Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

How is that in any way, shape or form our responsibility?

High elf fans are asking for stuff they’d like to see, simple as that, that in no way makes us culpable to there not being more demand for void options.

That’s like saying “how dare you not root for my team instead of your team”.

Root for your own team, like high fans have for years, and hope blizzard listens.


I’d go for a pale, ash blonde instead, but the rest fit quite well tbh. I didn’t think that ash brown would fit that well tbh!

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It’s tricky photoshooping things lighter than the original model is.


White and Black should’ve been there from the start, period. Fits both themes perfectly.


As long as my tentacles aren’t turned into plain streaks of hair. I will be satisfied.


Right? There are plenty of threads (Fen has one!) that are requesting things that he and many others want!
I’m a fan of them too! Starcursed tattoos, glowing starry hair etc…


Barely, they reverted the Void echo around a patch after they were introduced, which is sad because now our emotes are just Blood Elf ones with British accents… don’t get me wrong I like the accent, it’s just not nearly as fun as the Void echo we had.

For how long? How long before the insatiable High Elf fans aren’t satisfied with just somewhat looking like a HE?

Exactly, we aren’t a BE/HE copy, and yet that is what HE fans clamor for, but they can’t really claim to be “High Elves” unless VEs are 99% identical to BEs. It’s a slippery slope.

We already have BE players complaining we already have too many customization passes, the likelihood of us getting another pass is slim at best in another expansion or two, we didn’t even get any customizations in 8.3 the VOID themed patch of BFA… the ship has sailed no?


Here’s some of my list of suggestions I had posted some time ago in this thread for Void elves:

Female Hairstyles:

  • https://imgur.com/a/IZX3C0N
  • https://imgur.com/a/RXQga21
  • https://imgur.com/a/zN9797T

Male Hairstyles:

  • https://imgur.com/a/4oC7moN

Tattoos for both Blood Elves and Void elves. Here are some lovely renditions by Rama - https://imgur.com/a/0PGAa7J - https://imgur.com/a/6DpFtET

Tentacle toggle - https://imgur.com/a/KPCu5Bb

Entropic Embrace skin tones - https://imgur.com/a/Ryl9Lu7

N’Zoth Style Eyes & Black eyes - https://imgur.com/a/x2Y2ytF

Jewelry adorned with Void gems.


I LOVE the third picture with the star/galaxy braided into it! We need more of that!


Here are 2 super hot hair colour suggestions, make sure to check them out:

Cosmic Galaxy White / Purple - https://imgur.com/a/NVXgcXy
Cosmic Galaxy Blonde / Purple - https://imgur.com/a/l34o63y

Pictures by Riot Games (Champion: Lux)


Omg yess! I’m also a huge fan of the cosmic Nidalee! I even have the same gem on my forehead as she does hehe! She even has a cat form that would be LOVELY for Velf druids c:



I’ve mentioned a thousand times at this point but I hope to see them update the Telogrus Rift to show new void elves actively being made from the Scholars and the Wayfarers so we have exactly this sort of thing in writing.

Hopefully it’ll come with a full revamp to the zone with buildings and utilizing all five islands.

I’ll take a look.


That thread was 23 hrs ago when I looked… I don’t think that’d count as a necro.

Advertising another thread can be considered spam in some cases but that doesn’t make it a necro. Plus I’m not entirely against such things in this thread so long as they’re not like… overdone.

Heck I have the Blood Elf customization and the (until recently) main high elf thread up in the OP.

Maybe its been edited since going up to now but I don’t see Brae’s thread trying to remove anything.

I’m a bit confused what the issue is here…

While I don’t see this in your thread itself, the idea of removing already available or promised options isn’t really a bridge I want wow to cross.

The idea that Blizzard could or would at any time just take away an option from a race is a bit… troubling.

I love my void elves, and I’m not that interested in high elves in any real regard these days. (Everything I needed for them came with skin tones, personally.) Also I feel very conflicted on whether or not I think Blizzard will ever add void based options to void elves but in no way do I advocate for the removal of already available options from any race.

Ok… this made me laugh.

I’m not happy about it. But it did.

It hurts to see you so down about Blood Elves futures, though I understand why. Time and again blood elf players have seen high elves seemingly get what they’re asking for and Blood Elf players have gotten little of what they wanted.

The lists of Blood Elf customization are huge and sadly theres far less conflict about it. Just like the Nightborne threads consensus makes it harder to keep those requests on the top of the forum queue’s. I feel like we’re just not seen enough in those regards. Or Void based options for Void elves.

Hard to be entirely certain. Not sure Blizzard has specifically said in full why Void Elves were chosen. We do know the devs rather enjoyed Alleria’s story and decided to run with it.

As far as the reception. It really seemed more mixed to me at first. They probably could have avoided much of it had they not made Void Elves come specifically from Blood Elves rather than have them be a group of the disparate High Elves.

Again though. Hard to really say in the end exactly what they were thinking.

Seen this a few times. Better placed in the Blood Elf customization thread I think.

I doubt it will give many hope exactly though… Its a fan creation not a blizzard one.

Zandrae was the one who made almost all the consolidated Blood Elf lists…

Like hes literally the one who made Blood Elf customization threads and lists over the last at least two years.

They literally brought me back to the game after 7 years away.

Void Elves are amazing. I cannot wait to see more options for their void theme in the future.

No, its not. You’re literally claiming that of the one person who made the Blood Elf threads…

I think thats fair.

Making sure Blizzard knows what you want going from this point on should be done.

Very much this. No use arguing about what is already set in motion. Its not going to do anything.

I’d be extremely surprised if they did this.

Amused to a degree…

Bemused as well… like it’d be obvious thats not what people were asking for in the context of who they were talking to. lol

Like its hard to mess up “natural hair colors.” Which were the words blizzard used.

If they used void touched natural hair colors or something I’d think something might be up.

I don’t really see the devs specifically trying to harm others just because they don’t want to see a thing.

That would be insanely petty.

I find Ellincia there is a good person. They have strong views but they’re not really here to harm anyone.

I don’t think they’re any blood elf players enemy by any means nor any void elf players. (the ones who want actual void stuff I mean)

Tbf, this wouldn’t have happened without the Antis assistance. Conflict breeds long and often bumped threads.

When the Anti’s left here and there your threads fell flat just like every other for the most part.

I don’t agree with this.

One, many high elf pros did do this… sometimes into threads that made no sense to be in… like Ogres…

And two, its unlikely Blizzard is that petty. That would just be a bad business decision overall… plus Blood Elves are on the Horde and are very populous. Its in Blizzards best interest to give them more options to make a wider audience happy.

Given that NO core race has seen any addition and whats been going on with Customizations its much more likely that Blood Elves haven’t been given anything at this time because Blizzard hasn’t yet put the time into core races again since their first initial wave.

I believe this. I have it on some good information that the groups organizing this are not doing it through discords. :stuck_out_tongue:

The Anti discord is not used the way people seem to think it is.

No one needs to put up with transphobic or any phobic types remarks.

You see that in your groups shut down the hate.

Already happening mate.

Probably already happening mate.

Sure why not.

This is an every race issue. lol

I am kinda against that idea. Greys and whites and pinks sure. But the green should stay with blood elves.

The green eyes left them during the ritual that changed them so it stands to reason that void removes the Fel from eyes.

In either case, Green and gold I think should remain for Blood Elves alone since they’re specific to their look and feel.

There are already options for this. Theres the big bright options and the nearly no glow options.

100% this, and while I’m at it the ability to choose which side is blind and have access to all eye colors for half blind options.

Unlikely as mentioned above.

Either way, lets not overdo it on attacking people in these threads.

I’m not interested in this turning into a mud slinging contest. (This does not apply to just you. This thread is not for fighting its for showcasing and requesting void themed customizations for Void Elves.)


This is true.

If one is valid the other must be as well…

Now who is the anti?


Void Elves who want more void themed options have the right to request all the same.

That is part of the frustration for sure.

That said like I mentioned above, Blizzard hasn’t yet returned to Core races.

It sucks that Void Elves(high elf options) have gotten a lot of work. But we’ve gone from “No more customizations” to “We hear players want more customizations and we’re in a bit of a bind so we thought we’d reconsider”. Which is good.

Hopefully it will continue and we will see more options for Core races after they’ve worked on some of the AR’s.

I don’t understand is this like when one of the helf pros came into the Ogre thread to complain that they’d been waiting fifteen years and gotten nothing (at the time) so Ogres shouldn’t be released?

If your issue is this sort of behavior why contribute to it?


This is how those who prefer the void aspect likely feel for the most part.

Again great for the High Elf folk to get what they were asking for. Grats to ya’ll.

But Void Elves void options are still missing and if this is the only AR pass we’ll see for awhile… well that sucks.


It makes no sense to complain that people are derailing your threads and topics, and then to return it in kind to people who widely weren’t against you in the first place.

And none of those gave Void options.

I 100% doubt that Mechagnomes or Vulpera have anything to do with anyones allotment of customization options. At all.

Mechagnomes didn’t stop the Alliance from anything.

They were the only race that made sense beyond things like maybe the Ankoan.

Thats like claiming they stole Sethrak from the Alliance. There was no chance of most of the other races.

Regardless I hope you don’t treat Mechagnome players poorly. (the amount of times I’ve been kicked from groups just for being a mechagnome.)

Sure, but we’ve only gotten high elf options from the two times customizations have been tossed to us.

That doesn’t feel good if your interest is the void aspect. Nothing against High Elf folk in that. Just we want some void options.

We don’t immensely have a guarantee that we will. Keep in mind that blizzard has said scant all about any of the future plans. We only know for sure that LFD and Nightborne are getting a pass, and HMT will at a later date.

I don’t think. (Or at least I personally don’t) that folk feel we’re being erased entirely.

I do think some people in the High Elf community do want that… but they’re a small minority not worth taking seriously. (Though it is maddening.)

It does however feel not the greatest that we’ve seen no new void aspects added through customization.

Appreciate the attempt though. Also it looks fine to me.

I’m personally not a fan of the natural hair colors on the blueberry skin tones.

I appreciate the, last bit. lol

I agree with this.

Heck we have an unfinished black on our NPC’s fairly often.

Thats… thats this thread.

This is my thread.

I do miss that…

Do you mean in the physical actions taken? Cause we have different emotes sound wise for the most part.

Like I said last time I agree with most of this. :stuck_out_tongue:

Often shown with that picture, it is meant to be applicable to all colors as well.


Can you show a picture? I’d be interested to see.


Not really. They are in line with pretty much every other allied race that came out before them. And a lot of people do like them. The main people who tend to have an issue with them are salty sethrak fans. What I think should have happened was gilgoblins paired with them. Ethereals, Arakkoa and Vykrul simply weren’t even on the table for bfa.

I wonder why it is referring to me as Zebra. That’s nothing near my name.

Should I refer to it as something else (like I don’t know, cow?) in return?

This is VERY VERY true but i forgot to add it in when i was replying! However! I disagree with the last part. Our threads are still going strong (It could be because they haven’t left) and still showing up at the top while your thread and the general belf threads don’t get much traction.

Then why didn’t they? That would have been the perfect moment for them to do so. They were literally adding skin and eye colors?

I don’t believe you for a MOMENT. You or any pro who says that there discords don’t do this.

And i never said that they couldn’t or shouldn’t? I’m in full support of them asking for void themed stuff. I also want more void themed things! I was addressing the fact that he was saying the void in void elves is being erased. It’s not. It’s in our racials, voice lines, and story.

It’s probably because we haven’t had our pass yet?

Passes bring hairstyles, jewlery, hair colors, paints, tattoos. Void Elves have gotten nothing of the sort. Our time will come eventually and i’m hoping we will see some cool void tattoos, hair colors etc…

That’s also false considering that the main void elves who are against helf options (which there are quite a bit of them) say that they are being erased which is ridiculous.

I didn’t have my coffee yet, leave me alone :sob: :sob:

You can VAGUELY see it standing next to her! But i’ll show you one in game. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


I think you misunderstand my intent.

When antis leave and you’re all on your own to discuss your threads tend to only get the regular level of traction. Like this one or the blood elf one.

Conflict in a thread breeds more posts. That’s all.

Why didn’t they add anything to any core race?

They’re working on AR’s right now by their own statement.

I’m a mod on the Legacy of the Quel’dorei discord and I am a member of the Anti Discord.

They don’t use it like that. At least not generally.

Especially not recently.

I went back to their first posts in that discord and it’s really just a big joke from when they got kicked out of the LoQ.

They just liked each other and didn’t want to lose touch. (though I’ll grant they were definetly salty at how pros were at the time.)

That said both sides have done things to one another. Effectively your side has (I’ll estimate) 98% of all its requested.

So mostly moot now.

Eh, we may not. Void Elves have been granted options twice.

Then again I’m not that positive about wow right now.

That’s not guaranteed. Ask the Worgen.

I can see the concern and I’ve used the concept before.

At this point though so long as our story doesn’t get replaced with like… Just high elf stuff I think I’ll live.



OK yeah. I can jive with that.


Why not add those customization to belves when they WERE being worked on.

I still don’t buy it but that’s just me personally, seeing how these people act and quickly they do as well but you said it might be something else? So it’s possible

That’s fair. It’s been a frustrating journey with wow especially with the allegations.

Facts! You’re right!

It won’t! The only thing that i could see them doing is saying that High elves have SOMEHOW joined the void ranks which would be awesome tbh.


:sob: :sob: I REALLY want druids or Shamans! It would be so cool!

Honestly hard to tell. Blood Elf players were not shy about talking about what they wanted to see. (I was one of them.) Whether it was a disconnect between Blizzard and the wider Blood Elf community, or that Blizzard ran out of time to put more than what they did add is just not known.

Once Blizzard announced they were going to do customization though pretty much everyone and their mothers uncle threw out ideas for all races. Its not like Blizzard didn’t know who wants what.

I get the response times are sus, but keep in mind we’re all in the same threads and we all have similar time frames where we’re active.

When stuffs going on in those circles… it stands to reason most folk interested (either for or against) would show up.

I wont say that they haven’t posted particular bits of threads before, but the intent has never been to gang up on anyone.

Certainly not in the way everyone often ascribes it to them.

And again, 99% of what they talk about isn’t even WoW related these days. lol

Literally we were talking about d100’s the other night and how they explode when you hit them with golf clubs.

As for mass flagging specifically, I’m 99% sure its neither the Pro side or the Anti side specifically. Individuals maybe, but most of that sort of stuff is either just deserved flagging (which Blizz actions) or outsiders tired of seeing the helf thread debates at all (which Blizz usually restores).

That and even aside from it…

Customizations alone have been quite the polarizing debacle even outside high elf threads.

But mostly the allegations yeah.

I hope so. (to the It wont! bit.)

I’m not against the High Elves joining the Void Elves and becoming (at least mostly) void elves themselves. I’m less enthused but also perfectly fine with the notion that the High Elves in the Alliance and the Void Elves would just join their forces. That feels too close to trying to drop Void Elves potential story to me.

What I -really- don’t want to see is Void Elves joining the High Elves… that would not feel great.

Preferably I’d like to see the Void Elves be friendly with the High Elves in the Alliance and the SC and otherwise go it their own.

Hopefully with a big redo of Telogrus Rift. I want to see buildings and spires and a controlled Void Storm!

I have ideas on that… big ones.

The void opened many doors for us. Its time we walked through them!

I’m not super into druids for Void Elves specifically. That said I have a mandate on my main that he will volunteer to train ANY race to be druids. I’ll even sacrifice him to Blizzard if they want to take him and have him do that.

Void and Druidism doesn’t mesh terribly well with each other that said, the Nightmare could be used and if the Void Elf druids were using it and helping to contain it… maintain balance.

I think that could work.

It’d have to be done very carefully though. And I want other druids to be kinda…iffy on trusting them.

Shamans and the void is bad juju.

Dark shamans are generally universally evil and destabilize the world. Elementals don’t like the void and I don’t really personally see that happening.


LOVE, LOVE, LOVE those druid forms. Ughhhh, why does Riot have to do such a FINE job every single time while Blizzard just sits around scratching’em?!! :rofl:


Heroes of the Storm does great work.