Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

The edgy hair styles fit the Void Elves but there are also several requests to get them released for the Blood Elves. I’m all in for exchanging the hair styles.


I’m a bit conflicted about this since I’ve always been an advocate for both races to keep their visual distinction, but it may be too late for that. In the end, it’s Blizzard’s decision and I’ll accept whatever they choose to do.


You surprise me that you are being this mature well done, and I say all that genuinely

Uhm… Sure.

I suppose I’ll do what I did with some of those looking for high elf options here and ask that since that falls more under the Blood Elf umbrella than void elf you take it to the Blood Elf thread linked in the OP.

While hair color is a big item in that regard, there is still distinctions in other ways and perhaps more can be achieved with Blood Elf customizations themselves.

For those who support that distinction you may still get that down the road. Whats coming out in 9.1.5 is going to focus on LFD and Nightborne after all not core races.

This has always been the end regardless of what side anyone was on.

Well I guess quit is also an option, but those who continue to play, one always has to just go with what Blizz decided to do.

While I wasn’t against the natural hair colors, I do sit here having seen another pass go by for Void Elves with no void options shown. Have to hold out hope that I’ll see some of that down the line.

Yeah, this is the one thing that bothers me the most. I’ve been asking for void stuff since the old forums and it sucks that we haven’t gotten anything voidy since they were released. The only reason I’d quit the game was if they completely gave up on the void aspect of void elves :stuck_out_tongue:

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Velf new hair colors are revealed. I can’t believe there’s no solid black or white :expressionless:


Eh, those’ll likely come with a real customization pass.

The blonde hair though?


We have BLONDE HAIR!!! AHHHHHH!!! <33333


Is it just me or is it a lot blonde?

I mean, I didn’t agree with it, but I thought if they were just going with 5 they’d spread it out a bit more. Like throw in a natural black or another darker brown shade.


I agree! Too much blonde but i’m not gonna complain! I for sure thought we would get black tho! I’m still happy


Maybe in the future. I’d love to see black and white and browns.


Hopefully when our pass comes <3 I’m so happy though!


They’re also adding a tentacle toggle.

I’m kinda surprised there isnt a brown or black honestly.

Saw some say one of the blondes is a void one. Not convinced myself but we’ll see when PTR comes up.

I am surprised theres three. When they said 5 natural I kinda assumed they’d all be different not shades. Y’know?

Yeah that.

Wierd that brown and black didn’t make the cut.

Not gonna lie a small part of me was afraid you all would get shafted and they’d all be way off natural.

Like even if I’m not that into natural hair colors, that would have been… Bad. Lol


Afraid… or happy? :wink:

I was kind of worried too but it ended up working out in the end and i could not be more happy! Still wish others could have gotten their black and white <3


Happy technically doesn’t work in the sentence.

Nah I was genuinely worried Blizzard would somehow muck it up. Like if they’re going to say Natural hair colors it better be natural. That would be a huge troll to helf fans.

Also unnecessary pain for Belf fans to go through for several days until it was revealed to be mucked up.

Bad all around.

And brunette damnit!

I had a list for awhile, like a long while ago, where I tallied how many said they wanted what natural color.

It went Blonde, White/silver, BROWN, red.

There… were more on that list but I tossed it out awhile back while cleaning for my move.


I was just teasing hehe <3

That was LITERALLY my list too! I was shocked to not see BLACK and WHITE! I thought for sure it would be in!


Yeah…guess I’ll just continue not playing VEs. Oh well, maybe the next pass in customizations.

I hope they tack on the darker brown and new black hair the blood elves got. The colors are good more for the fair skinned void elves, wish the natural skin for the darker skintones would have been considered.


:C I just wanted the jet black shade I’m happy I got the red I wanted but the black was what I was most excited for leave it to blizzard to do the exact opposite


Okay so this confirms these are just BE reused assets once again.

So I’m still holding out for a proper VE customization.

Sad about no jet black hair, but that does feel like a VE color.

(I really wanted silvery white tho ayy)

Also it really feels like “Oh you wanted blonde hair, here you freaking go” and we got doused in bleach