Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

My endometriosis is from having too much estrogen as well. I’m on progesterone to bring that down.

I think the feminine men and women are the Dracthyr visage. It’s just too bad mine has to be a weird lizard most of the time. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

they hide your grooviness under a masculine reptile suit.

I don’t know if I’d call that masculine. I’d call it car insurance mascot. :laughing:

oh? what compan…oh geico. hehe

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I find it interesting that when someone/something looks androgynous if people can’t see breasts, they assume male.

Yes I know dracthyr/dragons aren’t exactly reptiles, but they don’t have mammary glands. Dracthyr have 4 body types to choose from so those who prefer thin/feminine looks can use 1 and 2 while those who prefer thicker/masculine looks can use 3 and 4. Yes they could use more, all races could imo.

Also, I’ve personally wanted beards for female dwarves.

All this being said I would not object at all to more body types and customizations that would make male/body type 1 characters look more feminine on all races.

But since this is a velf thread, ranger customizations when?! Also I want Alleria’s hair style!


me too lol

it probably doesnt help that i watch my son play genshin impact, where the males are just as pretty as the females and the females are not modest, at all lol i blame anime art.

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I want her hairstyle and the ability to have the hair fading into a void color. Thats something thats been on my list for ages.


Yes, that looks cool too! I’m just hoping for more options in general since the only thing I’ve changed on this toon is her eye color. I went with the dark blue option but nothing else has made me want to change her up since I made her when I first unlocked velves in Legion.


Since Void Elves will (Likely) be taking a focus in the next 2 Xpacs it would be smart to do an actual pass (Instead of copy paste) for them to make the NPCs look better.

Right now they are very limited and if they add a bunch of NPCs they would all look the same.


This is really neat.

Made by Ramavatarama, an Alleria’s new look recolor of the Void Elf Heritage armor.

I am so for this!



grabby hands


grabby tentacles


Thank you ;D! I wanna try some slight recolors to match the new Alleria palette as well!


After finishing the Tyr’s Guard quest, it really comes across as a set up for a new Neutral Paladin organization, and thus paladins for everyone who might wanna join. Feels like the natural progression for what they did with Tyr. It does comes across as a slightly less human centered Silver Hand, that could evolve to be more unique, but nothing really groundbreaking.

The problem remains with VE being so anathema to the light; from that perspective, there’s still little to build the idea of a Void Paladin with its own lore. At most it feels like we could get VE and Forsaken that are so dedicated that they might might it work like a Discipline Priest, holding both Light and Shadow and persisting on the edge.

Could be an interesting perspective to have two races struggling to wield light due to their nature -and one for each faction- yet still, Tyr’s Guard does come with the homogeneization of it all regardless, of concepts that could have been so much more interesting.

IDK, I feel like if we get VE Paladins through Tyr’s Guard, it will really lack the flavor we were hoping for, and at best we would only get a “Disc Priest Like” philosophy. It really does feel like Tyr’s Guard is the set up for Paladins for All, but I am not expecting a paradigm shift.

Or VE Paladins never happen canonically and in universe they will just be treated like High Elves that work alongside the Void Elves lmao.


This is kinda how I feel about it. Really nothing exciting if they’re going that route where it could have been so much more.

I honestly hope not. There isn’t actually anything in the lore that truly keeps us from that class. At worst it seems to me it would be just and inconvenient as the Forsaken.


I especially love the skin color and hair options here. More than anything though, I find it hard to play a blood or void elf at this point just because their faces lack so much detail in comparison to other races. It looks like the faces here are also a bit more distinct around the eyes and stuff but I could be wrong, haha. Either way, it’d be nice to see them get some more detailed customization and options. I feel like night elves have gotten so much, it’s about time Blizzard gives more love to other races.


I will accept this only if Tyr has special dialogue about VE Pallies under his banner. On account of how he died originally.

We have become our own Xalatath.

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There was potential for SUCH cool concepts, from the cycle of Light and Void to Twilight magic, but it feels we won’t be seeing any of that.

Yeah, honestly in terms of lore it feels like it would just be “hard mode” for Void Elves and Forsaken. We know there CAN be Forsaken Paladins, so it really isn’t an issue of impossibility, but how common it could be. But given Tyr himself is a representative of Order, he could 100% gift them with the tools to better balance Void, Death and Light.

Using Discipline, Order, to resolve the internal anathema for Void Elves and Forsaken could be a very interesting concept if embraced. If anything, Void Elves have been created around the fact of controlling the void, so it could be an organic progression for them to take it to the extreme.

If this is all that’s done with it, IDK, it would be super fun if Entropic Embrace changed the color of Paladin (and Priest) abilities for it’s duration. Even if it had no gameplay effect it would look cool AF haha.


wishing i had more hair options rn. and hair color. and skin color. and jewelry. and stuff.


Even just showing Void Elves adapting the teachings of the Light and using the void in its place would have been amazing honestly. But yeah… Wasted potential if they’re just adding everyone via Tyr and his human paladin formats.

This. Entirely. Like this would be an amazing way to expand that concept and still not have to do a whole lot spell look wise and make it easier on Blizzard while still paying attention to the races lore and concepts.

I’d be good with that.

I don’t see why not. They can clearly do this given the Man’ari. :smiley:

Yeah. I feel like we’ve a fair few hairstyles overall and any new ones should and could be better made to accept the tentacle toggle without leaving gaping holes.


You know what, I’ll admit I was wrong.

Midnight seems to be the expansion that will give you Void customization. Blizzard would be foolish not to, as it’s the best time to do it. Hopefully they don’t do the bare minimum, and actually go all out.

Like add Void Knights (Paladins) too.

They may even give me my wanted High Elves as an Allied Race too. Maybe San’layn too.

I will give props to the Void Elves who choose to be Blue. You the real ones there, as that’s dedication.