Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Please, please add blood elf hair customizations to void elves and FOR THE LOVE OF THE GODS ADD THE VOID ELVES ONES TO BLOOD ELVES.

Void elves have the real sexy hairstyles it’s not even a joke.


Re-origination may be powerful enough to actually destroy a thing without sending it to its realm.

Also Old Gods would return to the Void not the Twisting Nether. Thats for Demons.

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“Her dreams sing beneath the surface. Our dreams. Our song.”

thrall and Anduin are hearing Her. Alleria is hearing the void/old gods". :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, the one he is shot with after a portion of him was locked away in the nice knife phylactery. Dude has been planning this for eons. Some silly laser didn’t end him.

well if its a naaru, it may be going corrupted and its resisting. light wielders hear her when she’s light, and alleria hears her when shes void

Could be, but from the cinematic, we know it’s the world soul calling out to Thrall and Anduin.
I am curious to learn more about the crystal thing though.

thrall says he doesnt know who it is and neither does anduin. thrall does mention its like messages from someone dreaming, which we know is true for azeroth, that shes dreaming. in the lovecraft lore, the old god…is it azathoth, is dreaming. i forget the lore but azeroth itself may be a slumbering old god and xal is trying to wake her up

Well, Void Elves. Midnight may be the expansion that you’ve long desired for after all these years. High Elf fans might be getting what they want as well. More so Void, since 2 of the main characters for it are Void Elves.

It would be odd to have all that going for Midnight and not give Void Elves more options.


Indeed. I suspect there will be new options at least by then.

Or playable Void Dwarves

Heh, trying to be optimistic.

Been trying real hard not to comment on how I feel about Earthen…


Also fun fact since Warriors can mog Staves I’ve been using Voidsong on my Arms Warrior and just pretending it’s an axe :3

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Well yeah, they claim that they don’t know. But we know. It literally tells us in the subtitles.
“[World Soul] : Anduin…” and we’re even shown it. Exactly the same color as azerite, as one would expect it to be.

The crystal is something else. I’m also curious to see how the void tie into her dreams and the roots of the original world tree.

Hrm, yeah it’s azathoth that’s the simple minded thing at the center of creation, but I don’t remember if it’s slumbering and a quick wiki check only mentions sleep in relation to a separate work that could have inspired it’s creation.

Would be pretty neat if it was an old god and the titans were trying to change it from being one.

Now thats…a really good idea… Might take a look at that for my velf warrior.

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I probably won’t make one (barring seeing more customizations for them) but I can see why Blizz picked them to be an AR, they’ve been in the game since the beginning and have a lot of lore about them so I can see them wanting to get them out there, A case of wanting to do it and hopefully people like them more when they actually get to play them rather than a steadfast demand for playable Earthen (like Pandas and Dracthyr and obviously Void Elves).

That said since they’re specifically called out as AR I HIGHLY suspect we’ll get more races throughout the expansions, maybe even playable Nerubians.

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It’s really fun, the behind the back twirl is so over the top silly when auto attacking :3

Also if you like wind effects the Primal Air enchant mog from DF fits perfectly on it.

I’ll leave my ranting for Earthen vs. Dwarves we already have stuff for a thread more towards that point, but I would like to say that ALL AR requests are more valid than they’ve ever been after Blizzard released another dwarf and neutral to boot.

Literally anything is on the table now.

I doubt the Nerubians myself but those new models were definitely :eyes:

I do hope we get more ARs throughout, preferably ones players have actually been requesting…

I’m very excited for what the War Within will do for Void Elven stories though. I cannot wait to see whats in store.


Give us the eye customizations Blizz

And Alleria’s hairstyle. I’m weak for side shaves.


She’s not shaved, she has braids.


I am equally weak for that.


I love how Nordic the look is, since elves originate from Norse mythology. It’s a very nice touch.