Void Elves, with NAMES!
This is great news to hear!
Very nice to see more names!
Hopefully we’ll also see more titles… Lol
I’d love to have Riftwalker as a title. I’ll get Heir to the Void at some point in TWW.
That will be the super exclusive Elite/Duelist titles in Midnight
I hope you’re not correct since I don’t care for PvP. If you are I might have to PvP.
I hope I’m not either.
I was joking based on really sought after titles and cosmetics being locked behind high end pvp, like Fel and Shadowflame. Champion of Azeroth I think was the title from BFA that required it.
Blizzard needs to look at these and add some of them to the void elves. they are so awesome and we need these badly!
Best title for a void elf or high elf.
I figured you were. Like I want the elite version of the eagletalon set. Let me earn whatever rating was needed in whatever current season so I can get it. It would look great with this character.
I also didn’t do the bfa meta achieve cuz yeah it needed pvp.
alot of eagletalon is normal/heroic/mythic nighthold.
the mythic is purple and silver
theres even a raid finder set
I was disappointed that no one was selling runs of this raid to get the title.
Glad its sticking around though.
The moment i can solo it, im going for it.
Top tier title
Yeah I have all of them but the Elite pvp version.
we need more tentacles def
No I have that one. That one is just the mythic NH raid set. I’m talking about the elite pvp set.
what color is it?
ohhh thats gorgeous
crap all the best mogs are hiding in pvp
I really want them to add tentacle options to the hair that never had them… and for any new hairstyles they give us to be built with a toggle in mind. So we don’t end up with holes…
And to fix the holes in what we do have.
Where is this from?
:edit: I found it.
Also… omg like… seriously. I never would have expected that…
Also I want her eyes as an option.