs, Dwarves, Undead, and Humans in general. That or you are trying to offend people while gatekeeping what’s canon or not.

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I wish some parts of it wasn’t decanonized like having Half Elves in Kul’tiras would had been interesting.

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Going away for a bit, apologies to Fenelon for derailing his thread a bit :pray:t3::pray:t3::pray:t3:

Here’s hoping for more void elf customizations. I would love starcursed hair colors and tattoos


No, that’s literally not the same thing. How did your brain even make that connection.

I mean you don’t like having Brown Skin Elves when clearly there’s nothing wrong with that and so far Lore hasn’t suffered for it.

I thought Kul’tirans were getting half-elf ears? No? Was I imagining that or did someone just make a mock up of it.

Not directed at me but im gonna answer anyways :stuck_out_tongue:

I think i would should it come out.
Im already using the short ears for the same purpose.

After deciding that my character was a half elf turned void elf, his backstory finally came together.
Ive been able to work out his age, what expansions he was around for (cataclysm but not the deathwing stuff, then the main story onwards), his place in the world.
Heck, ive even managed to get some details about his childhood and parents in there.

So im hoping void elves get the ears :slight_smile:

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Those were actual Arathi but with Kul’tiran giant human models.