Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

TY Fen! working on some jewelry styles now, so here’s a lil preview!


Old Gods, the Titans and the Holy Light that is glorious!


And I fit those jewelry and metal color options into the main post.


Hot take…

Remove dark ranger skins for velves

Make velves like worgen in that they’re purple skins are activated in combat.

There, now your race actually has identity and flavor instead of being an amalgamation of nerd dreams.

Like have you guys seen blonde, dark rangers with tentacles. Christ…

I have indeed. Its nice that players can have void elves from all sorts of different avenues.

Be they an Umbrician or Allerian void elf they’re all great. Rather love seeing the interesting stories people have come up with for their void elves using the ‘natural’ tones and hair colors as well as with the Dark Ranger options.

Makes for a very interesting race coming together for a number of different reasons to study, train with, and utilize the void on a level most cannot.


Yeah, no…

What it does is create a race with no solid identity that stole a horde sub race and now has two of while horde only has one.

And yet we still get people asking for actual helves, so velves getting pale skins was pointless anyway.

Its your right to believe otherwise.

I prefer to enjoy what I see before me.

You can currently choose to be one of Umbric’s group who were studying the void to protect their people, never had great love for the Horde overall, were exiled, meddled with a curious artifact that they were a little to willing to toy with, got trapped nearly turned into void ethereals, and then were saved and swore themselves to Alleria.

Or you can be among the Wayfarers or Scholars coming from either one of the many High Elven settlements or Blood Elven lands to study and learn as Alleria did.

Dark Rangers is easy to figure, as you can just be one of the ones previously serving Sylvanas who was curious, or you’re actually a Void Elf that was felled during the war and raised as Sylvanas was clearly willing to do.

The great deal of options available really highlights how nice actually open customization is for character making and back story.

The character I’m on even started with his high elven skin tone before a story beat in my RP’s led to him going further into the void and he became more like Umbric’s group.

Far as high elves people are always going to ask for them… Why wouldn’t they? Despite everything what they were looking for was never given and they’re quite passionate about it. Will they get what they want? I don’t know. I’d have said probably not before the Earthen were announced but now that I know Blizzard has no requirements to allow or disallow a race from Allied Race candidacy I don’t see why its not a possibility.

Personally though I still think any additional high elven things will just be given to both Void and Blood Elves. Most of it easily crosses over for all involved anyways. Though I wouldn’t put it past Blizzard to do the name plate honestly.

Hoping TWW and Midnight bring plenty of good Void options though. We could use many of the things labeled in the main post. In particular I hope Blizzard has been listening about Starcursed hair, more skin tones, additional tentacle options, and I’d really really like to see our Heritage “wings” be a barber shop thing instead of the armor itself.


Varx is it you?

Lol do I know you?

No. People like the Dark Ranger Skin Tunes on Void Elves and they have no problems with them.


Yeah of course they do.

Doesn’t mean it should have happened.

Lots of people don’t know this but chances are DR skins for velves were a bug.

The day they came out all velf players couldn’t see the skin in the forums. That combined that there’s no DR velves in lore and alliance has two DRs while horde only has one is very sus.

But they didn’t have the thick skin to fix it day one. So now we have a chimera race

Oh! I love this conspiracy theory!

So the reason this doesn’t hold water is because the same glitch happened (to fewer people) when they added the tentacle toggle as well! Isn’t that funny?

So probably not a bug that we got dark ranger skins, though there is an associated bug with the forums when void elves get new options.


No it was definitely a bug…

Dr skins worked just fine for belves and nelves.

It was basically a byproduct of belves getting it since the velf model is too close to home so the spaghetti code was effected.

And again, there are no DR velves in lore and the alliance now has two DR races while horde has one even though DRs were a horde gimmick originally.

It was a forum bug not a bug related to some mistake the devs made adding skins.

You’re seeing a symptom and pretending it means x.


No man it was a bug that reflected in the forums.

You keep ignoring everything else.

There are no velf DRs in lore and how does it make sense that alliance has two DRs while horde has one?

It was not meant to happen.

It only did because the spaghetti code that separates velves and belves is so flimsy that velves got something they weren’t supposed to.

And since the h/velf fan base is so insufferable, blizz didn’t have the skin to correct it.

DR skins for only belves would have been a perfect remedy to the mistake of giving velves pure skins and diluting their race.

The rest isn’t pertinent.

This doesn’t mean they gave it to void elves on accident… There is literally no proof of that.

The same bug that happened when they gave us tentacle toggles? Alongside the Natural skin tones?

Correlation does not imply causation.

You have no reasonable reason to believe that in one case it was a mistake and the other it was intended.


Hate to jump in mid argument.

I just want face tats like Alleria has. Also better armor worth mogging. Unless traders post or stores are where we get transmogs now?


Alright, so then explain to me why night borne don’t have DRs skins?

That would be nice.

Tattoos is a long requested thing. I’m fairly sure it will eventually be added. I’d bet in Midnight most likely.

Armor I could write a whole paper on… I don’t dislike our heritage I just think it doesn’t fit with a lot of mog concepts and is poor for more armored classes.


I would assume based on what I know of how the models work that because the Night Elves and Nightborne models are different the effort to actually make the skins and eyes work on them was more than it was for Blood Elves and Void Elves.

Which still doesn’t indicate any sort of actual bug associated with it. Thats just a conspiracy. :smiley: