Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

I’ve held off for awhile posting this…

Its not really what void elf folk have been claiming it is but I like the aesthetic of it for any buildings we might see in the rift. The same colors I’d like to see.

Imagine this sort of look across all five islands in the Telogrus Rift. The third island at the center of it all a dias around the Void Storm thats raging. Somewhat shackled to provide the Void essence for our new recruits to become full fledged Void Elves.


That palette is amazing, and I really hope VE’s aesthetics are pivoted to something like that.

One of the huge issues VE aesthetics have it’s just how little there is in terms of cultural identity. All they have is a vague ethereal inspiration, and nothing more. That’s one of the things that makes hard to visualize a strong cultural identity for them, they are just unmoored, not really grounded in the world.

Thus that’s the thing with me, I hope Void Elves get a cultural revamp that further cements them into the world. Thing is, Void Elves would have had such a stronger identity if Telogrus had already had a solid aesthetic. because as it is now, a group of void infused blood elves, they have no cultural identity beyond what they already had.

Imagine if Telogrus had been an old ethereal city/facility, with a solid aesthetic and identity for the VE’s to identify with, giving birth to their heritage armor. But as rushed as they were, any deeper identity for them was out of the question.

The huge problem for Void Elves is a lack of cultural aesthetic that can translate to style, and they weren’t given the time to get one, and they could have simply translated an Ethereal one from the start.

But, now that time is actually passing, maybe VE’s can develop their own aesthetic organically, but that would necesítate their updated customization to be delayed to make sense with their cultural evolution. I don’t think it’s unintentional that VE’s are getting simply reused assets from BE’s for now. I think there’s a reason why specific VE aesthetics are not being seen so far.

Beyond those little musings, I don’t know if I have shared this concept before.



First off this is AMAZING, way better than the actual heritage set. Additional variations in the set such as this would be most welcome.

I also really like the idea of there being an old facility. Telogrus Rift should definitely be further explored and excavated, possibly with underground facilities from a previous civilization, meanwhile with more Elven structures developed on the surface, Astromancer towers made for further exploration beyond the rift.


I love so many of the suggestions in this thread! The main things I would want are the black eyes and some deeper purple ones. Also, I need more edgy haircuts. I’ve got too many repeats on my guys.


They will save these designs for another update.

Isn’t Telogrus Rift like VERY unstable? I don’t see it ever being made into actual city tbh!

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Thank you! What is fun is that if you think about it, it would basically just be an alternative coat piece!

I don’t think that Telogrus now could be revealed to be more expansive, it should have been something from the get go.

But, there’s always the possibility that they discovered another area of the planet which could have been facilities of the previous civilization, and the current “Telogrus” just become training and study grounds, with now together on the same map.

There’s still potential there, but it’s hard to not go :confused: at seeing how rushed and barren Telogrus was as a locale. Like I would have prefered if they had left a chunk of Mac’Aree behind and that instead had been the VE area. Far more beautiful architecture, and we would have retained that aesthetic clash between Ethereal occupation and Argussian architecture.

I mean they could learn to stabilize it; if the point is that there’s value to staying there, would not be out of belief that they managed to secure the area.


I see it as more of an observatory and research center. I really want them to dip into that BC style Asromancer fantasy you see in Netherstorm and Tempest Keep.

They could also build another settlement on Azeroth, possibly in Darkshire?

Of course! Your work is sickening and I live for it! :hugs:

That would have been great as well. I really liked Argus and settling in Mac’Aree would have given more basis for a city than Telogrus currently does.


Very much agree with this.

Void Elves were a bit rushed on their initial development, not the models or characters themselves but their home.

They suffer from a barren rock home and a lack of concise unified aesthetic.

Hell our heritage armor doesn’t match ANYONE in the rift.

We need a lot more built up there to show what sort of culture they’ve adapted too and how they make new void elves.

Heck how we get our hunter pets, and train and raise our Hawkstriders, and hopefully one day Starcursed Dragonhawks or Starcursed Hippogryphs.


Now you mention it finding a lost ruin somewhere in the area would be amusing… probably wouldn’t be on the five islands we have there… further out perhaps… Not much room on them after all.

Then again it’d be odd for Blizzard to have us suddenly leave from there. Better perhaps to build up on our own merits on the islands we have… still I like the idea of finding something from the races that once inhabited the world the Rift is shards of.


I hate to let this give me hope… but there is a certain potential sense with that concept…

And I have to wait for more void options anyways… so why not?

I shall hold onto hope for this my friend.

I love this heritage design!

One of the things I don’t like about our heritage armor is that its bare chested… or bikini’d for females.

I also would love if we had an armored variant for our warrios and rangers…

There is a thread currently up where I posted this image… very similar… I almost think you had something to do with it.

And then this one I was using for the armored ideal…

Its not a bad idea… though kinda thin islands all things considered.

Thank you! I’ve put a fair amount of time into this thread!

Intend to put more into it…working on a revamp.

It easily could be made into a city. Its not so unstable that they’re not literally living there right now. We just don’t have much built up.

Literally a few tents…

I imagine if it truly was unstable they wouldn’t remain and would have just moved into SW…

Yes. Not a terribly far off possibility I think if we ask blizzard nicely. lol

There are five islands… if they bridge them with void portals and build some edifices to stablize things I think it could work in the end. They’re magically inclined and “masters” of the void. I’d bet they can shackle Telogrus Rift.

At the very least I don’t think its out of the realm of possibility.

Now I think on it there is that moon thats still clearly kinda void infused… Maybe something there?


That’s a big irk for me; the heritage armor seems like a VE tailor saw an Ethereal and went “Ohh this is nice” but like, there’s no deep cultural connection to call it an “heritage armor.” It just feels incongruos that the signifier of VE identity has no in universe origin and it’s just for cool factor.

Yeah as I have said in other reply, what we now call Telogrus could have been a larger planet and we are just in a small part of it. All we need is to “discover” another area of it and either create a portal to it for easy transportation or VE’s simply figured out a way to coalesce the drifting landmasses.

What’s the biggest bummer of “oh we are studying this area” is that the area itself has no history. Imagine something that had had the ancient feeling of Argus -that’s why I think Argus itself would have been a better locale-

I mean it’s just so weird, specially after the LFD and NB reveals, like you can see what they are going for, but VE’s, they really have gotten reused BE assets. It’s an intentional arrested development, no actual new void based assets, but it’s a given the void will return as a major player after Aszhara and Xal’atah went on the run.

I just feel that there has to be something in the future for VE’s, and that a lot of this arrested development is caused by just how young of a race they are. If they didn’t adopt the culture of another people, they truly need time to settle their identity -another reason why a time jump would serve VE’s so well-

Yes! That very image was the inspiration for this design. The moment I saw it it gave me a hanfu inspired aesthetic, so I looked into other related aesthetics, but kept the open chest -I do like there’s something more bold about VE garments, like the idea the vessel is more paraphernalia than necessity, aesthetic rather than perfunctory- beyond simply the form-

Love the aesthetic of the cosmic void, although I do think it’s a balancing act to not make it too astral, like it has to feel “starcursed” rather than just starry. IMO there’s a fine line that I have yet to grasp on that, and I also love how this artwork reuses the Eagletalon armor: a “Voidtalon” version of that armor would be perfection for VE’s.

Ohh that’s also very likely, but yeah, I really think it wouldn’t be hard at all to say “we secured another area of the planet’s crust, let’s investigate!” type of deal

But yeah, that’s an option. But if enough time passes, I would also just like to see VE’s settling somewhere in Azeroth, because it’s also important for them to feel like part of the world.

Like my perfect scenario would be that they resettle somewhere -ideally, on some Highborne ruins- we get confirmation that VE’s have been recruiting HE’s, and now they are developing their own cultural identity. Now, this identity could be a progression of their thalassian identity, but I think it would be most interesting if VE’s had a huge influx from an outside source, such as ethereal, in a material way, which is why I like the idea they have been collecting Void Ethereal artifacts and retro-engineering their technology that they can use -unlike other races.

I feel like that specific context -the ability of using Ethereal technology- could quickly and deeply impact their own culture, just a great influx of knowledge and aesthetics and culture that would veer them on a very unique path from other Thalassians.


YES TO THAT PICTURE! (The one with the bow) I’ts my favorite one by far! I need everything she has on my velf!

I don’t know! Isn’t there quotes about being careful cause you can end up being swallowed by a void rift or something like that? I doubt that’s where a city will be placed! A base of operations and a training ground makes sense but i don’t see it being a city


I was thinking this too. Both are great regal styles for Void Elves.

I like this one too! Kinda like Alleria’s elite Rangers. I also really like Voidtalon as name for that set as Turokan suggested.


What about High Elven Void Infested Buildings through for the Rift?


A mix of Suramar/Silvermoon with Nya’lotha touches like obelisks would be interesting, since we still have Void whispers and the buildings would obviously be Elven in origin, would be an interesting plot point to have the Void whispering instructions on how to build a city…


I’d feel much less bad if they’d updated the npcs in the Rift to wear parts or all of it here and there…

Also I think a robe/ more covered version would be nice.

Yeah. Even though it was supposedly closed off again, like the Dark Portal that connection should still be there… Void Elves could have opened it again and ventured there… Betting the Draenei might not mind that either…

Might…you know… have to fight off a few remaining demon forces though. lol

I honestly think you might be on to something…

LFD and Nightborne are a main focus of this pass and Void Elves seemed tacked on initially with the ear options… Then halfway through they add 5 natural hair colors?

What if… They are holding back more void options for a larger pass but realized that the climate right now was… well what its been for so many years. Releasing just the ears caused a lot of stir… adding the hair makes folk see it as something valuable.

I’ve heard rumours that the next expansion might have something to do with the Light… what if the Void Elves while we’re gone had to kinda look out for themselves a bit. had to pull out as Turalyon went a little light crazy?

Implications are interesting.

You may have revitalized my interest in wows story…

I’m not sure if I should thank you or be mad at you.

Well I absolutely adore both this picture and yours. I’d be wearing that chest piece right now wings and all if that were the heritage.

Yeah. Wish there was a set of cloth and plated heritage armor for all races… Just having one heritage really feels limited.

Fair enough.

I wouldn’t be against it.

I imagine they’ll have to eventually. They need resources and they have a vested interest in Azeroth.

But I hope they always hold onto the rift. (or a place like it) The access to the void there is too good to pass up.

All good in my book.

Though I hope they take any ethereal tech in a way that is decidedly Void Elfish.

That said as well I’d say they could always focus on an area in Azeroth steeped in the void. Like the Twilight Highlands.

Pfft. Such dangers are of no concern to-

gets sucked through a portal.

another portal opens in the air and he plops out of it

Erm… what was I saying?

I’d imagine they’d have some looks reminiscent of blood elf and high elf ones of course. They’re from the same places.

But I hope Void Elves develop a little more distinctly.

I like the color pallet above in that city picture cause its reminiscent of Blood Elves but very decidedly void based.

Yeah that would work well.

Also love the idea of the whispers being all like…

“Thats not how you should nail that together.”
“NO! Like this!”


I found some great art to add to the sha/void claws and body options. Check these out!


Those are really cool!

It would be interesting to see extreme Void mutations such as those when they begin to lose part of their physical forms, such as those pictures.


I like those


Found one more of the alteration


Very nice, I like the type of tentacles and void scarification she has too.