Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Fair point. :+1:t3:

And I proved all my points. While all you have is a headcanon.

You seem to love NPCs as a proof of races’ apperances. Show me a single high elf NPC that has dark skin color, I am sure you won’t find any in Dalaran.

Good luck with your strawman fallacy, that won’t take you anywhere.


I did.

The elves got a peachy underhue and human skin tones. Which is true even of the darkest skin or the lightest skin they currently have.

There were some pretty significant changes between night elves and blood elves, taking place in the life of one individual.

We don’t have a ton of generational data, but it’s certainly not obvious that there’s been enough generations for elves to get all homogenized… even if their genetics work exactly the same as ours past all the magical nonsense.


No? I literally copied/pasted the current canon lore and cited my sources.

You didn’t. In fact, I bet you’re citing from the old RPG books, which were decanonized quite a long time ago.

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And yet you didn’t answer anything.

I understand you are emotional and have strong Twitter opinions about politics, but all I said is that it’s anti-lore, I never asked for it to be removed.

Isn’t one of the main quest-givers in Dragonflight a dark-skinned Blood elf? And she’s not some no-name NPC, she’s a notable character with unique voice lines.

I did say my source, so that’s another fallacy, but keep going, that’s all you know what to do anyway.

Again, show me dark skinned high elves.

So you’re not going to address that you were wrong and cited decanonized lore?


Because some of us recognize that it’s been too late to add a race called “high elf” once Void Elves became a thing and got High Elf customization. At best we can hope for a drop down option to change our racial tag if desired. It’s just far too unlikely (IMO) that Blizzard will add another Thalassian derivative race when they already have a Thalassian on each faction.

Many of us who recognize and accept that fact, have found contentment with what we have but hope for more tools (like the above mentioned racial tag display option) in the future. I’m realistic enough to accept that a playable race called “high elf” is probably not going to be added at this point, not when Void Elves and Blood Elves already have customization to fulfill that role. Just like it’s highly unlikely we’ll see another dwarf race called “wildhammer”.

The best thing to hope for is a racial tag display option, and failing that, to fall back on TRP3 addon to do so for us to others who care about RP.


Oh, they did adapt some BE NPCs color, also in Silvermoon.

I am just saying it’s not lore accurate and Blizzard did this for inclusion, which I also didn’t advocate against.

No, I wasn’t, and I quoted canon lore, and you ignored the source.

Good luck showing me a dark skinned high elf.

You did not.

I went to the source (wowpedia, according to you). The word “diurnal” doesn’t even appear there. So you’re lying.

Again, no need to get defensive, it’s okay to be wrong.

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I have no issue with a racial tag system that expands across all races in the game (where applicable)

But i am against it in the scenario that just void elves get it.
Because then its just void elf erasure


There’s no such thing as being lore accurate. Blizzard makes the lore. They can do whatever they want with it.


I did not? But then you say you went to search for my source (Wowpedia)? So how didn’t I do it? You don’t even make any sense.

They became known as high elves. During this time, they created the Sunwell, and switched to a diurnal waking cycle.

This is written under the Quel’Thalas picture, history section.

But I am liar, yes, of course… I literally wrote this myself, right?

I want to say that someone did cite a High elf from a book who was described to have dark-skin, but I had across it a while ago. The wiki didn’t have a picture of her, but I think it does mention her having notably dark skin.

Either or, I would say that it is now officially canon for them to have dark skin, despite whatever reasons we might believe that they were added. I would agree that it’s certainly not common-place, but in this world where the elves change drastically depending on their environment it’s not that far-fetched that some might have adapted darker skin tones.

I would be very ok with it if there was just an official lore reasoning for this to happen, and specially if it’s old lore. Do you have any idea about what is this source you mentioned that mentions a darker skinned HE?

not that it matters much, but Im pretty sure their physical changes were said to have come about during their exile but before the sunwell was created


Thank you! You were right, it does appear there, apologies. So the source of that piece of information is cited from The Sunwell Trilogy, which belongs to the RPG books.

These were (in general) decanonized. The information you cited is no longer canon.

The one I cited is, though. It’s from World of Warcraft: Chronicle volume I, page 118, the most recent canon lore regarding their transformation process. They changed during their stay in Tirisfal, they didn’t even found Quel’thalas.


Well, Wowpedia says the opposite.

But even if it was before, that wouldn’t change much since their skin turned lighter than the NEs.