Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

You forgot ogres, mok’nathal, and broken draenei.

Oh and jinyu.

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Love this thread. Please more Void options Blizzard, this thread is full of fantastic ideas that should have been an inspiration from the get-go. Give me a reason to make a Void Elf.


Jinyu I get to a degree, but the others? People hoping for those in bfa were setting themselves up for certain disappointment because there was never any indicator any of those would be ARs that expansion. Especially given the history of ARs.

The history of AR’s wasn’t much of an history. It is still open for those races to be introduced as playable.

It really depends, it is a murky thing, but won’t be new to what blizz does in the past. I truly think this will do more harm to VE then good if done incorrectly for the most part and I don’t think it would be a bad thing if they apologize and go back on this for the betterment of the game.

I also digress, I may make another thread at a later date just for half elves but atm this is pretty much my reaction thread to VE’s customizations and to see if I can get more ideas for a more detailed thread.

Fair enough.

Wow this was a really, really long reply to read. :yum: :yum: :yum:


I thought it best to tend to as many as I could.

A lot happened between 2am and 9am my time. Lol


fen has studied in class and knows how to write long carefully thought out replies with good. punctuatioN


He is also not as lazy as some of us (guilty as charged) with his writing skills.


Yes… I totally didn’t trick all my teachers into thinking I put way more time into my essays and projects than I did and that is not where my skill truly lies. >.>

Oh gods don’t say this!

You have no idea how lazy I am! Its terrible. I have more than 70 unfinished documents going. T_T

You know why there isn’t a Furbolg or Alteraci Human thread? Because its still half put together over there in my google docs!


You SHOULD be thanking your lucky stars I didn’t come out of college British literature speaking like Maurdeth…XD

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Thank you.


That sounds more amusing then it should be.


Rhokthok’s fellow Mag’har brethren are from the alternate future. Rhokthok demands to know his alternate past present and future.


Your future is full of lightbounding… or bounding onto the light.

If Rohkthok chooses to become lightforged, would I be able to get that golden gem on my head like you?

Sure, comes with the sale for free.

In the future you’re a one armed Orc trying to teach Zappy boi how to go Super Troll… wait no… that’s the plot to DBZ Android saga…