Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)


The Silver is gorgeous :heart_eyes:


I wonder if that set comes with metalvoid manipulation powers


Oh, it had better :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :purple_heart:


I hope we get this as well as some other alternative options.

And the wings really need to be barber shop customization.


Since launch I had wanted a colder palette option for VE, and finally after seeing Alleria’s Void Hunter look I got what I wanted. I just really fell in love with the contrast between light and dark and the blue accents, it’s just SUCH a good Void Elf palette that feels unique to them instead of passed down from the Ethereals.

That has been an issue about the VE set for me; it’s really ethereal inspired, leaving little to the actual elf part of “void elf”. But just using Alleria’s new colors brings everything together so nicely as an alternative.

Also I kinda like there’s this slight similarity to Tyrande’s Night Warrior look, to the dark side of the moon and its dark blues, almost void. And using black as a contrasting color helps separating it from the NE aesthetics enough to not feel like the same, while creating that elven commonality.

I just really love Alleria’s new palette :sob: :sob:

Seeing the white and blue NE recolor be offered in a campaign quest makes me hopeful more heritage recolors could be offered for other races hehe!

And for the wings even if not as customization (IDK how feasible that is) at least offer alt set pieces like the fireplume regalia. Choice is king!


I know it’s not likely BUT I love Alleria’s new blue eyeshadow/eye markings and I hope Velves get some options like that in WW or Midnight.

This twitter artist did a mockup of the eye tats/makeup on both normal and void skintones and I LOVE how it looks and gives Velves a more unique and distinct look from Blood Elves:


It also has a Heritage recolor to match Alleria’s new void armor
I can’t post pics :((


I got ya.


sometimes i think about thisi thread as the only saving grace to void elves

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<—like this ?

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It’s a great robe, I used to use it, but I think a heritage robe could be done more velfy…

Kinda like these two concepts.


We could definitely use some of the make-up, tattoos and hair assets and colors Alleria is sporting in both her appearances. I can’t wait to see her actual new model.

Still also hoping they revisit and revamp some of the older heritage armors in general as well as arrange multiple colorations.



I noticed the other day the concept has starry sparkles in her tattoos and they’re more purple than they had been. That and the hair changing color at the ends has me very excited for what void elves can get!

I’m fairly sure much if it will make high elf folk happy too.


The old heritage, every heritage, should have several colorations and variations for plate/leather/mail/cloth identities.


Still needs a chest and helmet update through. I for one would like a plated or cloth chest piece as well as having a epic version of the helmet.


I think for TWW I’m hopeful that we’ll see Alleria go through a lite transformation that will explain her hair getting darker at the ends and the stars starting to show in her tattoos (as well as them darkening). As I’ve seen other mention I wouldn’t be surprised if she goes to Dalaran and we see the Ren’dorei begin to work alongside the Silver Covenant with Vereesa and Alleria maybe deciding to support one another.

I can see Locus-Walker telling her that her continued use of the void can cause such changes in her appearance. At the same time I would like to see Locus-Walker also say that there are ways around it (even if he himself thinks that silly. Its a gift that should be embraced and used yada yada.)

And of course shes apparently having a vision similar to the one other lore character are, but hers is bent towards what Xal’atath is up to and seems almost like a call? I don’t know. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Xal’atath’s role in all this be complicated. That we’ll find out that while her methods aren’t the greatest and we may not entirely want her end goal either that she is also not entirely wrong. But that could go so many different ways I can’t even imagine.

I do note that Xal’atath is currently wearing purple and gold armor very similar to our heritage. I’m really excited to see if there is a reason for that. I’m also of the mind that we’ll likely see either a recolor of our heritage to look like Alleria’s design or another set of armor for Void Elves. Be neat to get weapons too.

I’m just very excited to see where the story is going to go for us. With Alleria front and center and Xal’atath front and center it feels like we’re going to see so much lore for us finally, and I’d bet that lore will come with at least some customizations down the line.

And thats just in TWW. Midnight with its focus on Elves in general (thalassian ones anyways) could do even more.

Many doors are open to us, we need only walk through them. :purple_heart: :octopus:


The saddest part of threads like this is knowing we’ll either never get stuff like this or it’s gonna take decades.

I hope one day they do another mega customization update. We all thought the new Char creation UI would bring so many new things but they trickle in so slowly, one at a time. A hair color here, a new earring here. So much can be done with simple textures, it’s crazy to me that it takes so long. Just hire me as an intern I’ll pump out 20 textures a week.


For all of you who celebrate this holiday season: Happy Holidays!

Not a whole lot has happened for Void Elves this year but we have seen tons of new npcs including at least 5 named npcs!

Not only that but The War Within and Midnight promise to be excellent opportunities for void elves and Thalassians in general!

I’m quite thrilled to see what’s next and hope you’ll all continue to join me in supporting more options for void elves!

Many doors are open to us, we need only walk through them. :purple_heart: :octopus:


Little revamp on the jewelry colors!



Thank you Fen!! <3


Replaced the old underwear color and jewelry pictures in the Main post with these.