Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

More of a fan of Starcursed Eyes myself.


i just want new hairstyles, preferably some bun hairstyles, braids, maybe a pixie style and a long style where you can see both eyes. oh and pink consecration. :grin:


For what little lore we have this would work perfectly well.

The Light hurts but doesn’t prevent them from its use.

Heck in older lore her priests supposedly did work with the shadow magics.


maybe they could do it like the old version of shadow priest, where you’re a normal healer if you dont go shadow but if you pop into shadow, you’re a shadow priest. do that with void - out of void, you’re a normal paladin with holy consecration and light heals, in void, you’re a void pally. hmm, the consecration is void, heals pop you out of void form, like shadow priests use to be popped out of shadow if they wanted to cast heals

Isn’t se Light/Void/Arcane/Life now?

They need to stop adding too her IMO.

Nah, these days shes seemingly more arcane, light and nature with nature being the principle. The Light part being possibly just a reflection she grants. They’ve removed all her shadow references far as I can tell.

But… Night Warrior…

Theres no shadow there far as I can tell. (magic wise)

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IMO the interesting bit is that she being linked to arcane is more of a gameplay conceit; once they started to use more the concept of “Astral” magic many abilities that are Elune themed are referred as Astral magic.

There was always the question as to why if NE had banned arcane magic they still used it in relation to Elune; I think it was never arcane magic outright, but “Astral” magic that occupies a similar niche.

Heck, I would even venture that whatever Astral magic is, specially Elune’s, functions as both Arcane and Light magic, because her power also is what grants the Priesthood their abilities.


Something is going on. i have the dark ranger skin tone with aqua eyes. when did they change that?

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more void > less highelf.


eeh, it was just a glitch


sadge /10c


They should really separate out the eyes from the skin tone anyway. Make both independent. So people can chose any skin tone they want with the red eyes.


i just wish they’d revert our eyes and face shape back to tbc and then use high rez textures. this is particularly obvious with the red eyes. they bug out cause the update on our models during wod, stretched our faces too long, resulting in huge bug eyes and no brow bones. we almost look like we have unibrows cause it pulled everything down . the wod skele is not correct.


we use to have heart shaped face now we have oval.
and the eyebrows are right on top of the eyelid/ theres no brow bone.
and check eyesize. yikes. notice how the wod eyebrows have no gap from each other. its elven unibrow


I like oval face shapes, but i agree on the eyes.

the point is, they dont look like blood elves/void elves. they are like a different race entirely with elf ears.

example 2

even the lips are better on tbc model, ear tips too, wod model chin is too long and rounded. tbc models are elfin in appearance. wod models look like humans with elf ears, unibrows and huge eyes. a long forehead in wod model also, cause eyebrows were draw down on top of eyelids.

draenei got it also cause they shared face models with blood elves. now they also have huge eyes.

this is an example of elfin

heart shaped face not elongated, full lips, reasonably sized eyes, nice brow bones. no unibrow and not a massive forehead


Sadly this isn’t really doable, as the old models were very simplistic in terms of geometry so most of the work was done by the textures. Faces didn’t even have eye sockets, it really was just “painted on”

I do wish more options and variations were added to offer more options, even ones tat tried to emulate older features better, but wanting the “old faces back” feels like a pipedream.


Currently Humans have “face shape” options (narrow, wide, round), and Dracthyr have body size options (1-4 in escalating bulkiness). I don’t see any reason why all the other races couldn’t/shouldn’t have similar options. I’d be more inclined to play humans if they had body size options that included 1-2 steps in reduction of bulkiness, and I think the thalassian females could look good with a bit more meat on their bones. Variety is the spice of life.


i saw a 3d modeller explain in video and pictures exactly what to do with the skeleton and texture, to solve the problem. but it was never addressed, likely because it was wod and all development went to garrison. company was making enough money to hire more modellers, so it couldve been corrected, but vanity or customer complaints were not high on priority