Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

I’m a much bigger fan of doubling down on the void of the void elves. I think the normal hair colors and skin were a bad concession and they should’ve just given the Alliance Silver Covenant Loyalist Elves instead of Mechagnomes. Mechagnomes could’ve been an aesthetic customization unlock for gnomes.


I agree. Preferably I would have had Void Elves and High Elves as separate races for the Alliance, meanwhile the Horde would have got Nightborne and San’layn.

The High Elf and Void Elf themes do feel a bit bottlenecked into one race. The San’layn could have also definitely stood on it’s own as an AR.

But alas they took another route, maybe they could sneak some more Void features into the patch yet? :woman_shrugging:


They wouldn’t be able to make anything like this for WoW. You couldn’t wear any kind of armour with that. If we’re getting any more Void stuff, I’m betting it’s only very superficial things like more hairstyles with tendrils in them/more shades of blue and purple, new skin colours and probably at absolute most wacky would be something like some Void scarring.

They’ve made other races where various armor slots don’t show up or have gaps. I don’t disagree that they look like more effort than Blizz will expend, but cutting off sleeves has happened before.


Pretty much akin to troll feet and the like.

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They’d also have to change the animations for arms that crazy. If we were to get extremely Void-y customization like that, they’d still have to share the same skeleton, like Mechagnomes do with regular gnomes. You could technically get something really strange, but it’d still have to bear some kind of semblance to the body part its going to replace. You’d also probably have to sacrifice armour coverage - so basically imagine that (really good) piece of art without sleeves; pretty much, again, like mechagnomes.

I doubt that, I mean, you might lose the more elaborate fingers, but the arms just look skeletal, so no need for more animations for that.

I think that’d be a worthwhile sacrifice. I mean, I’ve only got one pair of boots that will show up on that character. But actual leaning into the void would be a nice change from the lackluster additions so far.

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I think the hands would make it too complicated, but honestly I wouldn’t really know :thinking: And they’re definitely not ‘lackluster’ to a lot of us ve fans, but wanting more Void options is obviously fine and something I think pretty much all of us want. I think we’ve seen the extent of how crazy Blizzard’s willing to go though. I don’t think their ‘Void identity’ or theme is going to be expressed through anymore actual Void mutations, but rather just lame s*it like colour palettes, hair tendrils and jewellery. But even then, they have no culture or anything to go off. Who knows what they can do

I don’t really like what’s going on with her hands but the hair looks amazing :ok_hand:

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Like I said, the backwards bits might have to go, but who knows, if you don’t end up with gloves I don’t see it as undoable.

And meh, I prefer actual new stuff to copies, so what they keep getting just seems like a waste of customization slots that could be used for something different. I mean, they aren’t going to make velfs have two full customization setups in one race most likely. The void is what sets them apart, so I’d like to see more of that in the race.

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It hasn’t been the AR’s turn to get new stuff yet though, so I’m guessing that’s why some ARs got copy+paste content from their core race counterpart. When it comes they’ll (hopefully, right?) get more brand new stuff of all types. They can easily make both types of ve fans happy by just developing two different aesthetics side by side. If they keep releasing these updates with just 3 items in each category at a time, I’m sure 90% of us would happily make 2/3 of those slots reserved specifically for Void options.

What I’d personally like to see:
Pink and really, really dark blue and black skin
Purple, black, blue and pink Void tendril colours
Pink hair
Orange and black eyes
Jewellery for both men and females

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But will they? Seems like it’ll cause problems with other players if they dole out two full sets of options to one Allied Race, especially when the core race they copied is in a much sparser spot. Or the other races that have even less. We don’t have a setup with sliders and color wheels, they make all the options so they’re gonna be limited, and they all should be close to the same quantity of options. So right now, I feel like it’s most likely there’s not much more for velves unless they go crazy for everyone. And that’s a waste.



Oh I like this.

When I finally get this revamp done these will definitely be there.

I think the hands I’m either not a fan of or I don’t know whats exactly going on. Great stuff though.

Love the skin scarring.

Also good.

Very good.

I would rather void options though at this point I didn’t care whether or not the high elf stuff happened. I was kinda hoping when Void Elves got anything… they’re at least get some void options.

I disagree with this, but I respect your position. I love my mechagnomes and I wouldn’t play them if they were just attached to gnomes… Probably.

My proof of such is that despite waiting since vanilla for Wildhammer dwarves… I can’t get myself to play the bronzebeard cosplaying as Wildhammer…

I… would not have minded this.

Actually that really feels good to me personally.

I doubt it… I could see them adding the tentacle toggle that folk want. But thats about it.

And unlike me they wont be adding it as a void options… -.-

That would be a waste of our potential.

Also I don’t really see this being an issue because of the forsaken… (I’m doubting those hands would make it. Weirdest WoW’s gotten with hands is the clompers for Mechagnomes.)

Now those hands more normal with just claws? That I could see.

I agree.

The bones out Forsaken model for instance would be kinda similar to this. (or Mechagnomes).

Yeah or that.

Assuming the hands are not taken from that and are just regular hands with claws… I don’t really see any change to animations needed…

Forsaken, Mechagnomes… Races that have odd foot stuff or digitigrade legs. They all have something akin to that.

Ya damn right. :stuck_out_tongue:

Then we make noise. We tell them we want crazy.

Push them to see the options we could be.

They gave us a void race. We will request the void.

Like I said just above, we’ll make noise.

Void Elves deserve good lore and expansions to it. They can start with how we make more of ourselves for instance.

Thats kinda what I think too. We’ve got a lot for high elves… we have only the initial bits for the void. I really hope we see more void options going forward so we’re not totally drowned out by high elf options.

Turokan was kinda saying this earlier…

I’m gonna hold onto hope that this is the case. I mean so far this .5 patch void elves are only looking at ears and natural hair colors. Its not much… and its not void elves… its much more high elves.

Their focus seems more on the Nightborne and LFD so perhaps they have plans for void options later?

Kinda hope that comes after blood elves though… honestly I think other players would try to murder us all if we got another pass of customizations…

This. This is my thought on what would happen if we get much more before everyone else gets a shot.

I mean I wouldn’t refuse it obviously but I’d feel like it was unfair… honestly.

Like I love my Blood Elves and right now I feel a bit slighted that they haven’t seen anything really impactful and Void Elves who I also like have only gotten high elf options.

No offense to those who want High Elf stuff. I’m glad they get to be happy.


There’s still more they can do to seperate Void/High Elves from Blood Elves. They could still tweak their animations a bit to make more a distinction between the two. A different idle stance and perhaps a different running/walking animation.

Originally i would have thought it’d be unlikely they’d go back and change this, but given the fact they actually went back and gave Mechagnomes a new swimming animation? It’s certainly possible.

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Have they seen their own void elf island expedition team? They are amazing. They are completely nuts. I LOVE IT.

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I feel like this particular line of thinking should be in the high elf thread not here in the void elf one.

While I’m not entirely against or for this, again I don’t see the point. Feels more like a high elf concern.

I think a stance change is a little more involved than the mechagnomes single swimming animation though…

I dont know. I just don’t see the point. (Just my opinion of course you may think differently)

They are a gem. :stuck_out_tongue:


I’ve been thinking of what these might be. There’s a few anime character haircuts I like as well as some from goth and visual kei musicians that I think would look good on male void elves. Maybe they could add some tentacles here and there. I’ve put some images down below. They’re not mock up since I have no talent or experience with that :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t want to clog this thread up with random images, so I’ll use the spoiler thingy :slightly_smiling_face:

Hair Ideas

Eren Yeager Man Bun
Four Different Sasuke Hairs
Chris Harms, Long on one side and short on the other
Klaha, weird bob lol
Gackt, ponytail with bangs in front
Mana Sama, long bangs in front and even longer hair in the back, layers?


Honestly I think a cool way would have been if the Vindicaar “dragged” space time around it when it jumped back to Azeroth, so it created a rift between it and Argus, and Umbric’s group managed to open it, but they only manage to arrive to a piece of Argus that broke off and drifted through space time.

That way it would have been a piece of Argus that we hadn’t seen, but that now is unconnected to the rest of the planet.

heheh maybe a bit of both! But yeah, if we are going to deal with the light, we are going to have to need the Void’s help. And Xal’atath is waiting for us…

Ideally, I’d like for them to have either a smaller settlement in Azeroth, or a joined settlement with High Elves, so it doesn’t feel like VE’s are spending all their resources on Azeroth, yet they are still a presence.

My ideal scenario is that they actually go back to that discarded idea where the Lighthouse between WPL and Quel’thalas had something to do with Void Elves, plus the retaking of the Windrunner Spire by the Alliance. With the two remaining Windrunners leading the thalassian remnants in the alliance, it would be fitting they could reclaim their home (Even if they would have to use Void to literally move it towards the WPL coast lol)

That would be an ideal place for a stand alone VE settlement, and I’d love if they were portrayed as a positive addition to the environment as they contain the void spread.


How do you do that again… might help as I try to get my revamp of this OP done…

These don’t look bad as far as hairstyles for Void Elves.

Wish we could see mock ups… but I’m not good at any program that would allow that. :stuck_out_tongue:

A bit out there I suppose but hell why not?

I do like the idea that they’re holding back a little to work on others because they intend to update us when something important to our story is about to happen… at least it gives me hope.

I am curious what part Xal’atath has to play… I don’t think shes entirely against Azeroth.

I think I’d want to avoid that just because its really close to Quel’thalas and I’m more of the feeling that we should leave the Blood Elves alone on the whole.

A settlement someplace on Azeroth though I’m not against. They are denizens of the world after all.

My dreams about the Rift becoming something great though… I’ll never let go of that.

I’m sure there would be a few more places too. Perhaps one closer to the Night Elves in whatever is left over of the killed faceless general in Darkshore there?


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Yeah, I figured weird and edgy haircuts fit these guys lol. But I wouldn’t mind some more regular ones, especially if they’re long. Male void elves need more nice long hairs.