Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

this would be cool. for belfs/velfs, it would need to be oval or heart shaped for females and squared or rounded for males. but they’d need to address the eyes, eyebrows and lips

Well Nightborne already have an eye shape option, so I don’t see why other races couldn’t get that as well. Maybe the eye option could be re-engineered for lip shape as well?

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Has anyone got new faces since the Shadowlands updates?

Given all the rigging I might see why that hasn’t happened.

Basically; they could spend the resources and time to create new geometry that more closely matches how faces used to look like, that is doable.

I just don’t feel they have any incentive to do so; it’s not just not a priority, but IMO something they don’t actively care about really.

Like at most I could see them introducing face shapes and eye shape like Human and Nightborne have, but yeah, I don’t think they will ever go out of their way to try to recapture the look of the original models. It has been 8 years almost and they have never even acknowledged as an issue. The train has long left the station.

I think any new customization options will be aesthetically new as well (as the human face shapes) so at most I hope we get good options to mix and match.

Only Humans got them then, and no one since. The most we have seen on that front are the NB new eyes shrug

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Do y’all think they will give void elves/high elves dark brown hair? I would love my high elf (role play wise) to have dark brown hair similar to the humans dark brown hair.


Its always possible.

Hair colors are easy to implement in general so I don’t see why they wouldn’t.

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I wonder why they haven’t done it by now.

Same reasons they haven’t just spread every color to every race.

Or expanded hairstyles to everyone.

Heck just sharing every hairstyle and color to every race.

It takes time to do and a willingness to focus on that, and blizzard hasn’t decided that that sort of player choice is worth the dollars.


More hair would just generally be one of the better things they could do.

I would love just an entire patch of nothing but hair styles/colors.


comes in munching void popcorn

Soooooooo about all that Midnight and elf tribes and new Alleria and Xal concept art.

munching intensifies


I want Xal’s eyes.

And tattoos.


I like that they gave her a new look.


New Alleria concept art and a new Xal’atath model with cool eyes gives me hope for new Velf and Helf customizations!

I just hope they don’t wait until the Midnight expac to add it in




she has belf tats, so prediction, those will be the new tats for belf/velf


I hope the Void Elves get a better Heritage Armor Set like Alleria’s.


Alleria’s bodypaint is Starcursed!!!

And so is her Hair!

Actual Void Eyes? Yes please.

It looks a lot petter then the current set IMO.

Those are old got runes.


That’s how you do High Elves better. Void Elf Overhaul Race Change would be nice. Heritage Armor Set Change, More Features to add to the Void Elves like Hairstyles, Starcursed stuff of half high elf, half void elf void, tattoos, or just go all out Void like Xal’atath or something crazy like the Neurbians.


whats a warband? also if thats alleria in the pic up there she looks so beautiful

It feels like they are directly taking our feedback for Alleria’s new appearance.

Void Elves might finally get the attention they needed when they where made lol