Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Void elves and blood elves need hairstyles with braids and feathers like Alleria, (farstrider/ranger customizations :bow_and_arrow:).


I like how here and Xal look like everything High Elf & Void Elf fans have been clamoring for.

I might do a bit of a deep dive on their looks latter and what we can expect for Void Elves.

Alleria heading to Dalaran has me intrigued greatly…



I’d like to think in World of Warcraft : Midnight we finally get some Void Elf love. Since it’s centered on the Void.

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I have no doubt that Midnight will feature SOMETHING for Void Elves and probably Blood Elves as well.

But there is no way we finally get Void Elf story development starting with Alleria and Xal’atath only to NOT get anything in the War Within.

Plz Blizz Senpai, notice us with something at least in War Within.


I’d like to think so too, but the Alliance accepted void elves like Toby accepted buying that doll from Darryl in the office.

This could also just be due to limitations on Zone resources as odd as that sounds.

To make a “core” race it has to have a starting experience for lvl. 1 - 10. They could just make it be Exiles reach, but the community would light them up for it. Allied Races are designed to just plug and play at lvl.10.

It honestly could be part of why Dracthyr haven’t been announced any new classes, because then the Forbidden Reach would have to be scaled to lvl. 1 - 10 for their starting zone. I mean…they COULD do it.

What I notice is the darkness spreading through her hair.

Confirming that newer members might take awhile but can go blue too? o-O


eh not really, especially if they kept the 1 drac limit

Going to go out on a limb and say Blizzards response would be “It Varies” so all their bases are covered.


Don’t see the point of keeping the limit if all our characters are going to be selectable from the same screen. They may keep it but doesn’t seem like it’ll affect very much, might as well do away with it.


They’re removing the limit with the next expansion. They stated that at the beginning of DF.

Sweet, As soon as they open up the classes I might make and play more dragons then.

Alleria time baby, let’s go!

Btw anyone noticed the reference?

I get it.

All 3 have a Windrunner!

oh no they’re gonna kill Anduin off :scream:

How else are we going to restart the Sunwell?

Just wow, i want to personally thank you for putting this together. I have a void elf monk alt and if i had these choices, i would instantly main him.

Great job on this post, you rock!!!

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Nice, I knew it wasn’t gonna matter anymore with the way the character selection screen is going to work with warbands.
All of our characters will be selectable from a single screen. Also with all the account wide stuff like the bank and such…why will being on different servers even matter anymore?

I’m kind of wondering if we’ll get any little surprises at the end of this expansion like we did the last one with the dark ranger skin. I still wish that’d have been a lot more substantial, but it was a nice addition.

