Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

i agree with you but it’s ridiculous we have to wait two years or more to catch our customization up to everyone else.


What do you mean? We’re caught up with VulperA and DIDs.



This is the thing I don’t understand. We need Everyone caught up with dracthyr… Blizzard treating so many races as though they’ve got enough when they’re so far off from some of the races… that they thought telling us Dracthyr had a couple billion or so options and that they’ve only bothered to add in a couple hair colors and a few others things for most races in Dragonflight is ridiculous.



I wouldn’t say that in as much as “do these extra customization option justify the time/budget spent on them?” which with Activision-Blizz that was pretty much a nope, hopefully we’ll see a turn around under Microsoft-Blizz.

I’m hopeful due to the inclusion of Earthen, since it means Allied Races as a concept haven’t been forgotten but also Blizz is doing things for fun and to give people more options


What I would like to see is a void knight paladin (paladin that’s infused with void instead of light) for undead and void elf.

Maybe some void pets to tame in Midnight for a void elf hunter theme there are only 3 pets to tame that are void.


Besides the hair and eye colors added on DF, pretty much most AR (except LFD, NB and HMT) remain very limited in terms of customization. VE’s having admitedly a lot of options added in SL, yet none of them “new” texture assets but reused, doesn’t leave them very far from Zandalari and DID now.

But yeah, with exception to HMT, NB and LFD, every allied race needs to be brought up to the level of 3D assets Core Races got.



I do not mind the things we have gotten. I’m glad for those who really wanted them. But I desire more void options. More options in general and I long for a great deal of the things in the Main Post here.

Especially that Onyx skin tone… and that starcursed hair effect… and tattoos dang it!

And that also doesn’t negate the many things I want for Blood Elves.

I can’t wait to see what Midnight (or even TWW) brings to us all.

But really Blizzard is just playing catch up until they seriously try to bring everyone up to par… and I just… I don’t get why they don’t put more focus on that. Its an easy win for a company that hasn’t gotten a lot of great press even now.


Midnight seems to be the last chance for Void Elves to get lore and more development. I hope they will get more lore with this expansion because I don’t see other opportunities like this for them.

The first expansion (TWW) of the WS saga could also add some Lore to the void elves. Alleria is a void elf and she will be an important character. :crossed_fingers:

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I mean, they gave a major cosmetic overhaul, questline, and opened to all races Warlocks… in the expansion that had nothing to do with them.

(I’m absolutely expecting Elf stuff in the lead up/during Midnight though)


It’s a lot easier to not.

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And finally I recolored the VE heritage to match Void Hunter Alleria :smiley:


Old gods I’d kill for that!

That would be much easier to mog too. The Purple and gold is neat and all but few mogs really easily work with that plus this stuff would work so well with Alliance pvp/warfront armor.


Pretty much. We really need more VE options at the end of the day, all we have is purple and gold and there’s really not enough to try to match to that.


If they could add more detail to the chest armor and make the helmet better than what it is now than it’ll be great.


First, don’t touch my helmet! I still wear it fairly often and actually love it. Lol

Second, I am an avid supporter of a more armored and a robe version alternative being added to the heritage.

The one we have now doesn’t feel right for a lot of classes imo.


My biggest wish for the hertage set would be to fashion the bra into at least a proper corset, similar to the Windrunners or the Alliance Druid/Rogue sets in Wrath.

Also having the heritage wings as a cosmetic at the barber as opposed to being coupled to the chestpiece.

Also robed leggings, a Ranger style feathered shoulder with Dark Phoenix feathers, and a diadem/faceplate, again sporting Dark Phoenix motifs.

All of these as alternatives ofc if we’re so lucky as to have heritage sets revisited and evened out across the board.


These would be fantastic!

I’d kill for that corset design honestly. Still use that very set on a lot of toons.

Heritage Wings always should have been a barber option. That they attached it to the chest always seemed like a poor move.

I cannot explain how nice it would be to have the ranger style and robbed leggings options. All very good.

I hope when Blizzard sees this they take that into account… Also this was wonderfully said I’m adding it to the main post later today.


Adjusted some wording and added in the picture of the New Alleria colorations on our heritage. Very awesome to see.


And recolor for the guys! Also added the helm and cloak :D!