Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

We know that theyre not done yet, telogrus isnt even fully updated yet, and the void is going to be a major part of the story of at least the next 2 expansions.
Its far too early to complain about how little there is.


On the contrary, I intend to complain as early and loudly as I can so they’ll put more focus on it. If they think we’re content with a couple of lines of dialogue and a few new tents they won’t do more than that.

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But i mean its pretty clear theyre prepping for a void elf story of some kind. We are getting more than a few lines by the looks of it.
Until we actually see what it is, we cant judge it.
Hopefully its not too long until we see what it is.


Enough will not be enough.

Void Elves are the most criminally under-developed, non-existent, travesty of a race this game has ever been burdened with. I’m not going to, ‘wait and see,’ I’m going to be loud and constant in asking for more development, more quests, more polish to everything to do with them.


I honestly cant tell, do you even like void elves at all?


Bah! Vereesa is a character Blizzard can’t decide nothing about. She’ll be able and ready when they want her to be if they want her to be.


(I’m mostly joking, like I said I doubt they’d go that route.)

The words are fairly clear I believe.

You’d have to push your belief to think shes not saying shes a newer one.

I mean thats just it. Its early and hard to say what they’ve got planned. I think its very clear to Blizzard that we want to know how new void elves are made. It comes up just about everywhere.

While I understand a certain level of frustration that its not more explicit. This is very much a “smoking gun”. No one can claim new ones aren’t being made at this point. It would just be silly with that new npc’s dialogue.

Hmm. I can’t fault the logic in this honestly.

I often feel like you treat void elves way harsher than you should honestly.

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Its complicated.

I think the Void Elves had tremendous potential, but Blizzard utterly and completely botched them on every single level. I’ve wanted to see them updated, improved, and given the sort of dignity any other playable race has been given, and lacking that, I’d rather they just added High Elves, because what Void Elves are has been PAINFULLY inadequate.

I’ve written posts on what’s wrong with them.

I’ve written posts on ideas I’d like to see implemented to improve them.


slowly cranes head down to look at Mechagnomes

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Mechagnomes at least were introducted and developed a little bit before becoming an allied race.

Plus, nobody cares about them because they are absolutely hideous.


They also don’t have an upcoming expansion about them.

Or a Xalatath.



Yea Seriously. She does.


I am sort’ve starting to get confused in 2 things in relation to the Void Elves now, and it sort of just hit me in relation to them. Someone on Telogrus Rift linked this image.


Now, from my understanding, The original Void Elves are infused with the Void, via either Alleria absorbing the Dark Naruu or Umbric and his followers following an interuption to the transformation by Void Etherals. Now, other High Elves and Blood Elves are seeking the Void Elves to study the void and to also become Void Elves, I’m very confused on how they’d transform. Because the image I’ve just linked here, seems to make no sense lorewise.

And it is kind of hard to really put 2 and 2 together without any official lore to back it up.

There’s nothing to suggest they do.

At no point does the NPC in that screenshot say, “I’m a new Void Elf,” or, “I became a Void Elf only recently.”

All she does, is say that she struggles (all Void Elves do), and that new Void Elves are afraid of the struggle.

Potential Heavy Spoilers.

Some quest names potentially related to “The Harbinger” story.


Don’t know what you’re trying to link to, but the link seems broken.

Should be fixed.

All I’m getting is, “that page doesn’t exist.”

Twitter is being dumb again I guess.


Why not?

While it’s not explained all they need is a powerful font of void to infuse them.

They live on the Rift, which is entirely suffused with the Void.

I’d love for them to explain and show it but it’s not so hard to see.

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