Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

I honestly wish they took the Warfront approach with Heritage Weapons/Armor.

1 set for Plate/Mail/Leather/Cloth and a variety of weapon types.

Yeah, don’t give people who just want to fight.

Especially if they want to stir up a 7+ year old subject again… (You think they would have given up by now…)

I remember Obsidian and Ivory skins where some of the most requested Skin Colors in BFA beta. Shame we still haven’t gotten them.

You underestimate Blizzards lack of caring… Though I may be jaded.


They have seen it and do not care. That’s the reality of the situation, as always. And when things come, then 4-5 years later.

i saw these and iw as like i would love for these to be new hair dos





the buns are my fav.


Catching up on this thread now and then is nice, especially whenever there’s excitement over new customization additions (seriously Ramavatarama’s Art is chef’s kiss).

I’m all for more glowy tentacles and hopefully some darker sclera eyes for Void Elves. They should receive more of that “Starcursed” customization ideas that people have been displaying.

I like the 4 new hair colors coming for Blood Elves, gives off Wood Elf vibes with the tanner/brown skin tones imo.

Still waiting for Paladins to be given to all races so Alliance High Elf Paladins can finally be a thing :slight_smile:

Keep up the great work everyone and positive attitudes!


Ideally I would like a base fantasy that’s focused on Void Elf Paladins, but that we could easily use as the way to make High Elf paladins.

Like we don’t need explanation why they are a thing, cause we’ve seen them. Between the Church of Holy Light, the Argent Crusade, and now Tyr’s Guard, it just makes sense pious HE to become paladins, the same way any other AR can potentially be (hopefully soon)

But yeahhhh, we need a good VE explanation.


This is where I’m sitting as well. I want void elf paladins explained and explained well or given a void skin… ideally the void skin one… lol


Probably going to be a single NPC like they did for Lightforged Warlocks.

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Basically! Like I know maybe it’s a stretch that we would ever get “Void” paladins even if it is a cool concept, but there are other possibilities, such as if the “source” of the light changes how it affects Void Elves.

The issue with VE’s is their aversion to holy light, so while we can say paladins could exist, they could be as rare as Undead Paladins.

But like; is Elune’s Light damaging to them in the same manner? Or would be that the sort of thing that wouldn’t harm them? Yeah, basically I have been thinking about the opposing Lunar and Solar Light that we see different races use, such as Night Elves and Tauren and their respective Elune and An’she beliefs fueling their light magic. They do function the same way than the “Light”, thus potentially be able to imbue paladins.

And Elune being a Lunar deity, the concept of the phases of the moon is right there to make a Void connection.

Heh, might be the most we’ll. But yeah, if the answer is “Yeah VE can become paladins” I will shrug and be like “okay”. I just think there are so more cooler ideas to explore.


If the spikes, extra eyes, and Old God eyes were actually options: I might be tempted to voluntarily play an elf.

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I wonder if the next Expansion might finally bring back High Elves and Void Elves into the Picture again as the spotlight? So far it’s mostly just been Night Elves, Undead, Orcs, Humans, and Dragons in the Expansion while other races pretty much sit in the background say for some small screentime for the Draenei and Tauren.

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Probably not a spotlight if datamines and rumors are to be believed. Seems more like it’s gonna focus on Dwarves.


I think we may have been stuffed into the…to be ignored… section. we havent gotten anything unless blood elves got it first or as well. i know they are getting pink hair soon, which is cool, but if we get it also, blood elves will be angry, and theres alot more of them, than us. its not looking very …erm …promising, as alliance allied races are generally being ignored.


Blizzard should add an option to choose the high elf race tag for void elves and blood elves to end this unnecessary fight because both are high elves. :person_shrugging:


Part of me wishes they’d just have the remaining Helves join the Velves and be done with it.

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If they had just used a group of High Elves to start them in the first place it would have prevented so many dang problems.


Perhaps Blizzard should add a quest (like the man’ari quest) to explain the new generation of high elf recruits (void elf) and the return of high elves to Silvermoon (blood elf).

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I would love to have all tentacle hair style, (entirely tentacle) and vampire fangs.

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I still want old god nzoth eyes.
As actual eyes that is. Not anywhere else.
Not that im against eyes in other locations, just not for my character haha